they reversed the CA law banning gay marriage, the first instance of that appeared in 1977.... no, the first instance of it showed up in the 1800s, I already proved that to you....and it remained banned through 2000....
CA had to AMEND their constitution to ban gay marriage, that is a fact. - yes, after the SC threw out the ban they had previously had in marriage was permitted for 5 whole months....
26 other states have had to do the same because they knew their constitution did not define marriage as solely between a man and a woman. - really? one that didn't prohibit gay marriage before the constitution change...
scotus changed the definition of marriage for the states. that is a fact. marriage prior to the decision was only between members of the same RACE. now, we have marriage only between members of the opposite SEX. no it didn't.....marriage meant the relationship between a man and a woman before Loving and after....states defined marriage the same way, they were prevented from blocking access to marriage based on race....
it is clear to me you're going to bury your head in the sand and claim loving v. virginia did not redefine or change marriage. that is completely false....i suggest you read the last paragraph of the majority opinion i quoted for you a couple posts above....change race with gender or sex.....and you will finally see that Yurt is right. - you simple aren't right....