Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

I think you're protesting too much and your analogy comparing wearing a burqa to violence on a population is silly. Who are you to tell people in this or other countries what to wear? Where are all your posts condemning the men who punished this woman for opposing the hijab?

False equivalence. Jack isn't a virtue-signaling faux feminista like Y O U.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, the horrifying case in Detroit where a Muslim doctor was arrested for practicing female genital mutilation was just the tip of the iceberg in this country: the CDC posits that as many as 513,000 girls and women, primarily in New York, Washington D.C. and Minneapolis, are at risk of that brutality as the girls and women hail from Muslim countries.

The CDC states that the massive increase in the monstrous practice of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) is “wholly a result of rapid growth in the number of immigrants from FGM/C-practicing countries living in the United States.” Virtually all of the countries listed by the CDC were dominated by Muslims.

And that’s not even including Indonesia, the largest Muslim nation. The author of the 2016 study asserted that if Indonesia were included, the number of victims would increase by “several tens of thousands.” Recently-retired CDC researcher Howard Goldberg told The New York Post., “Indonesian figures became available after we wrote our paper, but it turns out that FGM was much more common in Indonesia than had been thought.”

Both Muslim parents and licensed Muslim doctors at well-known hospitals are executing the practice.

Muslim organizations claiming that FGM is not approved of may be covering up what some Muslims actually feel; the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America, which according to The Post “renders official religious rulings for Muslims living in the U.S.,” says clitoris cutting is good for women.

Senior AMJA official Dr. Hatem Elhagaly said the Muslim prophet Muhammad was quoted approving the practice in a hadith; “A very small portion of the clitoris may be removed in the procedure.” he wrote in a recent fatwa. Shockingly, Elhagaly was an American Academy of Pediatrics fellow and Mayo Clinic pediatrician until 2012; he once defended the practice by saying:

We, however, should never doubt anything in our religion because of the bad publicity the media creates about it. Would it have been sensible for Muslims 50 years ago to doubt male circumcision because it was not yet shown by science to be of benefit? The same could be true with female circumcision. They may figure out the benefits of the practice in 50 or 500 years.

As the CDC points out, male circumcision prevents germs from growing underneath the foreskin, and can lower a male's risk of sexually-transmitted diseases, penile cancer and even urinary tract infections. The World Health Organization is blunt in its attack on female circumcision, asserting it has no known health benefits and can even cause complications during childbirth.

Meanwhile in Christiecrite's faux feminista fantasy-land

So you say. FGM is incompatible with American mores and law.

Type the words: I condemn Muslims who practice FGM.

Yes it is incompatible. And if people are found practicing it, they should be prosecuted and jailed. Why are you ignoring the fact that Muslims aren't the only practitioners?

The alarming rise of female genital mutilation in America

No religious texts require FGM. Yet some cultures and sects believe the practice makes for better wives by making girls more acceptable in their communities, thus improving their eligibility for marriage. The practice aims to reduce a woman's libido to ensure premarital virginity and marital fidelity, and can be associated with being "feminine," "modest," "clean" and "beautiful."

It's practiced in households at all educational levels and all social classes and occurs among many religious groups, including Muslims, Christians and animists. The origins of the practice are unclear, with historians citing evidence of it in Egyptian mummies and in the fifth century BC.

In 13 African countries, more than half of women aged 15 to 49 have undergone the procedure.

No, she hasn’t given up her feminist card and you as a man can’t take it away from her. People misunderstand what it means to be a feminist. It’s amusing to watch men mansplain it to a woman.

Christie seems to have a Motto of "I got mine, fuck everybody else".

