Why Hillary's Candidacy is Weaker than People Think...

Who's to know though. The Dean machine looked strong from the start with its grass roots support but then it fell apart. I primary mechanism I think will help Hillary in the same way it helped Kerry beat Dean.

The dems are in a different position today than they were then. We were so desperate to get bush out of office, you can't imagine. We were obsessed with electability as a group. I think that as a group now, we know we can more afford to go with our hearts. Because we are going to have a huge advantage in 08, assuming things are pretty much as they are now.
Really? Wow, I love Edwards. He is where my heart is at regarding health care and poverty issues.

Elizabeth could live 20 years, from what I understand. I mean, yes it will kill her (well, something else could first), but it could be managable. The medicine may work, she may go into remission or something like it, for years. Or she might be dead four years from now. But I just look at it this way; the same could be said of anybody.

Yeah, but a national insurance plan isn't unique. That was Kerry's platform back in 2004. And Obama has pretty good ideas with poverty. And he's never been an Iraq war apologist his entire career. Edwards was one for a while and my first tier of picks have been right from day one as far as I can recall.

Yes, she could be dead, the children will be motherless and essentially fatherless. Where is edwards going to be when they are going through adolescense (sp?). I'm not saying he should be penalized for his wife's condition but to think it won't get in the way is foolish. We know this ahead of time and I think it should be considered.
Who's to know though. The Dean machine looked strong from the start with its grass roots support but then it fell apart. I primary mechanism I think will help Hillary in the same way it helped Kerry beat Dean.

I don't buy the Dean - Edwards comparison. Dean was a real insurgent candidate, who came out of nowhere, and freaked out the DC insiders.

Edwards is not percieved as that much of an outsider.
Yeah, but a national insurance plan isn't unique. That was Kerry's platform back in 2004. And Obama has pretty good ideas with poverty. And he's never been an Iraq war apologist his entire career. Edwards was one for a while and my first tier of picks have been right from day one as far as I can recall.

Yes, she could be dead, the children will be motherless and essentially fatherless. Where is edwards going to be when they are going through adolescense (sp?). I'm not saying he should be penalized for his wife's condition but to think it won't get in the way is foolish. We know this ahead of time and I think it should be considered.

19 year old Susan Ford steped in her mothers place when Betty was fighting cancer and addiction. Edwards has a beautifull 23 year old daughter.
Jarod... I would agree that he stands no chance in the Dem nomination race, but I think he would win hands down against anyone in the general election. I would also disagree that he has no leadership experience. The man is a natural born leader and has demonstrated just that during his tenure in the military. He was the Supreme Commander of NATO forces in Europe. He has more foreign relations experience than ANYONE else. (which is something we are clearly in need of at this time)

Darla... I agree that is why many Dems are hesitant about him... and that is a shame. I believe he is the best fit for this country right now. He would not be the divisive figure that Clinton, Bush and possibly Clinton were/are/would be.
"Clark's not running, and I don't think he is going to run."

No shit Captain obvious... hence the "get the man to run" portion. Damn selective reading glasses of yours drive me nuts ;)
Yeah, but a national insurance plan isn't unique. That was Kerry's platform back in 2004. And Obama has pretty good ideas with poverty. And he's never been an Iraq war apologist his entire career. Edwards was one for a while and my first tier of picks have been right from day one as far as I can recall.

Yes, she could be dead, the children will be motherless and essentially fatherless. Where is edwards going to be when they are going through adolescense (sp?). I'm not saying he should be penalized for his wife's condition but to think it won't get in the way is foolish. We know this ahead of time and I think it should be considered.

kerry had a half-assed plan, and never could explain it very well, not that he could explain anything very well. And the thing I like about Edwards is that he has come out and said he is going to roll back the bush tax cuts to pay for it. He has not shied away from that. Obama has always been good on the war, but he has not shown to me the passion for anti-poverty measures that Edwards has. And too, Obama was not in the position where he had to vote in the Senate on it. I am not immune to Obama and he is not out of the running for me, the way that Hillary is. I just am unconvinced, and am waiting to see on him. My personal dream ticket has always been a Gore/Obama one, which I believe cannot be beaten, and I think that Obama is VP material at this point, not necessarily Presidential. But I could change my mind on that.

