Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

It looks like 'Darla' is history. I see Christie has accepted the Burqa from Owl. Owl will now be the NEW Queen of the Burqa*Girls (pink bandana team). Sadly, I've noticed Phantasmal using the word 'we', rather than the word 'I', when she speaks. Meaning she has become part of the 'hive', the 'collective', the 'Burqa*Girls'. She's always been bright, fun, happy, outgoing, upbeat, loquacious, and inclusive ... if Owl puts the Burqa*on Phantasmal, and she accepts and subjugates herself to Owl, all that will change. She will become a clone of Owl, ... translation: mean spirited, angry, unhappy, man-hate, sullen.

Praise Be to Allah, the Most Merciful ... I hope that doesn't happen, :(

Until Darla revealed her true side of bigotry, Christie and Rana were devotees of her.
Christie realized that she had hitched her wagon to a dying horse and abandoned ship; but in her need to belong, she has decided that any ole Owl in a storm is OK.
Rana on the other hand; still can't accept that Darla would leave and appears to be hell bent on trying to find a way to punish those, she blames for her BFF leaving.

Believe it or not; but at one time, on a now closed board, we all used to get along, until Darla decided that a comment about Daniel Pearl was of a sexual nature and was directed at her. :palm:
I'm convinced that - as much as I dislike the "harpies" myself - there's no evidence that they did what you claim they did.

Why don't you tell the forum how deeply enmeshed I was in your orbit at that time?

So stay convinced. I'm convinced you dragged up this dead business for a reason that has nothing to do with what actually happened.
Harpy was given lots of time to find on this forum what she was taunting people people about. It was a simple enough thing to do if those comments were actually on the forum but they were not. Even you understand this although for some crazy reason you're pretending not to.

If I were being accused of doxxing and wrote a post saying, for example, "There's a sealed record showing that Legion stole a car and went joy-riding as a teenager ", you would demand that I prove it. And if I couldn't show where I got that info, it would be because I was lying or because it didn't exist. Harpy didn't admit to lying nor would she say where she got the info she posted.

In all of this you have refused to accept what I'm saying is true but you've give no explanation for why I would be lying and Harpy would be telling the truth outside of the usual misdirection.

Our evidence was substantiated to the people who matter. If you don't like it, file a complaint.

Nobody dictates anything for me, not now, not then, not ever. And you didn't post the reason for the correction, why? "Last edited by christiefan915; 01-13-2012 at 02:40 PM. Reason: spelling."

You wrote "Tell the forum who really set up those accounts and posted that stuff. We both know you won't, faux feminista."

You refused to explain what accounts even after I said I have only one account on JPP and one account on PF. I believe you think I joined the GR forum and made up identities because that's the only other forum that's been discussed here. I believe Toxic has been feeding you a lie that I'm in cahoots against her with Owl because she would like nothing more than to see me banned. I believe you are being played and haven't figured it out yet. I believe that's why you're bringing up this old crap about the harpies, to try and link me to something that's happening on GR.

Prove me wrong.

But you said that she was banned for hacking and that is a lie.
Until Darla revealed her true side of bigotry, Christie and Rana were devotees of her.
Christie realized that she had hitched her wagon to a dying horse and abandoned ship; but in her need to belong, she has decided that any ole Owl in a storm is OK.
Rana on the other hand; still can't accept that Darla would leave and appears to be hell bent on trying to find a way to punish those, she blames for her BFF leaving.

Believe it or not; but at one time, on a now closed board, we all used to get along, until Darla decided that a comment about Daniel Pearl was of a sexual nature and was directed at her. :palm:

Wasn't Queen Darla guilty of anti-Asian misogynistic hate speech?
You stalked Poet all over the forum. Poet wrote a message on someone's wall... not your wall but something you found in your stalking... that contained a bit of personal info. You took that message and googled the info. You found a pic of Poet along with more of his personal info. You posted a fake pic of Poet to let him know you dug up more personal info on him.

Damo let you know that was wrong.

Poet never doxxed you or stalked you. This was just one more episode in your long history of cyber-bullying.

And once again, you're full of shit; because I never posted a "fake picture" or any picture and inferred it was Poet.
Poet posted personal information, just like Howie, then forgot about it and when that info was repeated, he went into a tail spin, crashed, and burned.

You really need to seek help, for that memory problem of yours; because you might forget how to breathe.
And once again, you're full of shit; because I never posted a "fake picture" or any picture and inferred it was Poet.
Poet posted personal information, just like Howie, then forgot about it and when that info was repeated, he went into a tail spin, crashed, and burned.

You really need to seek help, for that memory problem of yours; because you might forget how to breathe.

it's called "libnesia".
"The Burqua girls" in their pink pussy burquas! Hahaha!

Until Darla revealed her true side of bigotry, Christie and Rana were devotees of her.
Christie realized that she had hitched her wagon to a dying horse and abandoned ship; but in her need to belong, she has decided that any ole Owl in a storm is OK.
Rana on the other hand; still can't accept that Darla would leave and appears to be hell bent on trying to find a way to punish those, she blames for her BFF leaving.

Believe it or not; but at one time, on a now closed board, we all used to get along, until Darla decided that a comment about Daniel Pearl was of a sexual nature and was directed at her. :palm:

Yeah. Funny how 'friends' can become 'enemies'.
Wasn't Queen Darla guilty of anti-Asian misogynistic hate speech?

That's why she "left" in disgrace and shame, plus she initially dragged her online sex toy (Rune) with her; until she decided that she needed him to return, so she could use his account to post.
