Why Edwards CAN'T win

edwards put his whole egg basket in Iowa, hasn't he been living there

Cypress, I'll give you edwards vs Hillary for $1,000

As of today, I agree that Edwards is looking at an uphill battle.

As was John Kerry at this point in the 2004 primary.
Edwards looks strong in New Iowa Caucus Poll

Edwards 30%

Clinton 22%

Obama 18%

Richardson 15%

Biden 5%

You need two of the three big openers, Edwards is strong in one and Iowa is fickle. Dean was polling the winner there before the "Yeeeeaaaargh" episode.
Not sure the ocuntry is ready for a woman president. I still think an
Edwards/Clinton ticket would be hard to beat.
You need two of the three big openers, Edwards is strong in one and Iowa is fickle. Dean was polling the winner there before the "Yeeeeaaaargh" episode.

Man, people on this board have short memories ;)

At this point in the 2004 race, many polls had John Kerry in fourth place behind Dean, Gephardt, and Lieberman.

Its still WAY to early to be declaring anyone dead
edwards put his whole egg basket in Iowa, hasn't he been living there

Cypress, I'll give you edwards vs Hillary for $1,000

Rudy will skewer them both? In fact, it is the opinion of RJS that if Rudy were to run as his feminine half, Rudela, with Donald Trump as his first lady, Rudela could skill skewer The Hillary? Remember, this is a mensa you are dealing with here, not a fool like your lib cohors SuperFreak and Asshat? Folks, is it any wonder the lefty babes gather around RJS and avoid the lefty, half and half men? Touche?
Rudy will skewer them both? In fact, it is the opinion of RJS that if Rudy were to run as his feminine half, Rudela, with Donald Trump as his first lady, Rudela could skill skewer The Hillary? Remember, this is a mensa you are dealing with here, not a fool like your lib cohors SuperFreak and Asshat? Folks, is it any wonder the lefty babes gather around RJS and avoid the lefty, half and half men? Touche?

If the trumpster got a decent rug he could be elected.
Man, people on this board have short memories ;)

At this point in the 2004 race, many polls had John Kerry in fourth place behind Dean, Gephardt, and Lieberman.

Its still WAY to early to be declaring anyone dead
Well, I agree in principle. At this point in 2004 I was hoping that Deaniacs would be able to pull it off as I preferred him as the candidate over Kerry, I believed that Kerry stood a far higher chance of beating who I thought was the better candidate.

I do not think that Edwards has a chance, especially as more stories of 'little hypocrisies' come out. I don't think that they matter in any depth of character at all, but most people vote on soundbytes and he will be harmed by these whether you or I think he should be.

Could you imagine an Edwards/Romney battle? The Battle of the "looks like a president" candidates....
Rudy will skewer them both? In fact, it is the opinion of RJS that if Rudy were to run as his feminine half, Rudela, with Donald Trump as his first lady, Rudela could skill skewer The Hillary? Remember, this is a mensa you are dealing with here, not a fool like your lib cohors SuperFreak and Asshat? Folks, is it any wonder the lefty babes gather around RJS and avoid the lefty, half and half men? Touche?

Rudy is a lunatic.
I am not so sure about that as you are....
Your vision might be a bit clouded by republican Hillaryphobia.
Not really, I look at the current run of VPs and how their presidencies went. I don't think she'd give up a seat of real power to become a powerless VP. She'd just wait a bit longer....
Man, people on this board have short memories ;)

At this point in the 2004 race, many polls had John Kerry in fourth place behind Dean, Gephardt, and Lieberman.

Its still WAY to early to be declaring anyone dead

Here's something from a zoby poll, at a similar point in the 2004 democratic primary season. Kerry didn't even register in the top three:

Three Democratic presidential hopefuls share the lead in nationwide polling of likely voters in a primary election, according to results released by Zogby International.

Missouri Congressman Richard Gephardt, former Vermont Governor Dr. Howard Dean, and Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman each polled 12% of the 504 likely voters surveyed July 16-17.

Could you imagine an Edwards/Romney battle? The Battle of the "looks like a president" candidates....

and the winner running against a guy who has played a president on TV ?
Not really, I look at the current run of VPs and how their presidencies went. I don't think she'd give up a seat of real power to become a powerless VP. She'd just wait a bit longer....
Ohh you mean not do like Bush I did after losing the nomination to Regan ?

I found some polling that Showed John Kerry was in FIFTH place, just a month before the primaries started...behind Dean, Wes Clark, Lieberman, and Gephardt.

It ain't over till the fat lady sings ;)
John Kerrys a bad example to tie your hopes to, please don't break out Dukakis next.
Wasn't Dean the lefties favorite before his Iowa meltdown.
Don't look for a Hillary scream.
That said I think Edwards would crush the fossil that the cons nominate