As for Elizabeth, i just feel that this is what she wants, and she does not have to go home and get ready to die. She might live.
Funny thing is though I think Dean had a better shot at beating Bush than Kerry did.

Ultimatly I agree with you. Dean peaked too early, and he gave them a chance to take advantage of his oddball factor with the scream. The voters were afraid they did not know him well enough to nominate him at such an important time. Kerry was more vetted.

THe Cons would have picked Dean appart just as badly as they picked appart Kerry. They would have made him look like a whacko. Remember his wife said she was not plainning to move to Washington, D.C. with him if he won, and she was going to stay home and continue her medical practice. Also the Christians would have assassinated him because his wife is Jewish.
"Edwards has a beautifull 23 year old daughter."

you might want to re-check the photo on his website. Or at least take the beer goggles off.
The dems are in a different position today than they were then. We were so desperate to get bush out of office, you can't imagine. We were obsessed with electability as a group. I think that as a group now, we know we can more afford to go with our hearts. Because we are going to have a huge advantage in 08, assuming things are pretty much as they are now.

If only we knew then what we know now.
I'd elect Dr. Howard even though he has put his foot in his mouth on several occassions.
Jarod... I would agree that he stands no chance in the Dem nomination race, but I think he would win hands down against anyone in the general election. I would also disagree that he has no leadership experience. The man is a natural born leader and has demonstrated just that during his tenure in the military. He was the Supreme Commander of NATO forces in Europe. He has more foreign relations experience than ANYONE else. (which is something we are clearly in need of at this time)

Darla... I agree that is why many Dems are hesitant about him... and that is a shame. I believe he is the best fit for this country right now. He would not be the divisive figure that Clinton, Bush and possibly Clinton were/are/would be.

You need to read my words more carefully. I did not say he had no leadership experience, I said he has no experience governing. There is a big difference between being a ranking officer in the military and governing from an elected position. I like his forigh releations experience, its a huge plus. Its one reason I belive he has already been slated for Senator Clinton's VP, not that she wont change her mind if she needs to for political reasons.

No there is not. To govern is to lead... whether in the military or as CinC. You either possess leadership qualities or you do not. If you mean he has never been a politician, then that is a HUGE plus. Because the career politicians are bankrupting this country. 46 years in a row they have raised our nations debt. Time to change from the status quo.

No there is not. To govern is to lead... whether in the military or as CinC. You either possess leadership qualities or you do not. If you mean he has never been a politician, then that is a HUGE plus. Because the career politicians are bankrupting this country. 46 years in a row they have raised our nations debt. Time to change from the status quo.

I am not suprised you dont understand the difference between governing and being a military leader.
kerry had a half-assed plan, and never could explain it very well, not that he could explain anything very well. And the thing I like about Edwards is that he has come out and said he is going to roll back the bush tax cuts to pay for it. He has not shied away from that. Obama has always been good on the war, but he has not shown to me the passion for anti-poverty measures that Edwards has. And too, Obama was not in the position where he had to vote in the Senate on it. I am not immune to Obama and he is not out of the running for me, the way that Hillary is. I just am unconvinced, and am waiting to see on him. My personal dream ticket has always been a Gore/Obama one, which I believe cannot be beaten, and I think that Obama is VP material at this point, not necessarily Presidential. But I could change my mind on that.

As for Elizabeth, i just feel that this is what she wants, and she does not have to go home and get ready to die. She might live.

I'm not saying she should just wait to die, I'm saying its going to definitely occupy a lot of Mr. Edwards. I can't understand how it won't.

Obama's been been right about the invasion from the beginning before the bandwagon politicians jumped on board.


He had the foresight along with the rest of us to point out an obvious strategic mistake and stand up for what was right. Edwards didn't. Our president should have accurate and sensible foresight. I don't think any of the people that gave dumb-as$ the authority to go to war and who defended an obvious mistake years later should be rewarded with the presidency. Call me bitter but that's how I see it.

No there is not. To govern is to lead... whether in the military or as CinC. You either possess leadership qualities or you do not. If you mean he has never been a politician, then that is a HUGE plus. Because the career politicians are bankrupting this country. 46 years in a row they have raised our nations debt. Time to change from the status quo.

Funny..... I knew what he was talking about.
"I am not suprised you dont understand the difference between governing and being a military leader."

your semantics aside. Not one of the other candidates possess Clark's ability to lead this ocuntry. Not one is even close.