Why I am Leaving.

Typical greedy Westerners, you've always been savages.

North Eastern Europeans are the forebearerrs of Indo European languages.

South Eastern Europeans are the forebearers of Greco Roman civilization.

Until the Bouque period that's where most of Europe's accomplishments came from.

Then Western Europeans came out of their Mud Huts looting & shooting the World raping & robbing acquiring plundered riches.

While East & South Euros dealt with Turko Mongol & Arabic raiders.

Now West Euros are headed for extinction & most of you support It.

Unlike East & South Europe who are more aware & intelligent.

We laugh at you filthy savages North of the Alps & West of the Odra river.

Roman civilization was built independently of the Greeks. They subsequently conquered them, and absorbed their culture and language, but, the Romans were always superior.

Western Europe seems very committed to the goal of extinction. I will take no sorrow for them, as it is a pretty clear case of suicide.
Roman civilization was built independently of the Greeks. They subsequently conquered them, and absorbed their culture and language, but, the Romans were always superior.

Western Europe seems very committed to the goal of extinction. I will take no sorrow for them, as it is a pretty clear case of suicide.

Wrong, Rome had imported Greek art, some if it's best scientists & engineers were Greek, like Galen, or Archimedes,.

Romans also never amounted to that of Greeks like Aristotle, Hippocrates, Socrates etc.

Also Greek Byzantine kept it going for many hundreds of years, while West Rome fell apart due to idiocy, laziness, mediocrity, multiculturaism & debt.

Even in terms of warfare Romans weren't on par with Greeks like Alexander the Great & Spartans.

Romans just got lucky, they are on an virtually impenetrable fortress surrounded by water & mountains.

While Greeks were less unified & waging war with others.

Romans merely hit the Greek Achilles heel.
Wrong, Rome had imported Greek art, some if it's best scientists & engineers were Greek, like Galen, or Archimedes,.

Romans also never amounted to that of Greeks like Aristotle, Hippocrates, Socrates etc.

Also Greek Byzantine kept it going for many hundreds of years, while West Rome fell apart due to idiocy, laziness, mediocrity, multiculturaism & debt.

Even in terms of warfare Romans weren't on par with Greeks like Alexander the Great & Spartans.

Romans just got lucky, they are on an virtually impenetrable fortress surrounded by water & mountains.

While Greeks were less unified & waging war with others.

Romans merely hit the Greek Achilles heel.

Rome was was over 1200 years old when it collapsed. The Byzantine Empire lost most of its territory after 632, and was increasingly irrelevant from the 8th century onward.

The Romans existed without the Greeks for centuries and proved themselves to be the superior culture. Philip and Alexander weren't even Greek, and their empire didn't last very long.
Rome was was over 1200 years old when it collapsed. The Byzantine Empire lost most of its territory after 632, and was increasingly irrelevant from the 8th century onward.

The Romans existed without the Greeks for centuries and proved themselves to be the superior culture.

Superior military. they really didn't have much culture.
Rome was was over 1200 years old when it collapsed. The Byzantine Empire lost most of its territory after 632, and was increasingly irrelevant from the 8th century onward.

The Romans existed without the Greeks for centuries and proved themselves to be the superior culture. Philip and Alexander weren't even Greek, and their empire didn't last very long.

Anybody who thinks Rome was superior over Greece must be about power & nothing more like intellect, influence, Democracy, or even military skill.ect.

Of course, you're West European, being power crazed is in your blood.

You people are like the Neggies of the North.

Both South & East Euros tend to be big nosed Brachycephals.

While West Euros tend to have snubbed noses, dolichocephalic skulls & even curlier hair.
like Africa.
Superior military. they really didn't have much culture.

Italians proved themselves later with Galileo & Davinci.

But, with so many Greek, German, Celtic & Jewish imports to Rome at the time.

Some say 30% of Rome was non Roman later.

One really has to do wonder if these Renaissance intellectuals were even Roman descendants.
Italians proved themselves later with Galileo & Davinci.

But, with so many Greek, German, Celtic & Jewish imports to Rome at the time.

Some say 30% of Rome was non Roman later.

One really has to do wonder if these Renaissance intellectuals were even Roman descendants.

The Renaissance modeled itself on the ancient Greeks.
Rome was was over 1200 years old when it collapsed. The Byzantine Empire lost most of its territory after 632, and was increasingly irrelevant from the 8th century onward.

The Romans existed without the Greeks for centuries and proved themselves to be the superior culture. Philip and Alexander weren't even Greek, and their empire didn't last very long.


Like Rabbi Mondrowitz who fled to Israel for safe refuge after his g@y P3do affair?

Or what about Metzitzah B' peh?

I never heard of him.
But the entire world was ruled by Caligula when he had his young boys living naked all across the isle of Capri for him to humble them at his pleasure. - homo luvin
