Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

Yes, that's it! How to know you've been stalked/hacked/doxxed, by Toxic:

1. Someone on a public forum starts making screen names using the names of your family members.
2. Someone on a public forum mentions how another poster sent her your photo, taken from your social media account.
3. Someone on a public forum reveals your real name and a criminal uses it to start sending you threats via your personal email and your social media account(s).
4. Other ppl on a public forum who are in contact off-forum with the first someone start making references to information about you that you did not publicly share.

Yes, Toxic knows from personal experience all of the above signs, but not as a victim.

A lot of that sounds like what the harpies did, especially #4. I wrote a post about this back then and will try to find it and share it.
Because I know that no "harder evidence" exists, and so do you, faux feminista.
Cfan only needs hard evidence when she's protecting her own position. If it's a Trump issue, or conservative under attack/suspicion - no hard evidence neccesary.
A lot of that sounds like what the harpies did, especially #4. I wrote a post about this back then and will try to find it and share it.

It's funny that you call them "harpies". That, and "the coven," are what Toxic and her merry band of mean girls called me and my band of perfect angels <inserts self-deprecating snort> I used this for my profile pic for a long time.

It's funny that you call them "harpies". That, and "the coven," are what Toxic and her merry band of mean girls called me and my band of perfect angels <inserts self-deprecating snort> I used this for my profile pic for a long time.


Our harpies preferred "kabal", yes, they spelled it with a "K."

I like the pic. Nothing pisses them off more than when you take their words and run with them!
PM me for the sordid story.

Anything sordid around here always has cfan in the middle of it! She has always been the first to post about anything salacious if it involves a conservative. I was told she's knee deep in board BS, and should be avoided. This sounds like its part of what I was already told about her and the chick mod phandismal and the one they called darla.

So while I'm somewhat intrigued- I'll continue to just observe and poke at faux outrages that illuminate her biases and gross hypocrisies.
Oh geeze. How many were in their icky little klub?

Which explains perfectly why black ppl can use the n-word as they do, but in our mouths it remains a racist slur.

Four. It started with three women and freedumb. Then one of the women just disappeared off the board and the others carried on without her.