Why homosexuality should be banned

  • Thread starter Thread starter WinterBorn
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No, I want you to provide the definition you wish to work with, it is your question.
Pronunciation: \ˈna-chə-rəl, ˈnach-rəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French naturel, from Latin naturalis of nature, from natura nature
Date: 14th century

1 : based on an inherent sense of right and wrong <natural justice>
2 a : being in accordance with or determined by nature b : having or constituting a classification based on features existing in nature
3 a (1) : begotten as distinguished from adopted; also : legitimate (2) : being a relation by actual consanguinity as distinguished from adoption <natural parents> b : illegitimate <a natural child>
4 : having an essential relation with someone or something : following from the nature of the one in question <his guilt is a natural deduction from the evidence>
5 : implanted or being as if implanted by nature : seemingly inborn <a natural talent for art>
6 : of or relating to nature as an object of study and research
7 : having a specified character by nature <a natural athlete>
8 a : occurring in conformity with the ordinary course of nature : not marvelous or supernatural <natural causes> b : formulated by human reason alone rather than revelation <natural religion> <natural rights> c : having a normal or usual character <events followed their natural course>
9 : possessing or exhibiting the higher qualities (as kindliness and affection) of human nature <a noble…brother…ever most kind and natural — Shakespeare>
10 a : growing without human care; also : not cultivated <natural prairie unbroken by the plow> b : existing in or produced by nature : not artificial <natural turf> <natural curiosities> c : relating to or being natural food
11 a : being in a state of nature without spiritual enlightenment : unregenerate <natural man> b : living in or as if in a state of nature untouched by the influences of civilization and society
12 a : having a physical or real existence as contrasted with one that is spiritual, intellectual, or fictitious <a corporation is a legal but not a natural person> b : of, relating to, or operating in the physical as opposed to the spiritual world <natural laws describe phenomena of the physical universe>
13 a : closely resembling an original : true to nature b : marked by easy simplicity and freedom from artificiality, affectation, or constraint c : having a form or appearance found in nature
14 a : having neither flats nor sharps <the natural scale of C major> b : being neither sharp nor flat c : having the pitch modified by the natural sign
15 : of an off-white or beige color

I choose 8a. :good4u:
True. I suppose it is natural for people to create false scenarios that children are threatened and use such false situations to advance their own bigotry under a guise.

Wait, that's not natural at all! Which "unnatural" trumps the other?

Lets face it, people oppose gay marriage because they either don't like gays, they are fearful that they may be gay themselves, or they don't understand reality and they prefer to concern themselves with and oppose that which they voluntarily claim to have no understanding of.

These phony baloney "concerns" about children, or culture, or the American Way of life are blown up to awaken the bigot in the bigoted, and scare the uneducated backwards voter.

There are no truly valid reasons to oppose gay marriage unless you consider bigotry and ignorance to be valid.

Thus, SouthernKlan.

Wow it didn't take long for some fool to accuse me of bigotry. Is your argument that weak?

I choose 8a. :good4u:

Not surprising. And yet still not sufficient reason to ban gay marriage.

"8 a : occurring in conformity with the ordinary course of nature : not marvelous or supernatural <natural causes> b : formulated by human reason alone rather than revelation <natural religion> <natural rights> c : having a normal or usual character <events followed their natural course>"

Since many species exhibit homosexual behaviors, it fits within this definition too.
Not necessarily. Again, I seek truth, not judgment.

And therein shows the lie.

You do not seek truth. The truth (without bigotry or religious discrimination) is that there is no rational reason for banning gay marriage.

You do not seek the truth. You seeK to force your beliefs on others.
As predicted:

No one here is throwing any sort of hissy fit. They are presenting good arguments and condemning your points.

Funny that you seem to enjoy threads in which you (and other radical cons) bash liberals. And yet when you are faced with a bipartisan group arguing against your views, you have to resort to calling it "hissy fits".

I guess if you didn't you would have to argue with facts. And that would be well nigh on to impossible.

I choose 8a. :good4u:
And now, please tell me how things that occur in the "normal course of nature" are somehow "moral," so that we can have the second determining factor in your argument. Otherwise this portion of the conversation is useless in holding up your part of the discussion. If it is not "immoral" to be unnatural, then there is no reason to "ban" anything for being "unnatural"...

A few examples of things that "occur in the normal course of nature,"

Theft, the dog who is strongest will take food from the dog that is weakest, this ensures that the strongest survive to perpetuate the specie.

Murder, after mating the black widow spider often will kill and eat her mate (actually many spiders will do this). So, how is it that cannibalism and murder is good?

Adultery and fornication, as far as I understand it sex in nature is without the benefit of God's blessing.

Matricide and patricide... the father/mother in a pack animal is often killed by the younger who is taking over leadership of the pack.

So, please forward the conversation another step and tell me exactly why something that is "unnatural" or "not occurring in the normal course of nature" is in every case "immoral"...

And while you are doing it, as we previously discussed, answering here will then be "immoral" so you better get into the confessional quickly afterward...
And now, please tell me how things that occur in the "normal course of nature" are somehow "moral," so that we can have the second determining factor in your argument. Otherwise this portion of the conversation is useless in holding up your part of the discussion. If it is not "immoral" to be unnatural, then there is no reason to "ban" anything for being "unnatural"...

A few examples of things that "occur in the normal course of nature,"

Theft, the dog who is strongest will take food from the dog that is weakest, this ensures that the strongest survive to perpetuate the specie.

Murder, after mating the black widow spider often will kill and eat her mate (actually many spiders will do this). So, how is it that cannibalism and murder is good?

Adultery and fornication, as far as I understand it sex in nature is without the benefit of God's blessing.

Matricide and patricide... the father/mother in a pack animal is often killed by the younger who is taking over leadership of the pack.

So, please forward the conversation another step and tell me exactly why something that is "unnatural" or "not occurring in the normal course of nature" is in every case "immoral"...

And while you are doing it, as we previously discussed, answering here will then be "immoral" so you better get into the confessional quickly afterward...

Natural and moral are two separate issues. Which one are we arguing about?
Natural and moral are two separate issues. Which one are we arguing about?

Since the thread is about gay marriage, perhaps you could stick with that?

Maybe try explaining why "unnatural" is a reason to ban gay marriage?
so we shouldn't allow people who can't reproduce to marry? we shouldn't allow retards or those with cancer to live or marry?

Kudos to you, Yurt. It wouldn't let me give you rep points, so I'll just stick with public praise.
so we shouldn't allow people who can't reproduce to marry? we shouldn't allow retards or those with cancer to live or marry?
There's lots of reasons we don't allow queers to marry. Unnatural is only one of them. Morality is probably the biggest. But you wanted to discuss natural.
you mentioned unnatural...so i talked about it

why did you not answer my questions?
No, I asked you to pick one of the OP issues, and you didn't want to, so I did, and we ended up with the first one, that queerness is unnatural. I answered your question while sticking to this issue as best possible.