and if you're not married you have restricted inheritance rights, hospital rights, dissolution rights etc....
And herein lies the point. Good post.
The anti gay marriage crowd is trying to hang their hats on the morality argument, or the unnatural argument, but the bottom line remains the same. They don't want homosexuals to have the same rights.
Its truly going to be one of the great embarrassments of the overall civil rights movement, that a large part of this country wishes to deny a basic, civil right to another large part of this country, merely due to semantics.
Its a shame. Opposing gay marriage is opposing real equality, in the most basic sense.
The following is directed at the opponents of same sex marriage:
Religion? Okay, if your religion doesn't allow it, then don't let two guys or gals get married in your church. I support that. Your religion is your religion, but my country is my country. Society? You don't own society anymore than any one individual in it, gay or straight, so shove that shit where it belongs, in the toilet. Children? If gay marriage is bad for children, show me how marriage at all is a universal litmus test for raising children, and show me any information you have that says that gay couples are worse at raising kids than straight couples, or single parents, or absentee parents, or grandparents. And as an aside, your side complains that since they cant have kids, its not in the direction of what marriage is about. So feigning concern for children is crap. If you really cared about kids, you'd pick a fight elsewhere.
If you don't want a segment of this country to have the same rights as the rest of us, just come out and say so. If you think that gays are weird, or that their lifestyle creeps you out, just come right the fuck out, and SAY SO.
Its not like its a big secret anyhow, its obvious, so pull that hood off and come clean.