why is it the right here who ban people. I can take anything you type

Pure conjecture.

BTW are you saying that lefties like Darla, Christiefan, Rana, Zappas, Tekkychick, Bijou and Desh haven't all demanded that the Mods ban me? You are really going to claim that it did not happen?

Come on counselor that is a stretch even for you
you are fucking lying again kono

go get the post of mine you claim exists you fucking liar

Does anyone on the left support or use thread banning? And I already got more than one post and you still called me a liar.

You're a mean person.
Pure conjecture.

they are literally the reasons why they are there. I don't know what else to tell you. I know why they were put in place. Liberals always complained about the racists, so we were like "ok I'll make it so they never have to be in liberal threads again"

Liberal women complained about the violent sexual language, so we made up rule 12c. (not saying it wasn't a valid complaint.. but that rule exists because of darla/bijou/tekky/rana/christie etc)

APP was because people didn't want trolls or racists at all in their threads. The forum is barely used.

I don't ever remember implementing a rule because conservatives complained about their feelings being hurt or because someone was saying something mean to them. It's been because of liberal complaints EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.

If we lifted threadbans, rule 12c, rule 14, got rid of app, conservatives on this board would basically be business as usual.

I wonder how long before the last liberals left in a huff once they got triggered because JPP wasn't a safe space anymore.

I would fully be open to the challenge of lifting all posting and censor rules (minus dox and 12b). Lets see who gets butthurt first.
Those who find others objectionable can put them on 'ignore', which doesn't stop others reading them. The small-scale right-wing censorship practiced on here seems a bit silly. I use the ignore not because I can't bear insults but because certain people are so antagonistic that they soon fall to insulting one another, which doesn't always make for very good argument.
they are literally the reasons why they are there. I don't know what else to tell you. I know why they were put in place. Liberals always complained about the racists, so we were like "ok I'll make it so they never have to be in liberal threads again"

Liberal women complained about the violent sexual language, so we made up rule 12c. (not saying it wasn't a valid complaint.. but that rule exists because of darla/bijou/tekky/rana/christie etc)

APP was because people didn't want trolls or racists at all in their threads. The forum is barely used.

I don't ever remember implementing a rule because conservatives complained about their feelings being hurt or because someone was saying something mean to them. It's been because of liberal complaints EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.

If we lifted threadbans, rule 12c, rule 14, got rid of app, conservatives on this board would basically be business as usual.

I wonder how long before the last liberals left in a huff once they got triggered because JPP wasn't a safe space anymore.

I would fully be open to the challenge of lifting all posting and censor rules (minus dox and 12b). Lets see who gets butthurt first.

I second that.
I have never tracked it because I don't give a shit like you do however, I do know that Christiefan and more recently Mott have thread banned me. I get thread banned periodically yet you don't hear me crying an ocean like you. Why is that? If someone doesn't want me participating in their threads, that is up to them

Here you go Twatly Dumb. Here are a few threads that I have been thread banned from. Now, I am sure that Zipperhead will come on here and try to claim that I am complaining about being thread banned. But, I am not. I am merely responding to your question. The fact remains that thread banning was creating to try to appease whining fucking liberals. Now they whine about the tool they have that was created to deal with me. If that isn't the definition of irony, I don't know what is.





:crybaby: Aw, call the w-a-a-a-mbulance. I banned you from two, possibly three threads. You ban me from every thread. What's your beef again?
they are literally the reasons why they are there. I don't know what else to tell you. I know why they were put in place. Liberals always complained about the racists, so we were like "ok I'll make it so they never have to be in liberal threads again"

Liberal women complained about the violent sexual language, so we made up rule 12c. (not saying it wasn't a valid complaint.. but that rule exists because of darla/bijou/tekky/rana/christie etc)

APP was because people didn't want trolls or racists at all in their threads. The forum is barely used.

I don't ever remember implementing a rule because conservatives complained about their feelings being hurt or because someone was saying something mean to them. It's been because of liberal complaints EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.

If we lifted threadbans, rule 12c, rule 14, got rid of app, conservatives on this board would basically be business as usual.

I wonder how long before the last liberals left in a huff once they got triggered because JPP wasn't a safe space anymore.

I would fully be open to the challenge of lifting all posting and censor rules (minus dox and 12b). Lets see who gets butthurt first.

Just as I said

Thread banning, 12c and forced ignore were all designed because the lefties couldn't deal with me.

Even I have to admit that while not technically breaking any rules at the time the events leading up to 12c were over the top. But I have to say Darlas meltdown was EPIC and totally worth it.
Not conjecture at all counselor. Grind confirmed it. I doubt you will believe it, because it would interfere with the carefully constructed reality you have created for yourself, but them be the facts jack

Some of those tools were put to a vote and it wasn't only liberals who voted yes.
threadban was voted on but we came up with the idea because of the liberals. and yes more liberals voted for it if memory serves me correctly.
I read that comment as Jarod answering this question: "You and Evince seem to claim this, is that right?"

It was the post where I asked Jarod if anyone on the left uses thread ban. He replied "no". Is Jarod right?

Evince implies it, but has not directly said it.
It was the post where I asked Jarod if anyone on the left uses thread ban. He replied "no". Is Jarod right?

Evince implies it, but has not directly said it.

There were three questions in the post so Jarod's going to have to say which one he was responding to.