Wow did you really say this? Do you know anything about the Church of Satan or other Satanic churches? Rhetorical, the short answer is no, you don't, just as you know very little about homosexuals. Satanic Homosexuals would probably cause you to stare and drool, but I digress. The definition of marriage has change over time and you refuse to see those changes for what they were. Marriage in Virginia and other southern states was recognized as one man and one woman as long they were not mixed race ( In Loving, actually Virginia was fine with a Mexican Man and Black woman marrying but a white could not marry outside of their race). That changed. The change was a revocation of bigotry, and the resistence to homosexual marriage is nothing but bigotry. The argument about the US and States recognizing marriages performed in the Wiccan Church, Marriages that were arranged in Hindu and other religious traditions carries a great deal of weight. You talk about religious freedoms and I agree. If Hinduism says you don't have know and like your spouse before you get married it's no skin off my back. But lets say that Unitarian Universalists decide, and they have, that same sex marriage fits their religious views as a valid form of marriage? Well then you want to forbid them from performing a legally recognizable marriage. So you are not foursquare in favor of religious freedom.
The other issue is Adult Child marriages, which the US tells states they must recognize IF the marriage was performed in a state our country where the union was legal. In my part of the world we from time to time get child sex cases which get dismissed when the parties produce a marriage licence or other accepted proof that a marriage was legally recognized in Mexico. Not long ago we had a 23 year old man prosecuted for rape of a 13 year old until he provided proof that they had been married in Mexico. That was a valid licence and MUST be recognized in all 50 US states. Didn't change my marriage, and I am certain that now that you know about it, it hasn't changed yours.
The truth is, you fundie marriage nazis are terrified of gay marriage being accepted, because when it is you will be be proven wrong. The world will not end, the American Society will not degenerate any faster than it already is, the incidence of people BECOMING gay will not rise significantly, though I think more people will come out of the closet. Recognition of gay marriage will only strengthen american families. There will be no worrying about what happens to the kids if the bio mom or dad dies. The nonbio parent won't have to worry about being ripped from their children and the children will not have to suffer the trauma of not only losing one parent to death but then have the state come in and rip them from the only remaining parent. Gay marriage is going to happen, it is inevitable, and you will find yourself once again on the losing side of history.