Why I doubt the election results

When the national vote totals are announced it is from adding up all those individual precincts. Not too difficult a concept.

A few precincts had maybe 1-2 more votes than registered voters due to provisional ballots. Many times less than what was needed to change the state outcome.

Why don't you show us one of those precincts? We are still waiting for an actual examples instead of a RQAA.

The rest of your post is too uniformed and illogical to merit a response.

Into the Night 12/31/2020: "Currently, it looks like GA is going to choose Republican electors.
AZ looks like it might also, but seems to be further away from actually choosing."

tell us how you get 150 million votes out of 132 million registered voters.
All of the swing states elections were run by republicans except one. Republicans are the ones who told trump sorry but you lost. His head of elections said it was the most secure in history. His AG and DoJ said there was no evidence of any of the shit your orange asshole spouted.

You're wasting your time with this troll. Like the Orange Oaf, he NEVER admits he's wrong despite facts to the contrary.
Never made such a claim. You are hallucinating again.

I didn't say you made the claim. I was responding to the claim made by Marshall Dillon (?) that "there was obvious vote fraud when out of 132 million registered voters the EC claims that biden got 80 million votes and Trump got 75 million. Do the math, there was massive vote fraud."

You replied to my post. The 132 million registered voter claim is BS. There were 157,596,000 registered voters in 2016 according to the Census Bureau. And, no, the Census Bureau does not register voters but it does collect the data from the states. It gets the national total by adding the registered voters in all those precincts.

Into the Night 12/31/2020: "Currently, it looks like GA is going to choose Republican electors.
AZ looks like it might also, but seems to be further away from actually choosing."
When the national vote totals are announced it is from adding up all those individual precincts. Not too difficult a concept.
Invalid. Voters register by precinct. Not nationally.
A few precincts had maybe 1-2 more votes than registered voters due to provisional ballots.
Divisional error fallacy. A few examples does not prove the rule, or apply to any other precinct.
Many times less than what was needed to change the state outcome.
Invalid conclusion based on a divisional error fallacy. Argument from randU fallacy.
Why don't you show us one of those precincts?
We are still waiting for an actual examples instead of a RQAA.
Already given. RQAA.
The rest of your post is too uniformed and illogical to merit a response.
Fallacy fallacy. Denial of logic. Argument of the stone fallacy.
Into the Night 12/31/2020: "Currently, it looks like GA is going to choose Republican electors.
AZ looks like it might also, but seems to be further away from actually choosing."
The both did, too. Unfortunately, Congress decided to ignore that and uphold election fraud, even though representatives from BOTH of these States stood up against the so-called electoral votes from their own States. In other words, Congress denied Article II of the Constitution of the United States.
Yes, but never seen one because they have all been claims by conspiracy theory people
The Democrat party is a conspiracy.
to deny some event actually happened--school shootings,
School shootings often involve conspiracies of two or more shooters. Most times they act alone.
The raid on the WTC was done by a conspiracy of radical Islamists.
Trump supporters attacking the Capitol.
They didn't. Antifa and BLM did. They are conspiracies too. They were paid and supported by Democrats, who LET THEM IN to the building. The videos of this (unedited) are all still viewable, even though Youtube censored it. So are all of Trump's speeches (unedited), which specifically called for peace, not violence. You can't stop the signal, pal.
They are unwilling to accept something bad done by their side so they yell "false flag" to try to shift the blame.
It was a false flag operation. Trump never condoned such an act. He does not support Antifa or BLM. It was Antifa and BLM that brought the tools to smash windows. It was Antifa that was LET IN to the building by Democrats in a false flag operation.
I bet all those Antifa and BLM riots were really Trump supporters ;)
You lost. Several are known Antifa. A few new faces. A couple of wackos.

NONE of it is supported by Trump. He openly condemned such action, as he condemns all actions by Antifa and BLM.

It was not the first false flag operation by Antifa. They've done it before. They will do it again.
Oh...and it was coordinated on Twitter and Facebook, and Google gmail. So much for blaming it on Parler.
You will believe any wild story fed to you by (whatever crazy source you use)

No one fed me any wild story (or any story at all). You are describing yourself. Inversion fallacy.
I've seen the video unedited. They can still be viewed, even though Youtube censored them. So can all of Trump's speeches on Jan 6th and beyond (unedited).
It is YOU believing the wild stories concocted in the Fake News and by Democrats. It is YOU that is ignoring the massive censorship that is currently taking place on Twitter, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft.
tell us how you get 150 million votes out of 132 million registered voters.

It is invalid to look at it by national numbers. Voters register by precincts. A few precincts had two or even three times the number of votes than registered voters in that precinct. This happened enough, along with other problems to affect millions of votes overall. In other words, the election in that State was not held. Election fraud is not an election. Recounts are of course useless because the fake votes are merged into the real ones. You are just counting all those fake votes again.

Oh...have you noticed? Every time they recount, it ALWAYS favors the Democrats? Why? They have time to make up more fake votes!
Hey Trump trolls & chumps;

You're :bdh:

It's OVER! Repeating your lies and denials for the next 4 years won't change that.

You can't make people just go away. Many in the nation know what you Democrats did. You can't change that.
And I know that scares the shit out of you.

