And when militant atheists complain about Christianity, it is almost always, invariably, and consistently about the Hebrew Bible.
Well, many of us have actually been to churches a lot and know that the OT is still quoted extensively and is still an integral part of Christianity. Even Christ himself said so.
You seem to be the only person (aside from the Marcionites whose heresy was anathematized millennia ago) who think the OT can be jettisoned.
You are too dedicated to your hatred and bile (your standard position) to read what I say next but I'll go ahead and say it so you will have something to lie about after you ban me from your thread:
The NT is by far a much kinder version of God. It is a version of God that bears NO RESEMBLANCE to the God it is supposed to be. There is literally NOTHING ANYWHERE IN THE BIBLE that says that the God of the OT is different from the God of the NT.
There's almost nothing to really hold against the God of the NT as he has now become an ineffible being of pure love who has almost no direct contact with the world anymore and he loves ALL people, not just the Jews.
The reason we like to focus on the OT is because it shows how the concept of God is purely made up. One group got this God handed to them and they RECONTEXTUALIZED it to become a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT God to match human needs.
That's why.