Why I am am athiest

There is actually more evidence for God than a lot of things that we accept scientifically.

Hypnotic regressions, NDE's, channelings, OBE's. Thousands of people who have accounts of communication w/ God - 10's of thousands. And a great deal of corroboration between accounts.
the scientific materialism Nazis suppress actual spirituality.

they only accept religion when its tyrannical and murderous, like their desert demon yaldabaoth.

all the dummies miss the entire point on religion and are dumb as fuck.

they just play word games and blow smoke up their own asses.

trump represents actual understanding.

Trump 2024!
Not only wrong but I bet you can’t even find any post of mine saying that.
Another 12b bet? Of course you have nothing to be concerned about. Two of the three mods refuse to enforce 12b violations on you.

I thought you proved I was no dentist. Am i wrong?
No bet since the link doesn't work anymore. Rule 17 violation, dumbass. Do you think the rule will be enforced upon you?

No, you danced around the question which made me wonder, Rapeymooose.
H.S. general science ≠ college intro chemistry. lol
Gen. Science was too haaaard. lol
Yeah, I learned the different types of clouds in Gen. Science too. There went my future as a weather man.
You're free to believe that, Rapeymouse. It's advantageous to have people underestimate me. LOL
that's the new ideology you're willing to sell your soul for.

you explain it, CCP newcomer.
You blowing professors for a passing grade isn't a "new ideology", Fredo. In fact, it's probably pretty old. Same for you getting a promotion at work, no doubt.

It's easy to explain, son; some people earn the grades by studying. Some, like you, seek a short cut by sucking the dick of whomever can give you a passing grade. Do you get extra credit for swallowing, Fredo?
You blowing professors for a passing grade isn't a "new ideology", Fredo. In fact, it's probably pretty old. Same for you getting a promotion at work, no doubt.

It's easy to explain, son; some people earn the grades by studying. Some, like you, seek a short cut by sucking the dick of whomever can give you a passing grade. Do you get extra credit for swallowing, Fredo?
this is your academic queero, woops I meant hero.
this is your academic queero, woops I meant hero.
Which doesn't explain you blowing professors for a passing grade, Fredo.

As it is, Smith's was one of the few classes I enjoyed so much that I actually studied. It was easy to tell which classes I liked and which I didn't because of my grades which went something like this:
There is actually more evidence for God than a lot of things that we accept scientifically.

Hypnotic regressions, NDE's, channelings, OBE's. Thousands of people who have accounts of communication w/ God - 10's of thousands. And a great deal of corroboration between accounts.
I don't know much about any of those.

I think the lawful order and fine tuning of the universe may point to law giver, but it doesn't prove it's necessarily the god of Abraham as revealed in biblical scripture.
There is actually more evidence for God than a lot of things that we accept scientifically.

Hypnotic regressions, NDE's, channelings, OBE's. Thousands of people who have accounts of communication w/ God - 10's of thousands. And a great deal of corroboration between accounts.
Not evidence of "God", IMO, but certainly evidence that our perceptions of existence might be limited. It might also point out limitations to our brains.

FWIW, I've had an NDE. Yes, I was in another place, but didn't see God, Jesus or Satan. The bright light I saw was the Sun in a copper sky. It was bright but didn't hurt the eyes to look at.
You're free to believe that, Rapeymouse. It's advantageous to have people underestimate me. LOL

Which doesn't explain you blowing professors for a passing grade, Fredo.

As it is, Smith's was one of the few classes I enjoyed so much that I actually studied. It was easy to tell which classes I liked and which I didn't because of my grades which went something like this:

I was saying you're still straight if you blow your professor, and not to worry.

for you.

this is about you and your Socratic method.
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." -Jesus H. Christ
You have tried this little trick before. You can't let what you saw on an atheist blog determine what you think.

You have to actually read what the rest of the Sermon on the Mount says, not just the snippet of it you plucked from an atheist blog.

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus radically reinterprets the Laws of Torah to build them around the concepts of love and respect, and he says nothing about the ritualistic laws and holiness laws of Torah - clearly indicating he placed priority on the moral laws, and minimized ritual and holiness laws. In fact, Jesus and his apostles were frequently blamed for not following the Torah's laws of Sabbath or the laws of ritual cleanliness.

Lastly, Paul is the patron saint of basic Christian theology and practice, hands down. Epistle to the Romans clearly states that Paul is following the commandments of Jesus in saying that practicing universal love and respect is all you need to fulfill the moral law.
Not evidence of "God", IMO, but certainly evidence that our perceptions of existence might be limited. It might also point out limitations to our brains.

FWIW, I've had an NDE. Yes, I was in another place, but didn't see God, Jesus or Satan. The bright light I saw was the Sun in a copper sky. It was bright but didn't hurt the eyes to look at.
Now that is interesting.
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." -Jesus H. Christ
You have tried this little trick before. You can't let what you saw on an atheist blog determine what you think.

You have to actually read what the rest of the Sermon on the Mount says, not just the snippet of it you plucked from an atheist blog.

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus radically reinterprets the Laws of Torah to build them around the concepts of love and respect, and he says nothing about the ritualistic laws and holiness laws of Torah - clearly indicating he placed priority on the moral laws, and minimized ritual and holiness laws. In fact, Jesus and his apostles were frequently blamed for not following the Torah's laws of Sabbath or the laws of ritual cleanliness.

Lastly, Paul is the patron saint of basic Christian theology and practice, hands down. Epistle to the Romans clearly states that Paul is following the commandments of Jesus in saying that practicing universal love and respect is all you need to fulfill the moral law.
If it's not on Google, Perry doesn't read it.