As the article explains "Iranian woman 'sentenced to 20 years in prison' for removing headscarf in protest" should be pretty CLEAR that 'voluntary dress' is NOT permissible in Iran (or other parts of the Middle East). Most people (not just Progressives, Feminists, or Libertarians) would support the woman. Christie's response is "How is my life affected by a woman in Iran?" She's basically saying "Hey, I got my chocolate bon bons, my favorite soap opera on TV, and a TV Dinner in the refrigerator, fuck that bitch in Iran". So ... I'm not sure Christie would be considered a 'Feminist' unless the only criteria is having a vagina?
Yes it is incompatible. And if people are found practicing it, they should be prosecuted and jailed. Why are you ignoring the fact that Muslims aren't the only practitioners? The alarming rise of female genital mutilation in America No religious texts require FGM. Yet some cultures and sects believe the practice makes for better wives by making girls more acceptable in their communities, thus "improving their eligibility for marriage. The practice aims to reduce a woman's libido to ensure premarital virginity and marital fidelity, and can be associated with being "feminine," "modest," "clean" and "beautiful." It's practiced in households at all educational levels and all social classes and occurs among many religious groups, including Muslims, Christians and animists. The origins of the practice are unclear, with historians citing evidence of it in Egyptian mummies and in the fifth century BC. In 13 African countries, more than half of women aged 15 to 49 have undergone the procedure

Regurgitating your thought leaders at CNN, just as I said you would. The attempt to pretend that "everybody is doing it" has failed.

Type the words: I condemn Muslims who practice FGM.
I think you're protesting too much and your analogy comparing wearing a burqa to violence on a population is silly. Who are you to tell people in this or other countries what to wear?

Where are all your posts condemning the men who punished this woman for opposing the hijab?

hahaha ... boy are you missing the point!

Me (Jack), I'm not telling ANYBODY what to wear. See the difference?
Au contraire, Duke. The fact that you turned this thread about the burqa into a discussion of FGM shows that Y O U are the one who was losing the original argument.

The thread is about faux feministas like you refusing to condemn Islamic oppression of women, liar.
Christie seems to have a Motto of "I got mine, fuck everybody else".

As the article explains "Iranian woman 'sentenced to 20 years in prison' for removing headscarf in protest" should be pretty CLEAR that 'voluntary dress' is NOT permissible in Iran (or other parts of the Middle East). Most people (not just Progressives, Feminists, or Libertarians) would support the woman. Christie's response is "How is my life affected by a woman in Iran?" She's basically saying "Hey, I got my chocolate bon bons, my favorite soap opera on TV, and a TV Dinner in the refrigerator, fuck that bitch in Iran". So ... I'm not sure Christie would be considered a 'Feminist' unless the only criteria is having a vagina?

You're being evasive Jack. It's a sign your argument is standing on shaky ground. And your ad homs don't help your case.

I support women everywhere wearing what they please, when they please and where they please.

I condemn men for thinking they have any say-so in a woman's clothing decisions. I condemn these Iranians for punishing a woman who is standing up for her right to wear what she wants, where she wants.
Christie seems to have a Motto of "I got mine, fuck everybody else".

As the article explains "Iranian woman 'sentenced to 20 years in prison' for removing headscarf in protest" should be pretty CLEAR that 'voluntary dress' is NOT permissible in Iran (or other parts of the Middle East). Most people (not just Progressives, Feminists, or Libertarians) would support the woman. Christie's response is "How is my life affected by a woman in Iran?" She's basically saying "Hey, I got my chocolate bon bons, my favorite soap opera on TV, and a TV Dinner in the refrigerator, fuck that bitch in Iran". So ... I'm not sure Christie would be considered a 'Feminist' unless the only criteria is having a vagina?
No, she, like myself, do not condone forcing women to wear the burka, hajib, etc., but at the same time, we respect a woman’s right to wear the burqa, hajib, etc. if it is her choice. The governments of Denmark and France are as wrong as the Saudi government on this issue. Women deserve the right of choice.
You're being evasive Jack. It's a sign your argument is standing on shaky ground. And your ad homs don't help your case. I support women everywhere wearing what they please, when they please and where they please.
I condemn men for thinking they have any say-so in a woman's clothing decisions. I condemn these Iranians for punishing a woman who is standing up for her right to wear what she wants, where she wants.

You're projecting. We have you, and we both know it.