why is it the right here who ban people. I can take anything you type

Fun fact:

  • Threadbans
  • Rule 12c
  • Rule 14
  • APP

Were all put in place upon liberals requests on JPP. Almost every new rule we have added has been because the liberals on JPP like rules and demand more of them. (When they can enforce them on conservatives that is)

Don't forget Forced Ignore. That little diddy was put into effect at the behest of Rune's lover. I remember the nice email I got informing me that I would be forced to ignore her because even though she supposedly had me on ignore, the prospect of her even knowing I could respond to her posts was too much for her to bear.
go get ONE example

That entire thread from last week about Iraq. And I mean that entire thread. You lied about me & my position countless times, and about the Iraq resolution - and whenever I posted a link completely debunking what you were saying, you'd do 4-5 posts in a row, with nothing but cut & pastes about irrelevant topics.

You don't want to hear the truth. Ever.
Because the right is more authoritarian in nature, see Donald Trump.

Not all of them, but a large group enjoy the ability to control the actions of other people in an overt way. It makes them feel strong when they often otherwise feel weak.

Nobody on the left here thread bans people? Nobody on the left supports thread banning?

You and Evince seem to claim this, is that right?
Nobody on the left here thread bans people? Nobody on the left supports thread banning?

You and Evince seem to claim this, is that right?

But as Grind and I have pointed out, all of these tools that the left bemoans are here because of requests/complaints of the left. That salient fact seems to be lost on GayRod.

The reason these tools are here is because the left screams for people to be banned and don't get their way. So in an effort to appease the lefties, the Mods graciously instituted these tools that the left now find so troublesome
But as Grind and I have pointed out, all of these tools that the left bemoans are here because of requests/complaints of the left. That salient fact seems to be lost on GayRod.

The reason these tools are here is because the left screams for people to be banned and don't get their way. So in an effort to appease the lefties, the Mods graciously instituted these tools that the left now find so troublesome

prove it you fucking sociopath
he is your god huh fucktard

Where would you get that?

You were here when those tools were implemented. Weren't you paying attention?

Those are the facts, whether a fucking delusional cock sucking crack head like you wants to believe them or not is neither here nor there to me. Got it?
see you fucking assholes

I can take anything take anything you can type

Actually no you can't. I can recall a few instances where you absolutely lost what is left of your crack smoking mind. In fact you have the #1 and #2 all time meltdowns since I have been on JPP. You are a whiney little bitch who is very sensitive

If you would like for me to list them for your, all you have to do is say PLEASE
But as Grind and I have pointed out, all of these tools that the left bemoans are here because of requests/complaints of the left. That salient fact seems to be lost on GayRod.

The reason these tools are here is because the left screams for people to be banned and don't get their way. So in an effort to appease the lefties, the Mods graciously instituted these tools that the left now find so troublesome

Pure conjecture.