Why I doubt the election results

It will NEVER be proven that Beijing Biden won in a free and fair election. This is because winning and stealing are not the same thing. Trump will forever be the only candidate who actually "won" the most votes from actual voters, while Beijing will remain the one who "received" the most votes from virtual voters, algorithms, and fake ballots. Beijing will NEVER be known as a winner.

Bidens win was attested to by recounts until they became ridiculous. It was also proven by 60 court cases. The fact is that Bidens victory was flat out proven. It has nothing to do with the election. The problem is you. By any measure, Biden won the election. It is known.
Bidens win was attested to by recounts until they became ridiculous. It was also proven by 60 court cases. The fact is that Bidens victory was flat out proven. It has nothing to do with the election. The problem is you. By any measure, Biden won the election. It is known.

It will NEVER be proven that Beijing Biden won in a free and fair election. This is because winning and stealing are not the same thing. Trump will forever be the only candidate who actually "won" the most votes from actual voters, while Beijing will remain the one who "received" the most votes from virtual voters, algorithms, and fake ballots. Beijing will NEVER be known as a winner.

Everything you said is a lie. Any other stupid questions?

He's just another brain dead right wingnut troll, like the idiot author of this thread and a few others. They'll just keep repeating long disproved urban legends and out right lies, because if we respond, they get more play than they should. In their warped minds, that'll make the lame propaganda become feasible to some willfully ignorant folk out there. Goebbels would be proud of these jokers.
Yo Evmutto, I thought you agreed to leave when the election was certified? Wait, your a tRumplover so nevermind. You word isn't worth anything.

I am still waitng all the celebrities who have said over the years that if (fill on the blank) won they were moving to canada will actually follow through on their claims.
It will NEVER be proven that Beijing Biden won in a free and fair election. This is because winning and stealing are not the same thing. Trump will forever be the only candidate who actually "won" the most votes from actual voters, while Beijing will remain the one who "received" the most votes from virtual voters, algorithms, and fake ballots. Beijing will NEVER be known as a winner. NEVER
Evmetro, Thomas Dewey was of somewhat similar to yours; but that was prior rather than after the 1948 elections. Respectfully, Supposn
I thoroughly enjoyed taunting lefties back in 2016 when Trump won with the majority of the kind of votes that matter, but unfortunately for lefties, they will never enjoy being able to enjoy the same taste of victory. Sure the transition of power thing is nice for lefties and all, but it is much more enjoyable to be able to flaunt real winning than it is to flaunt looted or stolen goods. Lefties will NEVER enjoy flaunting a fake victory in a fake election the way righties got to taunt lefties when Trump won in 2016. It will NEVER be the same thing.

Projection. Your use of the word flaunt reveals everything. You think it's a contest. It isn't. It's about country and constitution. You've demonstrated clearly you care about neither. You only care about 'flaunting'.

This election wasn't about country and Constitution you dumbass. It was the exact opposite. A pathetic, corrupt party that had to use a pandemic to impugn a sitting President instead of China which unleashed the virus onto the free world, that made a mockery of the impeachment process and the institution of Congress and one that NEVER accepted the results of the 2016 election now pretending to give a shit about the Constitution. You fucktards have no shame or brains. :palm:
It took them a week to fraud up enough votes to beat Trump after election night. They had to count all the votes to get a number to beat.

When has an American election not been called on election night? Never before in my lifetime.

The cheating was planned and the media is complicit in it. The "press" started running cover for the cheat delay a month or two before the election.

BUT,.....being the low IQ, uneducated, gullible dumbasses that liberals are, show ZERO curiosity and merely parrot the dimwitted narratives they are fed by the ex POTUS and his po propaganda machine. They're incapable of thinking for themselves.

Spot on! :thumbsup:
And it was only a few months ago that “anything but the truth” was so assured of a Trump landslide that he was challenging anyone to bet against him
Oh I see, that's your proof that the election was stolen, "when has an election not been called on election night".

EVERY election in MODERN times EXCEPT the 2000 elections were called on election night you insufferable moron. Try to be less stupid and ignorant. Of course, if you weren't stupid and ignorant, you wouldn't be a Democrat. :palm:
there was obvious vote fraud when out of 132 million registered voters the EC claims that biden got 80 million votes and Trump got 75 million. Do the math, there was massive vote fraud.

Using the numbers as of today, which are materially similar to Binney’s, we find a huge issue. If we have 213.8 million registered voters in the US and 66.2% of all voters voted in the 2020 election, that equals 141.5 voters who voted in the 2020 election (Binney shows 140 million which is materially the same).

Based on data from NBC, Biden got 81,283,098 votes and Trump got 74,222,958 votes. Other votes totaled 2,926,539. That sums to 158,432,595 votes. How is that even remotely possible?

Only dishonest ,lying dumb fucks can say that there is ZERO evidence of fraud with the actual numbers proving that there HAD to be.

Dump had an investigation into possible voter fraud despite winning the 2016 election because his ego couldn't stand the FACT that while winning the electoral vote, he lost the popular vote (NOT the first President to do so).

His investigation turned up NOTHING.

Now having LOST the popular and electoral vote, Trump (a year prior to the actual election) wailed "fix" and "fraud" regarding mail in ballots. Yet right up to his departure, he could not prove his case in a court of law, nor with over 70% of the population.

What I find fascinating is that neither Trump, his administration, his cronies in the MSM or his supporters made a peep about the following: https://www.democracynow.org/2021/1/...palast_georgia

If Dump and his lackeys/sycophants were truly interested in securing the rights of ALL Americans to a fair election, they should have been all over this.

They weren't...proving once again that Dump and company are just full of it.

Well, the American people got that son of a bitch off the field...He's fired.

NO ONE did any investigating. NO ONE was even permitted to do any investigating. Stop being such a dishonest, low IQ, brain dead partisan hack. :palm: