Why homosexuality should be banned

  • Thread starter Thread starter WinterBorn
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As a matter of fact, you are absolutely right, Yurt. Well done.

So marriage, as define by the state of CA did not restrict it to just a man and a woman. It was only afterwards that the law was changed to define it as one man & one woman.

Funny, that it seems ok when the changes are being made in favor of the conservative side. What about it, PMP? Is the change ok when its in your favor?

don't act so shocked.....:D

i wouldn't be surprised if pampers just doesn't cut out huge portions of our posts per his usual debate tactics.....

whats funny, is that i don't think this issue should necessarily be a conserative or liberal issue....just like the desire stop the ban on interracial marriages...it wasn't just a liberal or conservative issue
notice that BEFORE 1977 there were no statutes against same-sex marriages, so you need to be honest and admit the law was changed in 1977 to ban gay marriage and since you are against changing the law, you must be intellectual honest and be against the change in 1977....
/hands Yurt his ass on a platter....
On September 8, 1850, California entered the US as the 31st state of the union. At the time marriage statutes described marriage as "a civil contract to which the consent of the parties is required" [9] with gender specific pronouns applied to "husband" and "wife".

your dishonestly once again rears its ugly head.....lets see the full quote from WIKI....lol....can't pull up an actual statute.....do you cite wiki when you go to court big guy?

1850 statehood to 1872
On September 8, 1850, California entered the US as the 31st state of the union. At the time marriage statutes described marriage as "a civil contract to which the consent of the parties is required" [9] with gender specific pronouns applied to "husband" and "wife". Later court decisions and some statutes dating from both statehood and the 1872 codification of the civil law state; "Any unmarried male of the age of 18 years or upward and any unmarried female of the age of 15 years old or upward are capable of consenting to and consummating marriage."[10][11] The code makes no mention of what gender may marry which.

you just pwned yourself......pampers....

do you have anything other than WIKI....because wiki kicks your ass....lol
your dishonestly once again rears its ugly head.....lets see the full quote from WIKI....lol....can't pull up an actual statute.....do you cite wiki when you go to court big guy?

you just pwned yourself......pampers....

do you have anything other than WIKI....because wiki kicks your ass....lol

the 1872 codification of the civil law state; "Any unmarried male of the age of 18 years or upward and any unmarried female of the age of 15 years old or upward are capable of consenting to and consummating marriage."[10][11] The code makes no mention of what gender may marry which.

and you're pretending from the last sentence that in California in 1872 the state was contemplating same sex marriage....talk about intellectual dishonesty!....how do you explain the fact then, that gays had to go to court to force the state to give them a marriage license?......why no gay couples in 1920?.....1960?.....

you cannot deny that the "change" that occurred in California was granting gays the right to marry.....claiming that banning gay marriage is the change is absurd.....
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actually i did....i pointed out how this has not been good for european countries who's people generally have children much later in life than other cultures....

living to 50 or 70 is not that big of an age difference to justify changing the tradition...in fact, as i pointed out, women still are capable of having children at the age of 13 or 14. thus, there is no biological reason to change this tradition. if we live longer, what difference does it make if we force women to not have children until the arbitrary age of 18? you said they matured later, i wholly disagree and biology and science are on my side. mental maturity is not the same as the body's maturity and that has not changed.

i also pionted out that some states in the US allow them to marry at the age of 16 with parental consent....you ignored that though.....
Some states allow the parents the freedom to decide if their 16 year old is mature enough.

That's the bottom line on this issue: maturity. Years ago children matured faster- they had to. My grandfather graduated from the 8th grade then left home, for the US. That was not uncommon. He was a very well educated man; could recite poetry from memory with a deep baritone flourish that made you feel like you were on the deck of the Schooner Hesperus in a viscous storm, and he had a huge vocabulary.
that is illogical.....Satanists should thrive on suffering.....
Wow did you really say this? Do you know anything about the Church of Satan or other Satanic churches? Rhetorical, the short answer is no, you don't, just as you know very little about homosexuals. Satanic Homosexuals would probably cause you to stare and drool, but I digress. The definition of marriage has change over time and you refuse to see those changes for what they were. Marriage in Virginia and other southern states was recognized as one man and one woman as long they were not mixed race ( In Loving, actually Virginia was fine with a Mexican Man and Black woman marrying but a white could not marry outside of their race). That changed. The change was a revocation of bigotry, and the resistence to homosexual marriage is nothing but bigotry. The argument about the US and States recognizing marriages performed in the Wiccan Church, Marriages that were arranged in Hindu and other religious traditions carries a great deal of weight. You talk about religious freedoms and I agree. If Hinduism says you don't have know and like your spouse before you get married it's no skin off my back. But lets say that Unitarian Universalists decide, and they have, that same sex marriage fits their religious views as a valid form of marriage? Well then you want to forbid them from performing a legally recognizable marriage. So you are not foursquare in favor of religious freedom.

The other issue is Adult Child marriages, which the US tells states they must recognize IF the marriage was performed in a state our country where the union was legal. In my part of the world we from time to time get child sex cases which get dismissed when the parties produce a marriage licence or other accepted proof that a marriage was legally recognized in Mexico. Not long ago we had a 23 year old man prosecuted for rape of a 13 year old until he provided proof that they had been married in Mexico. That was a valid licence and MUST be recognized in all 50 US states. Didn't change my marriage, and I am certain that now that you know about it, it hasn't changed yours.

The truth is, you fundie marriage nazis are terrified of gay marriage being accepted, because when it is you will be be proven wrong. The world will not end, the American Society will not degenerate any faster than it already is, the incidence of people BECOMING gay will not rise significantly, though I think more people will come out of the closet. Recognition of gay marriage will only strengthen american families. There will be no worrying about what happens to the kids if the bio mom or dad dies. The nonbio parent won't have to worry about being ripped from their children and the children will not have to suffer the trauma of not only losing one parent to death but then have the state come in and rip them from the only remaining parent. Gay marriage is going to happen, it is inevitable, and you will find yourself once again on the losing side of history.
Sure it is. Lots of queers decide to be gay.
If it is a choice one way then it is a choice BOTH ways. So....tell us about the day you chose to sexually terrify women rather than men. Did you weigh the pros and cons? Did you decide you preferred rounder hairless asses to the more muscular and hairy? Did you decide that a labia was preferable to balls on your chin? Vaginal fluids better than semen? I am currious, because as far back as I can remember, I liked girls. My first real verifiable memory is from the age of 4 and being on a plane flying to L.A. with my grandparents and seeing this lovely 4 or 5 year old creature with beautiful blue eyes and an enchanting smile. I was smitten though I didn't know what smitten was at the time. Now, I have a gay friend who recalls sitting at the window of his house at the age of 6 and watching the teenage boy across the street mow his parents yard, and feeling that same smitten feeling. He knew at 6 he preferred balls and semen to labias and vaginal fluid. Most gay men you talk to will tell you that they KNEW at a young age that they liked boys. Most lesbians will tell you they knew they like girls from a young age. But like you and me, they can't tell you when they CHOSE to be attracted to the same sex, only when they CHOSE to come out of the closet.
it does illustrate, however, that there can be a rational basis for objecting to having law changes forced down one's throat.....Winter has confessed to having difficulty understanding that......I merely wanted to enlighten him......while bestiality is not as widely engaged in as homosexuality and has not received the same level of public acceptance, the proposal to change the laws to permit a man to marry an animal is no different than changing the laws to permit same sex marriage......
This is the STUPIDEST argument. An animal cannot and never will be able to consent. This is THE example of a straw man.
Not really. Most are born normal, and some choose to be abnormal.
I knew you didn't have the chops to address the whole post. 6 year olds don't CHOOSE to be attracted to one sort of person or another, just happens. I know this because I have a 6 year old boy who is most decidedly into girls. Has been since he was 3 or 4. No choice made, just who he is.
I knew you didn't have the chops to address the whole post. 6 year olds don't CHOOSE to be attracted to one sort of person or another, just happens. I know this because I have a 6 year old boy who is most decidedly into girls. Has been since he was 3 or 4. No choice made, just who he is.
I did address your whole post, except of course the perverted portions, which I ignored.
Not really. Most are born normal, and some choose to be abnormal.

You are admitting that some are born gay? Congrats! You are coming around.

I have no idea where you got the "most" part though. Most medical professionals dispute it.
Your argument appears to be that the complexities of language are meaningless.

Then you missed the point of my post.

You are saying that marriage has been refined (meaning that things have changed) but has not been changed.

Regardless of what you try and say, to refine something is to change it from its original form.