Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

No, she, like myself, do not condone forcing women to wear the burka, hajib, etc., but at the same time, we respect a woman’s right to wear the burqa, hajib, etc. if it is her choice. The governments of Denmark and France are as wrong as the Saudi government on this issue. Women deserve the right of choice.

Fluff harder, imbecile. We have Christiecrite cornered.
You're being evasive Jack. It's a sign your argument is standing on shaky ground. And your ad homs don't help your case.

I support women everywhere wearing what they please, when they please and where they please.

I condemn men for thinking they have any say-so in a woman's clothing decisions. I condemn these Iranians for punishing a woman who is standing up for her right to wear what she wants, where she wants.

Oh, good. We're on the same page then. Great.
Keep pretending you do. You're on the same level as the mullahs with their pretense that they know what's best for women.

Twist and turn. It won't avail you, faux feminista.

Rana the imbecile will fluff whatever you regurgitate form your thought leaders at CNN.

You will back in her imbecilic approval while you refuse to condemn the oppression of women in Muslim communities.

Like a hypocrite.
No, she, like myself, do not condone forcing women to wear the burka, hajib, etc., but at the same time, we respect a woman’s right to wear the burqa, hajib, etc. if it is her choice. The governments of Denmark and France are as wrong as the Saudi government on this issue. Women deserve the right of choice.

"Women deserve the right of choice." My whole point.
No, she, like myself, do not condone forcing women to wear the burka, hajib, etc., but at the same time, we respect a woman’s right to wear the burqa, hajib, etc. if it is her choice. The governments of Denmark and France are as wrong as the Saudi government on this issue. Women deserve the right of choice.

They have to be yanking our chains. Nobody can be this obtuse about what we've both written plainly.
Christiecrite thinks it's "brave" to wear a pink pussy hat in the USA where nobody will jail you for doing it.

But Christiecrite the faux feminista won't even condemn Muslim oppression of women online.
You and Jack: Burqas should be outlawed.

Me: Women should wear anything they want, when and where they want, without any man restrictions.

If you and Jack think you have me, you're both delusional. :D

hahahahahahaha .......... naughty, naughty, Christie. I never said that.

I think you are mixing supporting Muslims (or any religious cult) with some of their practices. Lots of Muslim women don't wear a head dressing and still consider themselves 'Muslim'.
You and Jack: Burqas should be outlawed.

Me: Women should wear anything they want, when and where they want, without any man restrictions.

If you and Jack think you have me, you're both delusional. :D

You can't get away from the fact that Islam is controlled by men, I just don't believe that women are exercising free choice. As Quanta Ahmed says in post 76, remove those oppressive garments from an advanced Western society and you stop one means whereby Muslim men attempt to control women.
hahahahahahaha .......... naughty, naughty, Christie. I never said that. I think you are mixing supporting Muslims (or any religious cult) with some of their practices. Lots of Muslim women don't wear a head dressing and still consider themselves 'Muslim'.

She'll tell any lie to keep from acknowledging her hypocrisy. :palm:
You can't get away from the fact that Islam is controlled by men, I just don't believe that women are exercising free choice. As Quanta Ahmed says in post 76, remove those oppressive garments from an advanced Western society and you stop one means whereby Muslim men attempt to control women.

She will never criticize Muslims, Tom. Never.
I'm not telling anybody what to wear, either. So what's your beef with me?

You seem not very 'concerned' with some woman in Iran. You seemed very compliant with conditions in the Middle East, it doesn't affect YOU any, right?
Most people would SUPPORT the woman in Iran that DON'T want to be TOLD what to wear.

No big deal, Christie.
You seem not very 'concerned' with some woman in Iran. You seemed very compliant with conditions in the Middle East, it doesn't affect YOU any, right?
Most people would SUPPORT the woman in Iran that DON'T want to be TOLD what to wear.

No big deal, Christie.

I named her Christiecrite for a reason. A very good reason.
She'll tell any lie to keep from acknowledging her hypocrisy. :palm:

I believe she has been severely spanked on this, Legion. I'm guessing she will have to re-attend PC Fascist Training Camp on an upcoming weekend for further in-depth indoctrination.