Why Don't People Like To Talk About Politics?

No he blocks conservatives who make him look as stupid as he is !

Based on the way you're talking, it seems like you sperged out on him, so he blocked you.
And I'm not trying to insult you, it honestly seems like that's what happened. I've also seen you sperg out here before.
Hello cawacko,

I don't think its propaganda that makes people not want to talk about politics 24/7, or want to talk about politics when having fun with friends. I've seen people on Facebook for example say if you support Politician X then defriend me. If you support Position A then defriend me. Is that how we end corruption? Was that propaganda that made these people do that?

And I'd guess the whole "we don't talk politics in polite company" came about because when it occurred bad things happened, not all that dissimilar from now.

But you and I have never had a problem talking about any topic. And we agree on next to NOTHING! There's lots of people like us who can depersonalize these sensitive subjects and discuss them at length. Why should those of us who can do that be held back by those who struggle with it? Maybe if more people spoke up and got familiar with talking about politics more then we could reach some better understandings.
Hello cawacko,

I'd also throw in we have multiple TV stations dedicated to politics 24/7. Anyone who spends time on Facebook has friends who post regularly about politics. If you're on Twitter people talk politics all the time and I'm not even talking politicians or those who cover them. You can't get away from politics in today's world. So if one is uninformed its because they choose to be because the information is out there.

There's a lot more misinformation being promulgated than actual facts. Lots of people repeating nonsense is still nonsense.
Hello cawacko,

But you and I have never had a problem talking about any topic. And we agree on next to NOTHING! There's lots of people like us who can depersonalize these sensitive subjects and discuss them at length. Why should those of us who can do that be held back by those who struggle with it? Maybe if more people spoke up and got familiar with talking about politics more then we could reach some better understandings.

Not everyone wants to talk politics. A lot of people don't spend their days consumed by politics like people on this board. And when you see people lose friendships over politics and see others wish death to people over politics it's not a conservation many want to jump into.
Hello cawacko,

There's a lot more misinformation being promulgated than actual facts. Lots of people repeating nonsense is still nonsense.

There is definitely some of that. It's also something people say about others who don't agree with what they do.
Hello cawacko,

Not everyone wants to talk politics. A lot of people don't spend their days consumed by politics like people on this board. And when you see people lose friendships over politics and see others wish death to people over politics it's not a conservation many want to jump into.

You have a point. There are a lot of things people should talk about but don't. Things that could improve their lives.
Hello cawacko,

There is definitely some of that. It's also something people say about others who don't agree with what they do.

Each side maintains that the other side is spreading misinformation. But to claim that the mainstream media is doing so is a step too far. To say the media is the enemy is just plain wrong. The 4th estate is a vital part of our freedom.
Hello cawacko,

You have a point. There are a lot of things people should talk about but don't. Things that could improve their lives.

How is talking politics all the time going to improve people’s lives? Take this board for instance. Now granted this isn’t the real world but do you think peoples lives are improved by being here?
Hello cawacko,

Each side maintains that the other side is spreading misinformation. But to claim that the mainstream media is doing so is a step too far. To say the media is the enemy is just plain wrong. The 4th estate is a vital part of our freedom.

That’s your opinion. We all view the media from our personal biases.

But if each event, function, dinner, gathering you attend you want to discuss the media with people who are there i’d be curious to the feedback you receive
But that's obviously not true because we had a long discussion where we disagreed. I'm guessing within 2 or 3 posts, you showed him that you're just a troll.

You always resort to name-calling. You're not here for discussions, you're just here to try to start flame wars.

I hurt his tender feelings and he ran like a coward.

Several of you lefties have called me a troll yet none of you have provided anything to support that claim.
Hello cawacko,

How is talking politics all the time going to improve people’s lives? Take this board for instance. Now granted this isn’t the real world but do you think peoples lives are improved by being here?

Totally. Like so many things in life, you get out of this place what you put into it. It's all up to the individual. If the individual is stuck, 'plateaued' so to speak (extremely set in their view, refusing to be open to different ideas, often accompanied with strong emotion to drive away any weakness or curiosity) that type of individual will get the least out of this experience. If the individual is more open, allows their natural curiosity to lead them into previously undiscovered territory, shows a willingness to learn, doesn't pretend they 'know it all,' that is the type of individual who is more apt to learn and experience improvement.

I can certainly say that anyone here who spends as much time researching what they are posting, as they do actually posting, is most definitely acquiring both knowledge and wisdom.
Hello cawacko,

Totally. Like so many things in life, you get out of this place what you put into it. It's all up to the individual. If the individual is stuck, 'plateaued' so to speak (extremely set in their view, refusing to be open to different ideas, often accompanied with strong emotion to drive away any weakness or curiosity) that type of individual will get the least out of this experience. If the individual is more open, allows their natural curiosity to lead them into previously undiscovered territory, shows a willingness to learn, doesn't pretend they 'know it all,' that is the type of individual who is more apt to learn and experience improvement.

