Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

Well, Fentoine. As far as I can figure, there was this Girl Gang and their Leader Queen was Darla. And Christie and Phantasmal were, like, gang members that had pink bandanas. Then, there was this other Girl Gang that had baby blue bandanas, and they had some 'harpies' that would 'harp' and stuff. And then one of the 'harpies' posted some unflattering pictures of Darlas' Gang. So, there was this HUGE hissy fit, and naturally, Grind and the Moderators had to get involved. Through months of intensive interrogations, evidence form both Girl Gangs, and sworn testimony, a decision was reached. The 'harpies' Girl Gang was perm-banned. Now ... 7 years later, the 'Conspiracy Theorists' are sifting through the assembled evidence, re-questioning the surviving witnesses, and questioning the Moderators decision and conclusion.

Any other questions?

Ha ha ha! OMG- the best cliff notes ever!
The mods were given no evidence worthy of the name, and we both know it.

Repeating claims based on contrivance isn't evidence.

The mods were given plenty of evidence but Y O U don't know it. And it wasn't contrived, it was linked but you're too arrogant to admit it.

Why haven't you addressed this?

"Harpy was given lots of time to find on this forum what she was taunting people people about. It was a simple enough thing to do if those comments were actually on the forum but they were not. Even you understand this although for some crazy reason you're pretending not to.

If I were being accused of doxxing and wrote a post saying, for example, "There's a sealed record showing that Legion stole a car and went joy-riding as a teenager ", you would demand that I prove it. And if I couldn't show where I got that info, it would be because I was lying or because it didn't exist. Harpy didn't admit to lying nor would she say where she got the info she posted.

In all of this you have refused to accept what I'm saying is true but you've give no explanation for why I would be lying and Harpy would be telling the truth outside of the usual misdirection."
Go sober up Jack. You don't know what went on here seven years ago and you look like a fool.

Btw how long is Legion going to manipulate you into believing his lies?

hahahahahahahahahaha ........ I could care less about what went on here 7 years ago. AND, It doesn't matter to me if you want to be a clone of Owls'. What DOES interest me is that YOU will don the Burqa of Owl and be her Subject, her pliant mouthpiece, her surrogate. I LOVE watching Owl gather her compliant females into a gaggle, it's FASCINATING how she does it. Naturally, as a Forum participant, I like to know who the drones are. This is like a repeat of her gathering of The Triplets on the Amazon Forum, quite remarkable. I rarely see a 'Girl Gang' being formed and implemented so vividly. It's like watching Junior High girls clicking up for Defense against other Junior High girls. Like The Triplets, you will lose your individual identity and simply be referred to as The Burqa Girls, that's the downside, you lose your personality, you just become a parrot of the Leader.

So you say.

Well? Don't your rules for debating liberals cover this?

In all of this you have refused to accept what I'm saying is true but you've give no explanation for why I would be lying and Harpy would be telling the truth outside of the usual misdirection."
hahahahahahahahahaha ........ I could care less about what went on here 7 years ago. AND, It doesn't matter to me if you want to be a clone of Owls'. What DOES interest me is that YOU will don the Burqa of Owl and be her Subject, her pliant mouthpiece, her surrogate. I LOVE watching Owl gather her compliant females into a gaggle, it's FASCINATING how she does it. Naturally, as a Forum participant, I like to know who the drones are. This is like a repeat of her gathering of The Triplets on the Amazon Forum, quite remarkable. I rarely see a 'Girl Gang' being formed and implemented so vividly. It's like watching Junior High girls clicking up for Defense against other Junior High girls. Like The Triplets, you will lose your individual identity and simply be referred to as The Burqa Girls, that's the downside, you lose your personality, you just become a parrot of the Leader.

Didn't Christiecrite the loyal subject of Queen Fowl claim that she and I "never talked" 7 years ago?
hahahahahahahahahaha ........ I could care less about what went on here 7 years ago. AND, It doesn't matter to me if you want to be a clone of Owls'. What DOES interest me is that YOU will don the Burqa of Owl and be her Subject, her pliant mouthpiece, her surrogate. I LOVE watching Owl gather her compliant females into a gaggle, it's FASCINATING how she does it. Naturally, as a Forum participant, I like to know who the drones are. This is like a repeat of her gathering of The Triplets on the Amazon Forum, quite remarkable. I rarely see a 'Girl Gang' being formed and implemented so vividly. It's like watching Junior High girls clicking up for Defense against other Junior High girls. Like The Triplets, you will lose your individual identity and simply be referred to as The Burqa Girls, that's the downside, you lose your personality, you just become a parrot of the Leader.

That's pretty lame, Jack. And just for the record, why aren't you posting about Toxic and her Terrible Twosome who walk behind her and sweep up her droppings?
hahahahahahahahahaha ........ I could care less about what went on here 7 years ago. AND, It doesn't matter to me if you want to be a clone of Owls'. What DOES interest me is that YOU will don the Burqa of Owl and be her Subject, her pliant mouthpiece, her surrogate. I LOVE watching Owl gather her compliant females into a gaggle, it's FASCINATING how she does it. Naturally, as a Forum participant, I like to know who the drones are. This is like a repeat of her gathering of The Triplets on the Amazon Forum, quite remarkable. I rarely see a 'Girl Gang' being formed and implemented so vividly. It's like watching Junior High girls clicking up for Defense against other Junior High girls. Like The Triplets, you will lose your individual identity and simply be referred to as The Burqa Girls, that's the downside, you lose your personality, you just become a parrot of the Leader.

"The Burqua girls" in their pink pussy burquas! Hahaha!
No proof, no truth.

Well? Where's your proof that harpy was telling the truth and we were lying?

"In all of this you have refused to accept what I'm saying is true but you've give no explanation for why I would be lying and Harpy would be telling the truth outside of the usual misdirection
I expressed no poutrage, faux feminista. It's Y O U who pretend to eschew sexist insults unless you or your conniving coven of crones use them against other women.

Exactly so! Cfan points her selective finger and pronounces someone a sexist- yet engages in overt sexist behavior wether through omission or commission as it suits her. Phandismal does the same- bitches be hypocrites! :-)