Why I am am athiest

The OT is a lightning rod.

The fire and brimstone evangelicals seem to have a hard on for the OT.

And when militant atheists complain about Christianity, it is almost always, invariably, and consistently about the Hebrew Bible.
There is no such thing as a 'militant atheist', Sybil.
He's very passionate about his atheism, and his main arguments are: there is no evidence God exists, the Bible is error-filled 2,000 year old scribblings of desert primitives, the stories in the Bible sound like they were written by stoners, and if you try to force Christian morals on him he will fuck you up.

He is not an atheist. He is a fundamentalist.
He's very passionate about his atheism,
TJ Kirk is not an atheist. Yes, he claims to be an atheist, but he holds theistic positions which preclude atheism. Additionally, he is a warmizombie and profound worshiper of Global Warming. There is no atheism within miles of TJ Kirk.

I used to be a huge fan of this guy many years ago when he was funny. Unfortunately, he went off the leftist deep end and whenever that happens, the sense of humor is the first thing to go, and he rapidly became very unfunny. It was hugely disappointing. The same thing happened to David Letterman, Howard Stern, Eddie Izzard, John Cleese, and many others who, at one point, had brilliantly hilarious senses of humor that were ultimately corroded by their leftist politics into pathetic HATRED for any and all happiness in others.

The least you could have done is grab some of this guy's earliest work and used that. As it stands, you are merely attacking a bogus position. TJ Kirk is a theist and does not represent, nor does he speak for, atheism.

there is no evidence [the Christian] God exists, the Bible is error-filled 2,000 year old scribblings of desert primitives, the stories in the Bible sound like they were written by stoners, and if you try to force Christian morals on him he will fuck you up.
Any member of a competing religion to Christianity will say this. Actual atheists, however, are not likely to speak this way because actual atheists don't feel compelled to attack Christians or other religions; actual atheists don't have any dogma to be threatened by any religion.
The fire and brimstone evangelicals seem to have a hard on for the OT.
and you don't try to dispel them of this notion.

unless someone makes you be honest.

in truth, the more important book is the new testament.

the OT Is like prologue. like the hobbit to Lord of the rings.
I knew I could get you to spew hate and antisemitism. Jesus was a Jew.
the new covenant is superior.

that's the message.

that;s the good news.

the old racism thing is supposed to be over.

what is your understanding of Christianity?


Are basic facts of christianity hate crimes, masonic NOahide enforcer?
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He's very passionate about his atheism, and his main arguments are: there is no evidence God exists, the Bible is error-filled 2,000 year old scribblings of desert primitives, the stories in the Bible sound like they were written by stoners, and if you try to force Christian morals on him he will fuck you up.

Why don't you debate people instead of posting stupid videos? Man up.
He is not an atheist. He is a fundamentalist.
The things he says is very similar to what the militant atheists on this board say: there isn't the slightest evidence for God, the Bible is just 2000 year old scribblings of desert primitives. I thought it was reasonably representative of what passes for atheism on this forum, and that's why I chose it to kick off a discussion.
The things he says is very similar to what the militant atheists on this board say: there isn't the slightest evidence for God, the Bible is just 2000 year old scribblings of desert primitives. I thought it was reasonably representative of what passes for atheism on this forum, and that's why I chose it to kick off a discussion.
Some day you will find out that most "atheists" don't share your view of them.
He's very passionate about his atheism, and his main arguments are: there is no evidence God exists, the Bible is error-filled 2,000 year old scribblings of desert primitives, the stories in the Bible sound like they were written by stoners, and if you try to force Christian morals on him he will fuck you up.

I'm a pantheist, which is neither. It does (or my brand of it, as I see it) accept that the essence of life has a spiritual basis, but it's not an 'intelligent designer' or an 'almighty god' etc. It's closer to atheist, but not quite. It's more like a force, as in energy. It's not falsifiable, so it's outside of the realm of science. Either you can sense it, or you can't. But that claim is not falsifiable, either. As long as we admit what our 'beliefs' are, and not uphold them as fact, nor conflict with science in any practical way, pantheism is harmless. I became a pantheist because I had an out-of-body experience once, that was very real, and since I used to be an atheist, I had to rectify the experience with something, and that something was pantheism.
I'm a pantheist, which is neither. It does (or my brand of it, as I see it) accept that the essence of life has a spiritual basis, but it's not an 'intelligent designer' or an 'almighty god' etc. It's closer to atheist, but not quite. It's more like a force, as in energy. It's not falsifiable, so it's outside of the realm of science. Either you can sense it, or you can't. But that claim is not falsifiable, either. As long as we admit what our 'beliefs' are, and not uphold them as fact, nor conflict with science in any practical way, pantheism is harmless.
You might want to look at panpsychism.

Panpsychism is the view that mentality is fundamental and ubiquitous in the natural world. The view has a long and venerable history in philosophical traditions of both East and West, and has recently enjoyed a revival in analytic philosophy. For its proponents panpsychism offers an attractive middle way between physicalism on the one hand and dualism on the other.
I'm a pantheist, which is neither. It does (or my brand of it, as I see it) accept that the essence of life has a spiritual basis, but it's not an 'intelligent designer' or an 'almighty god' etc. It's closer to atheist, but not quite. It's more like a force, as in energy. It's not falsifiable, so it's outside of the realm of science. Either you can sense it, or you can't. But that claim is not falsifiable, either. As long as we admit what our 'beliefs' are, and not uphold them as fact, nor conflict with science in any practical way, pantheism is harmless. I became a pantheist because I had an out-of-body experience once, that was very real, and since I used to be an atheist, I had to rectify the experience with something, and that something was pantheism.
Okay, thanks that's a good story - atheist turned pantheist. Something akin to Spinoza's god.

You are the second poster here who had an out of body experience that presumably wasn't induced by drugs.