Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

Just like the best you can do is ignore the fact that practice of FGM was started by M E N in an effort to control women's sexuality. M E N who think they alone can define purity, modesty and beauty.

Your deflection from your blatant hypocrisy is noted.
So you say.

"Syed Farooq Hussaini, director of interfaith relations for the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh, died yesterday after a long battle with kidney disease. He was 50.

A frequent lecturer on Islam, he served on the Religious Leadership Forum of Southwestern Pennsylvania and was a member of the Daughters and Sons of Abraham program at Carlow University.
Born in Hyderabad, India, Mr. Hussaini, who generally went by his middle name, Farooq, came to the United States in 1985 after spending several years in both Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. He became a U.S. citizen in 1991. With his wife, Karen Muchow Hussaini, he resided in Avalon."

"Syed Farooq Hussaini, director of interfaith relations for the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh, died yesterday after a long battle with kidney disease. He was 50. A frequent lecturer on Islam, he served on the Religious Leadership Forum of Southwestern Pennsylvania and was a member of the Daughters and Sons of Abraham program at Carlow University. Born in Hyderabad, India, Mr. Hussaini, who generally went by his middle name, Farooq, came to the United States in 1985 after spending several years in both Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. He became a U.S. citizen in 1991. With his wife, Karen Muchow Hussaini, he resided in Avalon."

So what? You looked up a Muslim on the Internet in a vain attempt to legitimize your hearsay claim?

BTW, where's the link? I know Rana enforces the rules selectively, so she won't chide Y O U.
I not only read the article, I posted a quote from it. And I agree with this. "Literal interpretations of the veil, derived largely by Muslims ignorant of the true dictates of our own religion, are derived from cultural misogyny. Thus, with their bans on the niqab, neither France, nor Germany nor Denmark are impinging on religious freedom. Instead they are legislating anti-democratic cultural mores that do indeed repress women living within their societies."

I heard BJ's "pillarbox" comment. AFAIC fat and ugly Boris Johnson has no business criticizing any woman for her choice in clothing. That aside, the Huffpo article says "Boris Johnson Defended By Leading Imam Over Burka Comments." This imam and his fellow imams should work together to stop the "cultural misogyny" that's behind the burqa and the niqab. Why aren't they?

You and I aren't looking at this from the same perspective. IMO everybody, Muslim and non-Muslim, needs to keep their mouths shut about what women should or shouldn't wear. I doubt Boris is crusading about the clothing of nuns, Indians, Buddhists or other religious orders. People like him are just hiding their fear or hatred of Muslims with a clothing excuse.

I myself wouldn't wear a burqa, niqab or nun garb. If women want to, it's their decision. Apparently BJ thinks every Muslim woman is against that clothing and is in silent rebellion. I don't.
Thank you christie, this is the whole issue, freedom of choice. I am not for forcing any human to wear anything against their will. It is about personal freedom and choice. I also am against taking away their right to chose to wear the burka or hajib, that is also wrong.
Thank you christie, this is the whole issue, freedom of choice. I am not for forcing any human to wear anything against their will. It is about personal freedom and choice. I also am against taking away their right to chose to wear the burka or hajib, that is also wrong.

Well, there's the imbecile POV.
You're delusional. My thoughts about FGM have all been laid out on this thread. You're just pissed because I won't say what you want me to say.

I knew you had no evidence that you've ever protested Muslims practicing FGM, and I knew you'd never admit that Muslims practice FGM. :D