I can certainly say that anyone here who spends as much time researching what they are posting, as they do actually posting, is most definitely acquiring both knowledge and wisdom.

This board is Exhibit A why people don't like to talk politics around polite company. 90% of this board consists of trolling, wishing death upon others, name calling etc. That's not enjoyable to most people. And in the real world there aren't any ignore or block features (well technically there are, it's called not hanging out with that person which is why people don't talk politics).
Hello cawacko,

This board is Exhibit A why people don't like to talk politics around polite company. 90% of this board consists of trolling, wishing death upon others, name calling etc. That's not enjoyable to most people. And in the real world there aren't any ignore or block features (well technically there are, it's called not hanging out with that person which is why people don't talk politics).

Agreed the board (and the internet in general) is rife with trolls, but I don't think it is quite as bad as your assessment. Few here have larger Ignore Lists than I. And if you go to my home page you will also see that I have nearly 50 on my Friends List, conservatives included. If you recall, I reached out to you to see if you wanted to be so acknowledged. You declined, but I presumed that was because you are simply not into using that feature, maintain no Friend's List.

I also believe it is a mistake to equate chat board behavior to real life. The impersonal aspect of the internet leads to more aggression.

Agreed on the real life 'Ignore feature.' Simply avoid trouble makers, refuse to associate or engage, minimize contact, etc. Very effective. Surround yourself with good people and a good life is produced.
Hello cawacko,

Agreed the board (and the internet in general) is rife with trolls, but I don't think it is quite as bad as your assessment. Few here have larger Ignore Lists than I. And if you go to my home page you will also see that I have nearly 50 on my Friends List, conservatives included. If you recall, I reached out to you to see if you wanted to be so acknowledged. You declined, but I presumed that was because you are simply not into using that feature, maintain no Friend's List.

I also believe it is a mistake to equate chat board behavior to real life. The impersonal aspect of the internet leads to more aggression.

Agreed on the real life 'Ignore feature.' Simply avoid trouble makers, refuse to associate or engage, minimize contact, etc. Very effective. Surround yourself with good people and a good life is produced.

I believe it was Tip O'Neil who said all politics is local. I'll share three way politics gets discussed in almost any group I'm with in San Francisco (and I'm talking about folks whose political leanings I do not know).

1) cost of housing - it is discussed every gathering/function I attend if for no other reason someone says "did you see that P.O.S. home down the street that just sold for $2m"

2) homeless - invariably someone shares a story of an encounter with a homeless/mentally ill person or walking their child on the street and crossing a used needle

3) schools - every group conversation turns to the "will you stay in SF and put your kids in school here or will you move to the burbs"

All three of topics are political.

Now to many people when someone says politics they think only of the President. Take this board for instance, 90+% of threads are about the President. If you want every dinner, family or community gathering to be about the President you're probably not going to be invited to too many places. For example, when I take my daughter to the park we run into other families of course. We'll introduce ourselves, make small take (talk about the neighborhood, where are kids will go to school etc.). If I start talking to these people I don't immediately about the President they'll probably be like WTF?!

There's a time and place for everything and for most of us in the real world politics 24/7 isn't it. But it doesn't mean you can't push to discuss politics everywhere you go. I'd actually be curious to find out the responses you get.
Hello cawacko,

I believe it was Tip O'Neil who said all politics is local. I'll share three way politics gets discussed in almost any group I'm with in San Francisco (and I'm talking about folks whose political leanings I do not know).

1) cost of housing - it is discussed every gathering/function I attend if for no other reason someone says "did you see that P.O.S. home down the street that just sold for $2m"

2) homeless - invariably someone shares a story of an encounter with a homeless/mentally ill person or walking their child on the street and crossing a used needle

3) schools - every group conversation turns to the "will you stay in SF and put your kids in school here or will you move to the burbs"

All three of topics are political.

Now to many people when someone says politics they think only of the President. Take this board for instance, 90+% of threads are about the President. If you want every dinner, family or community gathering to be about the President you're probably not going to be invited to too many places. For example, when I take my daughter to the park we run into other families of course. We'll introduce ourselves, make small take (talk about the neighborhood, where are kids will go to school etc.). If I start talking to these people I don't immediately about the President they'll probably be like WTF?!

There's a time and place for everything and for most of us in the real world politics 24/7 isn't it. But it doesn't mean you can't push to discuss politics everywhere you go. I'd actually be curious to find out the responses you get.

It shouldn't be an obsession either way.

Politics should not be the first thing people start talking about, and neither should it be off limits due to some outdated and incorrect 'social more.' (I put that in quotes because I am using the word 'more' in the social custom context)