Why Edwards CAN'T win

"John Kerrys a bad example to tie your hopes to, please don't break out Dukakis next.
Wasn't Dean the lefties favorite before his Iowa meltdown."

The comparison was not ideological or quality-based. It was merely to point out that stranger things have happened, and recently.
John Kerrys a bad example to tie your hopes to, please don't break out Dukakis next.
Wasn't Dean the lefties favorite before his Iowa meltdown.
Don't look for a Hillary scream.
That said I think Edwards would crush the fossil that the cons nominate

Have another beer topper.

Way to spin wildly off topic spinner :clink: .

My point was, that simply because Edwards is polling in third place in national polls, doesn't mean its over for him.
"John Kerrys a bad example to tie your hopes to, please don't break out Dukakis next.
Wasn't Dean the lefties favorite before his Iowa meltdown."

The comparison was not ideological or quality-based. It was merely to point out that stranger things have happened, and recently.

Democrats have a habit, of often picking dark horses, despite all the media hype of national polling.
John Kerrys a bad example to tie your hopes to, please don't break out Dukakis next.
Wasn't Dean the lefties favorite before his Iowa meltdown.
Don't look for a Hillary scream.
That said I think Edwards would crush the fossil that the cons nominate

The last last four elections will been seen through eyes of history much differntly than you see them.

The Dean Scream happend after a vote that very well may have been manipulated also.
fact that is not over does not make it likely
If Edwards could be more honest and think before he spouts his chances go up immensley.
Hillary was the brains behind the Clinton reign, Bill was out chasing chicks.
The last last four elections will been seen through eyes of history much differntly than you see them.

The Dean Scream happend after a vote that very well may have been manipulated also.
By whom and for what?
fact that is not over does not make it likely
If Edwards could be more honest and think before he spouts his chances go up immensley.

Hillary was the brains behind the Clinton reign, Bill was out chasing chicks.

Topper!!!! Did you give your jpp password to Dixie???

Does this explain your sudden lurch towards being an unapolgetic bush apologist for the last month or so??

fact that is not over does not make it likely
If Edwards could be more honest and think before he spouts his chances go up immensley.
Hillary was the brains behind the Clinton reign, Bill was out chasing chicks.

Topper, this is too sweet. I'm listening to a song right now on my ipod (cha-ching) that I think you should memorize so you can serenade Hillary with. It really says how you feel about her, better than you are ever going to be able to verbalize, or, God knows, write.

I'd gladly lose me to find you
I'd gladly give up all I had
To find you I'd suffer anything and be glad

I'd pay any price just to get you
I'd work all my life and I will
To win you I'd stand naked, stoned and stabbed

I'd call that a bargain
The best I ever had
The best I ever had

I'd gladly lose me to find you
I'd gladly give up all I got
To catch you I'm gonna run and never stop

I'd pay any price just to win you
Surrender my good life for bad
To find you I'm gonna drown an unsung man

I'd call that a bargain
The best I ever had
The best I ever had
That has to be the dumbest thing I have ever seen you post. Pull your head out of Hitlarys ass and enjoy the fresh air.

That is better, and much? Now, aren't you glad that RJS cyber-skewered you, it may have hurt at first, butt, look at how you have come along, and stopped talking like a lefty fool? No need to thank me, and my toady position is already filled by AssHatt, who, is busy shining my Salvatore Ferragamo shoes as we speak, so, I am not hiring, sorry?
That is better, and much? Now, aren't you glad that RJS cyber-skewered you, it may have hurt at first, butt, look at how you have come along, and stopped talking like a lefty fool? No need to thank me, and my toady position is already filled by AssHatt, who, is busy shining my Salvatore Ferragamo shoes as we speak, so, I am not hiring, sorry?

Easy now honey, don't be getting your panties in a bunch. We wouldn't want you to break a nail. Just accept the fact that you are are a tool and we can all move on from your ignorance.

Remember, we are not laughing WITH you. We are laughing AT you.
Easy now honey, don't be getting your panties in a bunch. We wouldn't want you to break a nail. Just accept the fact that you are are a tool and we can all move on from your ignorance.

Remember, we are not laughing WITH you. We are laughing AT you.

I have one thing to say to that, lefty? :bleh:
hey folks, time for a cryptic response, and something that NONE of you seem to recognize " The PAST is not the FUTURE"