Why Hillary's Candidacy is Weaker than People Think...

"I am not suprised you dont understand the difference between governing and being a military leader."

your semantics aside. Not one of the other candidates possess Clark's ability to lead this ocuntry. Not one is even close.

SuperOwned :p
I'm not saying she should just wait to die, I'm saying its going to definitely occupy a lot of Mr. Edwards. I can't understand how it won't.

Obama's been been right about the invasion from the beginning before the bandwagon politicians jumped on board.


He had the foresight along with the rest of us to point out an obvious strategic mistake and stand up for what was right. Edwards didn't. Our president should have accurate and sensible foresight. I don't think any of the people that gave dumb-as$ the authority to go to war and who defended an obvious mistake years later should be rewarded with the presidency. Call me bitter but that's how I see it.

No, I understand how you feel about that. I felt that way for a while, but then as long as they were able to admit they were wrong, I let it go. But you have a very valid position on that.
"Edwards has a beautifull 23 year old daughter."

you might want to re-check the photo on his website. Or at least take the beer goggles off.

She's not a movie star, but she looks like a lovely young lady. And she's in Harvard Law school, which means she's smart as a whip.

That's more appealing that some stupid, ignorant fool like Paris Hilton, don't you agree ;)
No, I understand how you feel about that. I felt that way for a while, but then as long as they were able to admit they were wrong, I let it go. But you have a very valid position on that.

We settle too much already in politics. We continuously reward and let bad decisions go unchecked. I am a little tired of seeing people who make obvious mistakes still in power. Honestly in the general election, if I'm not happy with their pick I may just go green.
Has anyone else ever noticed, that once you get a bunch of men together, no matter what the topic is, it always somehow ends up as "hey, would you do her?"


No there is not. To govern is to lead... whether in the military or as CinC. You either possess leadership qualities or you do not. If you mean he has never been a politician, then that is a HUGE plus. Because the career politicians are bankrupting this country. 46 years in a row they have raised our nations debt. Time to change from the status quo.

I think clark is a natural leader, and he's super smart. He just has a piss-poor public speaking skill, and is fairly uncharismatic compared to what most americans expect of a president.

I'll give you that he might be the smartest man in the field. West Point is a top notch education. And I think he was not only at the top of his class, but was a Rhodes Scholar.

And I don't disagree that leadership skills can be acquired in the military. A dude like Clark was on a rocket ship to the top. He became NATO commander at a relatively young age. You don't get to do that, if you don't know how to lead.
Has anyone else ever noticed, that once you get a bunch of men together, no matter what the topic is, it always somehow ends up as "hey, would you do her?"


Darla: Please stop pretending that, at least part of your admiration for Edwards, is that he looks like a movie star ;)

"I am not suprised you dont understand the difference between governing and being a military leader."

your semantics aside. Not one of the other candidates possess Clark's ability to lead this ocuntry. Not one is even close.

I agree that his qualifications relating to forign affairs are unsurpassed. However, when he was Supreem Allied Comander he was governed by President Clinton.
"SuperOwned "

Just how is it that he "owned" me? Are you still bitter of your education lesson yesterday? Did you let your boyfriend know that his idea was already in place? :D
Cypress... by the way... just being in Harvard does not make one intelligent. Kerry and Bush went to Yale.... enough said. ;)
Cypress... by the way... just being in Harvard does not make one intelligent. Kerry and Bush went to Yale.... enough said. ;)

I consider Kerry to be very intelligent, at least he got into Yale on his own accord.
"He just has a piss-poor public speaking skill, and is fairly uncharismatic compared to what most americans expect of a president. "

This is the problem with our country. We were spoiled by the likes of Reagen and Clinton, who were both good leaders and great orators. We have got to stop trying to elect the best orator. We need to elect the best leader.
Cypress... by the way... just being in Harvard does not make one intelligent. Kerry and Bush went to Yale.... enough said. ;)

Kerry is ten times smarter than bush.

Bush got in as a legacy student. Not based on merit.

I suspect Catey Edwards got in on merit.

I win. ;)
"I consider Kerry to be very intelligent, at least he got into Yale on his own accord."

Yet his grades were slightly worse than Bush.