Why Edwards CAN'T win


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Edwards linked to subprime foreclosures
Presidential candidate's holdings in Fortress are invested in subprime lenders foreclosing on Katrina victims - report.
August 17 2007: 4:18 AM EDT

LONDON (CNNMoney.com) -- Democratic presidential contender John Edwards has investing ties to subprime lenders who are foreclosing on victims of Katrina, according to a report published Friday.

The Wall Street Journal said there are 34 homes in New Orleans that face foreclosure from the subprime unit of Fortress Investment Group. Edwards has about $16 million in Fortress (Charts), a hedge fund and private equity manager, the newspaper said.

Democratic presidential contender John Edwards has investing ties to subprime lenders.

Edwards, the former senator from North Carolina, has been a vocal critic of subprime lenders and told the Journal that he would assist homeowners in New Orleans who face foreclosure from businesses linked to Fortress or who have already lost their homes.

"I intend to help these people," he told the newspaper. The report also said he would divest any Fortress funds in his portfolio that are invested in subprime lenders that filed the foreclosures. "I will not have my family's money invested in these firms," the Journal quoted him as saying.

Rising defaults among subprime mortgages - those home loans given to borrowers with the weakest credit records - has triggered a credit crunch and resulted in a wave of foreclosures.

"The report also said he would divest any Fortress funds in his portfolio that are invested in subprime lenders that filed the foreclosures. "I will not have my family's money invested in these firms," the Journal quoted him as saying."

Do you want more than that?
What would happen to Edwards campaign if his wife dies before the election?

I know this is off topic but I cant help wondering about it.

I cant deside what the American people would think and how it would effect their vote.

I know its morbid but I really do see this site as a place were we can talk about anything.

Will he continue as she has requested and would it make people more or less likely to vote for him.

Its a crazy dynamic.
What would happen to Edwards campaign if his wife dies before the election?

I know this is off topic but I cant help wondering about it.

I cant deside what the American people would think and how it would effect their vote.

I know its morbid but I really do see this site as a place were we can talk about anything.

Will he continue as she has requested and would it make people more or less likely to vote for him.

Its a crazy dynamic.

Umm reminds me of that movie "The American President" I think is the name of it.
"The report also said he would divest any Fortress funds in his portfolio that are invested in subprime lenders that filed the foreclosures. "I will not have my family's money invested in these firms," the Journal quoted him as saying."

Do you want more than that?

I think Edwards should kill himself. Only then, would I feel he was sincere enough for me to vote for him.
I think Edwards should kill himself. Only then, would I feel he was sincere enough for me to vote for him.


The REAL reason Edwards can't win is because he's a true progressive, and the only candidate (well, the only candidate with any chance) who represents change from the status quo. It's why the usual suspects in the media are aligned against him, and why we see huge, ongoing stories about "the haircut" and book publishing profits, while Hillary - the frontrunner & corporate candidate - is coasting along with little to no criticism.

I watched a special on Bobby Kennedy last night, and Edwards sounds as close to him as anyone out there today (clarification: I am not saying Edwards IS Bobby Kennedy, or is as good a candidate as he was). Throughout our history, it seems like we (or they) have always found a way to get rid of the true candidates of hope & change.

I have no doubt that toppy would have called Bobby a wussy girly man turbo lib...
he's Dukakis like in his stupidity,
Don't take money from this guy "oh unless you write a garbage book "

suprime lenders are evil "Oh shit I invested 16,000,000 in them":pke:

The REAL reason Edwards can't win is because he's a true progressive, and the only candidate (well, the only candidate with any chance) who represents change from the status quo. It's why the usual suspects in the media are aligned against him, and why we see huge, ongoing stories about "the haircut" and book publishing profits, while Hillary - the frontrunner & corporate candidate - is coasting along with little to no criticism.

I watched a special on Bobby Kennedy last night, and Edwards sounds as close to him as anyone out there today (clarification: I am not saying Edwards IS Bobby Kennedy, or is as good a candidate as he was). Throughout our history, it seems like we (or they) have always found a way to get rid of the true candidates of hope & change.

I have no doubt that toppy would have called Bobby a wussy girly man turbo lib...

Seriously, I could not agree more.

As for Topper, yep, I see him as a Nixon guy.
OH yeah he's TRUE, he says it and morons believe it.
Why should he dump his subprime investment after the press hammers him on it if he's true. He's too stupid to think before he speaks.
Hillary will and is crushing him.
Edwards linked to subprime foreclosures
Presidential candidate's holdings in Fortress are invested in subprime lenders foreclosing on Katrina victims - report.
August 17 2007: 4:18 AM EDT

LONDON (CNNMoney.com) -- Democratic presidential contender John Edwards has investing ties to subprime lenders who are foreclosing on victims of Katrina, according to a report published Friday.

The Wall Street Journal said there are 34 homes in New Orleans that face foreclosure from the subprime unit of Fortress Investment Group. Edwards has about $16 million in Fortress (Charts), a hedge fund and private equity manager, the newspaper said.

Democratic presidential contender John Edwards has investing ties to subprime lenders.

Edwards, the former senator from North Carolina, has been a vocal critic of subprime lenders and told the Journal that he would assist homeowners in New Orleans who face foreclosure from businesses linked to Fortress or who have already lost their homes.

"I intend to help these people," he told the newspaper. The report also said he would divest any Fortress funds in his portfolio that are invested in subprime lenders that filed the foreclosures. "I will not have my family's money invested in these firms," the Journal quoted him as saying.

Rising defaults among subprime mortgages - those home loans given to borrowers with the weakest credit records - has triggered a credit crunch and resulted in a wave of foreclosures.


LOL This is THE reason he won't win? Gimme a friggin break. Theres about 20 more important reasons why he can't win than this.
OH yeah he's TRUE, he says it and morons believe it.
Why should he dump his subprime investment after the press hammers him on it if he's true. He's too stupid to think before he speaks.
Hillary will and is crushing him.

TopSpin I am getting tired of correcting you and your lefty foolishness? How can The Hillary crush anybody when she could not even catch her husband with his hands in the chubster's underpants? All those years of Bill telling The Hillary that the only reason the door to the oval office was always closed was because he was eating big macs with a supersized fry, butt, that was not all he was eating, and she believed it? After having the blue dress pulled over her eyes, by two horny tubbys, please explain to the board how you expect her to outsmart Usama, you are too stupit and have just been mensaed, sorry.
TopSpin I am getting tired of correcting you and your lefty foolishness? How can The Hillary crush anybody when she could not even catch her husband with his hands in the chubster's underpants? All those years of Bill telling The Hillary that the only reason the door to the oval office was always closed was because he was eating big macs with a supersized fry, butt, that was not all he was eating, and she believed it? After having the blue dress pulled over her eyes, by two horny tubbys, please explain to the board how you expect her to outsmart Usama, you are too stupit and have just been mensaed, sorry.

Clowntoon did give a boost to cigar sales.
Was that when your buddy Rush started smoking cigars ?