Why I am am athiest

I don't know to whom you are referring.

Obviously the second. But my point was that there are so vanishingly few heavy duty proselityzers for atheism that it pales in comparison to the overwhelming majority of religious proselityzers who have consistently beat up on atheists for generations.

I don't like EITHER flavor but I see less issue from the former than the latter.

I'm not on X

I didn't realize one had to have book sales to have an opinion on atheists.

Yet the reach is grossly outdone by the millennia in which atheism has been railed against by religion.

Remember that atheists consistently are ranked among the least trustworthy people in the US in poll after poll. The atheists are no threat to religion. The atheists are usually pretty quiet. Why can't they have a couple cheer leaders?

I must disagree with this. If only because America is dominated by people with religious beliefs.

"In U.S., 47% Identify as Religious, 33% as Spiritual" Gallup Poll

I'm not certain how that indicates that atheists "dominate the free market".
oh so unfair.

go cry, little bitch.
That's not the way it works for the high priests of atheism.

Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennet, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and any cursory search of YouTube shows atheists passionately promoting their beliefs, and trying to tear down the beliefs or religionists.
Isn't that the ultimate contradiction? High Priest of Atheism?
Noted atheist Sean Carroll on four possibilities for the fine tuning of the universe

1. The universal parameters were designed by an external agent to allow for atomic complexity, organization, and life.
2. We will discover that for one reason or another, the laws of physics just dictate the parameters can not be any other way.
3. It was just an accident. The universal constants could have been something different, but they're just not.
4. There was a selection event, and we just happen to live in a part of a larger multiverse where the physical constants allow us to live.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gvrORNrLH_M
Scientifically, there is actually a ton of evidence for the concept of God, and higher realms.

We probably need a new word, though. "God" has way too many religious connotations now. Belief in the idea of a "God" does NOT have to be religious. It can be scientific.
He's very passionate about his atheism, and his main arguments are: there is no evidence God exists, the Bible is error-filled 2,000 year old scribblings of desert primitives, the stories in the Bible sound like they were written by stoners, and if you try to force Christian morals on him he will fuck you up.

The title should be, "Why I'm An Attention Whore". Lol.