Why high school kids are financially illiterate

The CEO's of corporations. I use to deny the fact that corporate America controlled the USA, until I read the book, "The War Against the Weak". It was an eye opener and scarier for me to read then Clive Barker.

WOW. I've thought this for years.
finances have to be taught it schools.

People should walk out of high school KNOWING how to buy property and how to shop for insurance.

I agree 100% with the above.

there is a reason they are not taught this.

This is true as well... But not for the reason below, IMO.

It benefits the wealthy that people are so uneducated in these subjects

What is the driving force that permeates our schools from both the democrats and the republicans? Think hard. Think harder. C'mon now, you can do it....think.

It's test scores!

Oh no, our test scores aren't up to par with China's or the Netherlands' or Germany's. We must pass more mandates and strap the schools with more requirements to get them up. And to show just how much we care, we are going to make it so that EVERY STUDENT MUST PASS THESE TESTS or we will cut the schools funding considerably and then require them to do more with less.

Schools have faced this for years. We're number 1 in Oklahoma in cuts in $ to the public school system since the so called recession kicked in. As a result, where we used to be able to employ 2 math teachers, freeing one of us up to teach things like Consumer Mathematics (and some computer programming and Physics on the side), we now have one and there are only so many hours in the day to teach 7th grade math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry and Trigonometry (my schedule) so these other courses get pushed out the door. Also, even if these classes are given as electives, we now REQUIRE kids to take so many things that few of them will opt for these classes. So Desh, while I agree with you about the problem, we disagree about the source...because both the democrats and the [evil] republicans are responsible for what we now have.
No they pay the big bucks to confuse you stupid people into harming the entire country for the CEOs benifit
I agree 100% with the above.

This is true as well... But not for the reason below, IMO.

What is the driving force that permeates our schools from both the democrats and the republicans? Think hard. Think harder. C'mon now, you can do it....think.

It's test scores!

Oh no, our test scores aren't up to par with China's or the Netherlands' or Germany's. We must pass more mandates and strap the schools with more requirements to get them up. And to show just how much we care, we are going to make it so that EVERY STUDENT MUST PASS THESE TESTS or we will cut the schools funding considerably and then require them to do more with less.

Schools have faced this for years. We're number 1 in Oklahoma in cuts in $ to the public school system since the so called recession kicked in. As a result, where we used to be able to employ 2 math teachers, freeing one of us up to teach things like Consumer Mathematics (and some computer programming and Physics on the side), we now have one and there are only so many hours in the day to teach 7th grade math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry and Trigonometry (my schedule) so these other coursed get pushed out the door. Also, even if these classes are given as electives, we now REQUIRE kids to take so many things that few of them will opt for these classes. So Desh, while I agree with you about the problem, we disagree about the source...because both the democrats and the [evil] republicans are responsible for what we now have.

thank the republican party
Prove what you are saying with something we can trust.

You have already proven your words are untrustable

Actually that is not true. As I posted a couple weeks ago, anyone interested in what Desh has been repeating is free to contact Damo and ask who was lying years ago.


Giving you the cache link, the other is pdf:

It is the same reason they no longer teach civics. The trend to dumb us down. Poor, uneducated people are easier to control with fear.


Clearly the education system, teaching profession, and educators' unions are firmly in the pockets of big corporations.

thank the republican party

LMWAO. I could have told you to save what you are writing lr because I knew this is exactly the response you would get. I do appreciate you offering your insight though as being a teacher you are definitely in the trenches.
the right in this country has done nothing but try to dismantle a once great education system.

all my life
finances have to be taught it schools.

People should walk out of high school KNOWING how to buy property and how to shop for insurance.

there is a reason they are not taught this.

It benefits the wealthy that people are so uneducated in these subjects

Who was benefitted by you not knowing that rental income is not passive income? Hmmm?

You are the last person to speak about financial literacy.
the right in this country has done nothing but try to dismantle a once great education system.

all my life

yeah, a system that was great when it was segregated. Not surprising you like that.

Why does California receive a failing grade in teaching financial literacy? Is it a right-wing conspiracy in California too?
Actually that is not true. As I posted a couple weeks ago, anyone interested in what Desh has been repeating is free to contact Damo and ask who was lying years ago.


Giving you the cache link, the other is pdf:


show us the outline of the class.

then tell us why this republican stronghold teaches their kids consumer insights but doesn't think they should help Chicago kids learn the same?
yeah, a system that was great when it was segregated. Not surprising you like that.

Why does California receive a failing grade in teaching financial literacy? Is it a right-wing conspiracy in California too?

dear asshole do you remember Arnold?
show us the outline of the class.

then tell us why this republican stronghold teaches their kids consumer insights but doesn't think they should help Chicago kids learn the same?

So now you are switching from the right-wing doesn't want financial literacy taught to they only want it taught in right-wing areas?
thank the republican party

It, unfortunately, is both sides. Ted Kennedy worked with George Bush to pass that awful piece of legislation, "No Child Left Behind".

Critical, individualized thinking isn't encouraged, it is learning by teaching to the test.
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So now you are switching from the right-wing doesn't want financial literacy taught to they only want it taught in right-wing areas?

what does this class teach?

Yes you idiot

its why they always say shit like "you cant force me to help others"