Why I am am athiest

Fair enough. I was fully aware you had almost not chemistry background so of course you would have no way to know who PW Atkins was....
Lemme guess; you have a PhD in GeoChem and, therefore are an expert in all things. Is this correct? Yes or no, please.
for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. (Romans 13:8-10)

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." -Jesus H. Christ
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." -Jesus H. Christ
A person who consistently makes grammatical or typo errors is either uneducated, doesn't care or needs a better spell checker. Which are you, Perry?

BTW, please tell me more about this 30-year-old textbook by Peter Atkins that you keep under your pillow. I'm truly curious.
He's very passionate about his atheism, and his main arguments are: there is no evidence God exists, the Bible is error-filled 2,000 year old scribblings of desert primitives, the stories in the Bible sound like they were written by stoners, and if you try to force Christian morals on him he will fuck you up.

What a moron... Just an aside first... Does that guy live in his parent's garage?

His first premise is wrong. Lack of evidence of a some higher power (aka "God") doesn't mean there isn't a god. His argument is in essence, If I can't see it, it doesn't exist! Coupled to a belief that there is nothing greater than himself in the universe.

Then he launches into a rant of idiocy, reductio ad absurdum, and profanity that tries to argue the above.
Fair enough. I was fully aware you had almost not chemistry background so of course you would have no way to know who PW Atkins was.

It was just fun pointing out your USUAL non-stop name checking to make yourself look smarter.

LOL. Neither has Dawkins. But you belabor him all the time because it is a name you recognize.

As per usual you are a "surficial" tourist in many areas of erudition. You seem to drift in, memorize a few names and then call it a day.

This way you actually LEARN something new.

Yes we know you rely on Wikipedia. You are, after all, the Wikipedia Scholar.

I didn't take p-chem until grad school in the 90's. That's why I fell hard for Atkins. He was the guy that got me through so many of my early jobs.

Welll, if you had been able to stick out the rest of grad school you might have.

Atkins is a PHYSICAL CHEMIST. So, again, you don't really know what you're talking about and you want desperately for me to go away because I do.

That scares you. I suspect I'll be banned here forthwith for having the temerity to teach you something you didn't know. And I revealed your ignorance publicly which I know is anathema to you.

That's because you are a dilettante when it comes to the sciences.
I have seen Richard Dawkins widely interviewed on cable TV and internet for 20 years.

So you want this thread to be diverted from the OP to whether I knew a guy who wrote college chemistry textbooks many years after I graduated and finished my inorganic chemistry classes. What a troll!

Disagreed. Just because he disagrees with you doesn't mean he's mad, but your behavior is revealing. Can you cite a post where Cypress spewed hate? I'm truly curious since I've never seen it. If you can't do it, I fully understand. :)

Disagreed. Like myself, Cypress is an agnostic who appreciates the values of wise people like Jesus and Siddhartha Gautama but disagrees with those who weaponize those values to spread hate and division. In short, @Cypress has a consistent moral compass. OTOH, I'm learning that your compass leans hard into hatred and resentment. Your choice.
I would barely know Perry/Kafka was on this board if he wasn't relentlessly lurking my threads, reading everything I write, and constantly grasping for my attention :laugh:

Agreed on the academic interest in the sages of antiquity.
What a moron... Just an aside first... Does that guy live in his parent's garage?

His first premise is wrong. Lack of evidence of a some higher power (aka "God") doesn't mean there isn't a god. His argument is in essence, If I can't see it, it doesn't exist! Coupled to a belief that there is nothing greater than himself in the universe.

Then he launches into a rant of idiocy, reductio ad absurdum, and profanity that tries to argue the above.
The guy does seem to have a few screws loose; he is similar in that regard to fire and brimstone bible thumpers.

I also thought his demographic was fairly typical of militant atheists: white, male, under the age of 30, and just plain angry at Christianity.
The guy does seem to have a few screws loose; he is similar in that regard to fire and brimstone bible thumpers.

I also thought his demographic was fairly typical of militant atheists: white, male, under the age of 30, and just plain angry at Christianity.
You could have left off the last two words. As I hinted to earlier, it appears he's living in his parent's garage (he videoed that clip in a residential garage, you can see the door behind him). I think he's just one of those NEET types that is pissed off his life sucks and wants other people's lives to suck like his does. Misery loves company...
Hence my point, Rapeymouse.

Wrong. I completed that class and then never took another. All I wanted to learn was from the first one. LOL
This is literally the first thread in my internet history where someone is complaining that we don't know 'Peter Atkins'. I would be hard pressed to remember the name of any of the authors of my college textbooks.
So now you think I was an Ob/Gyn?
Before you claimed I was a pediatrician grooming patients.
Make up your mind.
No, but interesting conclusion. :)
No, Rapeydentist, I've never accused you of being a pediatrician nor going after under age patients. Per your own posts, you admitted to drugging adult "clients" and having sex with them. Am I wrong?
BTW, please tell me more about this 30-year-old textbook by Peter Atkins that you keep under your pillow. I'm truly curious.
Perry aka Kaka believes it is urgent and meaningful to know about a guy who wrote undergraduate chemistry textbooks years after most of here graduated from college.
What makes you think I’m angry ? :confused:
On multiple occasions now you have taken the opportunity to do internet research to cherry pick the most offensive sentences from the Hebrew Bible.

You obviously have an agenda.

My question is, why don't you complain about the Hebrew Bible to your Jewish neighbors and Jewish co-workers? It's their faith tradition that wrote the words that bother you.
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." -Jesus H. Christ
Jesus had a middle name? I did not know that! :palm:
This is literally the first thread in my internet history where someone is complaining that we don't know 'Peter Atkins'. I would be hard pressed to remember the name of any of the authors of my college textbooks.
Same here. I can name the professor who had the most impact upon me, but AFAIK, he never wrote any books. Just drank a lot of Wild Turkey and smoked Camel unfiltered. LOL