Why Hillary's Candidacy is Weaker than People Think...

I cannot think of anyone that the Reps could put up that could stand up to a Clark/Richardson combo. (assuming things are similar to how they are now)

I don't think Gore would do as well as you think.

A Clark/Richardson ticket is not going to happen. It does not excite the base, and that is who nominates. It really leaves me yawning myself.

How Gore would do remains to be seen of course. The media are still against him, and they mock him at every turn. I know that. I still think he would win.
I'm pretty sure the best way to lose the election (or make it closer than it ought to be) for the democrats is for Obama or Hillary to get the nomination. Edwards has a much better chance and I think Richardson would have an even better chance. In fact, a Richardson/Clark ticket would be a blowout for the democrats, and one that I would rush to pull the lever for.

I dont agree, at least with Obama. You may have a point about Senator Clinton. However, I think the conservatives would say that about any frontrunner. Its an interesting phenomonum, I guess it happens in both parties, but they claim that the most likely to get the nomination has no chance, but they would consider voting for someone in the back of the pack.

I watched this happen with Dean when he lost the lead and Kerry took over.
Clark will not run due to loyality to his friend Senator Clinton. He will run as VP if she asks!
You guys are always forgetting an important election rule. The best person doesn't get nominated.


In 2000 how many wanted Gore or Bush to get the nomination?

In 2004 how many wanted Kerry to get the nomination?

In 2008 we're gonna get two dogs. I'd put money on it.

Gore was my top choice in 2000. In hindsight, I think many would agree he would have made a very good president. And, at a bare minimum, he would have avoided or mitigated the multitude of incompetent and atrocious decisions Bush had made.

In 2004, Kerry was about my third or fourth choice, in the Dem primary.