Truck Fump / h1b
Verified User
If the collective majority agrees that they wish to keep their society free of Immigrant individuals, and LGBTQ pride individuals that's their choice, no?
I don't really care, so long as no-one is injured, or killed.
I judge people as an extent as Individuals, there are in fact good & bad people, and smart & stupid in all groups.
However, collectively speaking, we fall into groups, and to ignore that causes Multicultural Balkanization through mass immigration, and Balkanization leads to chaos.
Individualism as we speak is the main factor ruining the West, not Collectivism.
Actually, Collectivist societies in general aren't destroying their heritage with Balkanization & Cultural replacements, because they view them as just "Individuals" rather than as tribes.
Furthermore, Individualists don't seem to grasp, that if we bring in say a Mexican collective, we will get more & more like Mexico, or at least the version of the collective coming here.
border security is rightly done on the collective level.
lgbtq rights are automatically protected if all individual rights are protected, because everyone is an individual. maybe you want special rights?
wrapping your stupidty in a chorus of racist dog whistles just makes you look more stupid.