Why Edwards CAN'T win

Edwards can't win because Topper has a crush on Hillary.

8 more years of Clintonomics, baby!

It's kind of cute, isn't it? I like how he always says first, "but she's not good looking" as if, he's afraid the other boys, are all thinking it.

Though, if he had the courage of his convictions, he'd come right out and say, Hey, I think she's gorgeous and I don't give a sh*t what anybody else thinks.

Edwards linked to subprime foreclosures
Presidential candidate's holdings in Fortress are invested in subprime lenders foreclosing on Katrina victims - report.
August 17 2007: 4:18 AM EDT

LONDON (CNNMoney.com) -- Democratic presidential contender John Edwards has investing ties to subprime lenders who are foreclosing on victims of Katrina, according to a report published Friday.

The Wall Street Journal said there are 34 homes in New Orleans that face foreclosure from the subprime unit of Fortress Investment Group. Edwards has about $16 million in Fortress (Charts), a hedge fund and private equity manager, the newspaper said.

Democratic presidential contender John Edwards has investing ties to subprime lenders.

Edwards, the former senator from North Carolina, has been a vocal critic of subprime lenders and told the Journal that he would assist homeowners in New Orleans who face foreclosure from businesses linked to Fortress or who have already lost their homes.

"I intend to help these people," he told the newspaper. The report also said he would divest any Fortress funds in his portfolio that are invested in subprime lenders that filed the foreclosures. "I will not have my family's money invested in these firms," the Journal quoted him as saying.

Rising defaults among subprime mortgages - those home loans given to borrowers with the weakest credit records - has triggered a credit crunch and resulted in a wave of foreclosures.



You're right! Haircuts and some nebulous investment he has will sink him!

The media and the rightwing aren't actually attacking his policy positions....I wonder why?


You're right! Haircuts and some nebulous investment he has will sink him!

The media and the rightwing aren't actually attacking his policy positions....I wonder why?


They have not discussed policy positions since 2000, it is all about image slamming.
They know they cannot win on policy.

You're right! Haircuts and some nebulous investment he has will sink him!

The media and the rightwing aren't actually attacking his policy positions....I wonder why?

Because they don't have to. He's not going to win.

Of course, the ones continuously throwing the haircut around on this site seem to be lefty.
Because they don't have to. He's not going to win.

Of course, the ones continuously throwing the haircut around on this site seem to be lefty.

C'mon, Damo - you understand the point. You can't possibly think the media over the past decade or so has covered political campaigns with any intelligence or focus on policy positions over the garbage that we're routinely subjected to now...
Because they don't have to. He's not going to win.

Of course, the ones continuously throwing the haircut around on this site seem to be lefty.

Edwards is winning in Iowa.

The "Edwards can't win" is a concerted effort by the corporate media, and by rival campaigns.

If he does get the nomination, haircuts, and some investment he had, is not going to determine if he wins or loses.
Edwards looks strong in New Iowa Caucus Poll

Edwards 30%

Clinton 22%

Obama 18%

Richardson 15%

Biden 5%

Edwards can't win because Topper has a crush on Hillary.

8 more years of Clintonomics, baby!

Folks, I cannot believe what I am reading? I knew the Topspin was a real fool ever since he sent his toady, the lefty fool SuperFreak, out up against RJS, butt, I sent his toady off with a cyber-skewering he will not forget? All because yours truly said The Hillary cannot win? Now, I find out this fool Top has a thing for The Hillary, with those fat ankles, I would not do her with Rosie O'Donnell's weenie?
edwards put his whole egg basket in Iowa, hasn't he been living there

Cypress, I'll give you edwards vs Hillary for $1,000
Edwards looks strong in New Iowa Caucus Poll

Edwards 30%

Clinton 22%

Obama 18%

Richardson 15%

Biden 5%


Thanks for posting; that is heartening. I remember how much of a foregone conclusion Dean was until he lost Iowa.

For once, Iowans might do something right...
C'mon, Damo - you understand the point. You can't possibly think the media over the past decade or so has covered political campaigns with any intelligence or focus on policy positions over the garbage that we're routinely subjected to now...
They don't seem to ever cover it. The media is extremely lazy nowadays. When was the last time a real investigative report was done? They simply take stories off the AP and repeat them. They are mostly parrots. It is the reason why so many get information from blogs, they might not be as reliable, but at least they aren't so lazy.