It should.
I didn't say you made the claim.
Yes you did, liar.
I was responding to the claim made by Marshall Dillon (?) that "there was obvious vote fraud when out of 132 million registered voters the EC claims that biden got 80 million votes and Trump got 75 million. Do the math, there was massive vote fraud."
WRONG. You specifically made the claim about what I supposedly said, liar.
You replied to my post.
Irrelevant detail.
The 132 million registered voter claim is BS.
True. Voters register by precinct. Several precincts had two or even three times the votes as registered voters. I have already given them to you. Don't ask for them again.
There were 157,596,000 registered voters in 2016 according to the Census Bureau.
Irrelevant. The Census Bureau does not register voters.
And, no, the Census Bureau does not register voters but it does collect the data from the states.
Irrelevant. Such a number has NO relevance to the election.
It gets the national total by adding the registered voters in all those precincts.
The both did, too. Unfortunately, Congress decided to ignore that and uphold election fraud, even though representatives from BOTH of these States stood up against the so-called electoral votes from their own States. In other words, Congress denied Article II of the Constitution of the United States.

Incorrect information. Neither the GA or AZ legislature chose Republican electors and that is the only body with authority to do so. It was just some Republican wanna be electors who declared themselves electors. There was no constitutional authority for these fake electors. All fifty states chose the electors of the candidate winning the popular votes in their states.

"Propaganda can also be factual." --Flash

This in turn leads us to the realization that the best propaganda is telling truth. In fact, this was the only game where the American beat us in the ideological fight, time after time: showing living images and hard artifacts about the American way of life. In my time, professionals used this exact term “propaganda of the way of life”
As long as Stalin held a tight perimeter around the country that didn’t let in any information about life in the outside world—what we now call “fake news”—we were safe. Under Khrushchev, the wall started to leak….blue jeans made more damage to the building of Communism in the USSR than all the anti-Communist literature combined:

Former Soviet propaganda executive
Dima Vorobiev

Into the Night 12/31/2020: "Currently, it looks like GA is going to choose Republican electors.
AZ looks like it might also, but seems to be further away from actually choosing."
The Democrat party is a conspiracy.

Nonsensical statement

School shootings often involve conspiracies of two or more shooters. Most times they act alone.

Exactly. But many on the wacko right claim there were no shootings, nobody was killed, and crisis actors were used.

The raid on the WTC was done by a conspiracy of radical Islamists.

Exactly. But many on the wacko right deny this reality.

They didn't. Antifa and BLM did. They are conspiracies too. They were paid and supported by Democrats, who LET THEM IN to the building. The videos of this (unedited) are all still viewable, even though Youtube censored it. So are all of Trump's speeches (unedited), which specifically called for peace, not violence. You can't stop the signal, pal.

You are now believing the same wacko right stuff that denied 9-11 and school shooting reality that gets his news from YouTube. Because a few Antifa and BLM might be present cannot be used to blame them for the attack, damages, and death. Why would the patriotic Trump supporters stand by and watch the destruction occur? Letting somebody into the building (fake news) does not mean Trump's people had to follow, destroy property, or kill people.

Trump supporters need to take responsibility for their destructive acts and accept the fact they they lost a fair election.

It was a false flag operation. Trump never condoned such an act. He does not support Antifa or BLM. It was Antifa and BLM that brought the tools to smash windows. It was Antifa that was LET IN to the building by Democrats in a false flag operation.

You lost. Several are known Antifa. A few new faces. A couple of wackos.

NONE of it is supported by Trump. He openly condemned such action, as he condemns all actions by Antifa and BLM.

It was not the first false flag operation by Antifa. They've done it before. They will do it again.
Oh...and it was coordinated on Twitter and Facebook, and Google gmail. So much for blaming it on Parler.

Irrelevant. I never said Trump supported the violence. It is very difficult to prosecute a person for inciting a riot because it has to show it would not have happened without his words. We now know some of this was planned beforehand.

However, Trump did set up the basis for the protest by lying about being cheated in the election and making his supporters think he could still win somehow. He didn't even have evidence of cheating--he believed people like Powell. He even said in his call to Georgia there were "rumors" about things that happened.

And, the Trump supporters blindly believed the man and thought they could stage a coup. They are blind followers.
How do you explain the following FACTS?

1. there are hundreds of sworn affidavits signed by americans who attested to witnessing vote fraud. Are they all lying under oath?
Trump shitheads will say anything. the swing states that trump lost were run by republicans.
2. Why was the vote counting stopped when Trump's numbers were leading in those states?
Vote counting did not stop until all the votes were counted. If the counting was stopped when trump was leading he would have won.
3. How did we get 150 million votes when there are only 132 million registered voters in the country?
You are full of shit.
It is unclear where the false number came from, but it is substantially lower than the 211 million registered voters who appeared on voter rolls in 2018. That number comes from the Election Assistance Commission’s 2018 Election Administration and Voting Survey, which asks local election officials to report registration numbers.

If you are fucking stupid enough to believe there were only 133 million registered voters who knows what sort of bullshit you believe.
4. How did Trump's vote totals go down during the night?
You are full of shit, didn't happen.
5. Why did the dominion machine execs leave the country and destroy all of their records?
Georgia votes were recounted by hand and they got the same result. No fucking voting machine manufactures votes.
6. Why did European news media call the election for Trump ?
Who gives a shit? How the fuck are they supposed to know who won.

answer those and then I'll give you some more.

Not interested, I can tell by your first ones that you are a trump supporting fucking imbecile.
FYI, I believe this registration nonsense comes from the bizarre and mistaken idea that all states require party registration. They don't. That 132 million is the number of registered voters in states that require party registration.