why is it the right here who ban people. I can take anything you type

BTW are you saying that lefties like Darla, Christiefan, Rana, Zappas, Tekkychick, Bijou and Desh haven't all demanded that the Mods ban me? You are really going to claim that it did not happen?

Come on counselor that is a stretch even for you

go get your proof you fucking idiot
they are literally the reasons why they are there. I don't know what else to tell you. I know why they were put in place. Liberals always complained about the racists, so we were like "ok I'll make it so they never have to be in liberal threads again"

Liberal women complained about the violent sexual language, so we made up rule 12c. (not saying it wasn't a valid complaint.. but that rule exists because of darla/bijou/tekky/rana/christie etc)

APP was because people didn't want trolls or racists at all in their threads. The forum is barely used.

I don't ever remember implementing a rule because conservatives complained about their feelings being hurt or because someone was saying something mean to them. It's been because of liberal complaints EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.

If we lifted threadbans, rule 12c, rule 14, got rid of app, conservatives on this board would basically be business as usual.

I wonder how long before the last liberals left in a huff once they got triggered because JPP wasn't a safe space anymore.

I would fully be open to the challenge of lifting all posting and censor rules (minus dox and 12b). Lets see who gets butthurt first.

yeah baby

lets just see

you KNOW this liberal can take it huh
having the ability to use this tool is one thing

chicken shit tards ABUSING such power is a whole nuther subject huh

you guys are why we cant have nice things huh

How is it being abused?

Do you think that what you have to say on any given topic is so profound that JPP will suffer in its absence?

Have you ever once considered the objective criticism that you have been given about WHY you are thread banned?

Let me explain it to you one more time. I consider you on par intellectually with GayRod and Taichi and Mott. Yet of the four of you, you are the only one that I thread ban ALWAYS.

It is 100% because of your crap flooding and going off topic and turning EVERY thread into a discussion about consent decree.

I have told you 100 times. Commit to stopping that bullshit and I will take you off of thread ban. You refuse. Your choice
I ban no one from anything asshole

I don't even neg rep anyone

I come here to hear all voices

you shits come here to pretend you are the only people who matter
I ban no one from anything asshole

I don't even neg rep anyone

I come here to hear all voices

you shits come here to pretend you are the only people who matter

As usual you merely validate why I thread ban your ass. None of what you said addresses anything I posted.

You have been given the path to be removed from thread ban. If you choose not to take it that is on you.
I ban no one from anything asshole

I don't even neg rep anyone

I come here to hear all voices

you shits come here to pretend you are the only people who matter

And you make threads about yourself and dredge up ancient threads because you just can't look childish enough with current events.
Run along and let the grown ups talk.
go get the post you claim exists

you lie all the time

Still waiting for you to show where I have lied. Still waiting for you to back up where I blamed Obama.

The post I mentioned was ambiguous, Christie pointed that out, so I am waiting for Jarod to clarify.

Will you now go get a single post where I lied. Should be easy since I "lie all the time", right?
which one? there are lots. sadly a lot of stuff was lost in the great messageboard loss of aug 2014-novemeber 2015

My three favorite meltdowns in order are

1) Darlas meltdown over me suggesting a certain female be anally penetrated against her will.
2) Deshtard thinking Billy divulged her personal information
3) Runes meltdown on Damo and storming off
Well I never said you couldn't complain. Truth be told you and your ilk never really asked for the tools. You demanded I be banned

Nobody is whining sugar tits. We are mere.y pointing out to the dumb twat Deshtard that the thread ban she hates so much is here because of YOU AND YOUR ILK

I humbly accept your concession

Newsflash. I don't demand, I ask or suggest.

And all that business about banning you took place when, four -five years ago, and you're still moping? Banning never happened, you're still here and some of the posters that I liked and you hated are gone.

Stop whining already, in the end you got what you wanted.

I proudly accept your concession that you did indeed support forced ignore, despite your claim to the contrary. :D
It seems like KKKhristiefan is ashamed and doesn't want Deshtard and GayRod to know her involvement in the evolution of these moderation tools that the lefties are wringing their hands over.

You know to be fair, I don't know if KKKhristiefan, Darcula and Rancid specifically asked for thread bans or if they were meant to be a compromise by the Mods to appease their incessant demands to have me permanently banned

I know for a fact that KKKhristie, Rancid, Darcula, Bijou, Tekky, and Zipoerhead waged a constant campaign to try to have me banned.

But maybe KKKhristie thinks I requested the creation of thread bans. I mean I do have a long history of leaving the board in a huff when I don't get my way.

Cuckoo. Desh and Jarod were here at the time of the thread bans and all the discussions/arguments surrounding them. Not to mention that I talked about using the bans numerous times, including yesterday.

You on the other had tried to pretend you didn't support forced ignore despite evidence to the contrary. Tsk tsk.
Newsflash. I don't demand, I ask or suggest.

And all that business about banning you took place when, four -five years ago, and you're still moping? Banning never happened, you're still here and some of the posters that I liked and you hated are gone.

Stop whining already, in the end you got what you wanted.

I proudly accept your concession that you did indeed support forced ignore, despite your claim to the contrary. :D

I am not moping at all sugar tits. I am just pointing out historical fact which obviously makes you uncomfortable

You are right. I fucking won. That is why I am the Teflon Don of JPP

And yes you and your ilk DEMANDED I be banned
and what did I say about them asshole?
they are literally the reasons why they are there. I don't know what else to tell you. I know why they were put in place. Liberals always complained about the racists, so we were like "ok I'll make it so they never have to be in liberal threads again"

Liberal women complained about the violent sexual language, so we made up rule 12c. (not saying it wasn't a valid complaint.. but that rule exists because of darla/bijou/tekky/rana/christie etc)

APP was because people didn't want trolls or racists at all in their threads. The forum is barely used.

I don't ever remember implementing a rule because conservatives complained about their feelings being hurt or because someone was saying something mean to them. It's been because of liberal complaints EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.

If we lifted threadbans, rule 12c, rule 14, got rid of app, conservatives on this board would basically be business as usual.

I wonder how long before the last liberals left in a huff once they got triggered because JPP wasn't a safe space anymore.

I would fully be open to the challenge of lifting all posting and censor rules (minus dox and 12b). Lets see who gets butthurt first.