why is neutering a pet considered humane?

I usually wind up shooting 3-4 stray dogs a year. They start harassing my calves and such. I would much rather that owners were responsible and I did not have to shoot them.
I shoot a few more stray cats than that. The animal shelter here will not even accept cats if I could catch them.
We have 1 animal control officer for the county in my conservative county.
Compassionate conservatives? Bahh humbug.
We voted for Palin last time and bush 2X before that.
If profits aren't important then why don't you take the poor critters in rather than shoot them? You must hate animals.

Its called predator control. He keeps the feral cats and dogs from harming livestock or pets in the area.
Its called predator control. He keeps the feral cats and dogs from harming livestock or pets in the area.

Yes I am forced to deal with problems created by others with no personal responsibility for their pets.
Many view pets as a disposable entertainment source. Kinda like a DVD or something. Just dump them if it becomes inconvenient.

I view pets as a member of my family. I have made a commitment to them.
I love my little furry buddies and they love me.
They do of course rank lower than humans (except cons). For instance if my pet became a threat to a human (ie child) then the pet would die.
Now if the child is causing the problem I would just take a switch to both of them so to speak.
To let them both know they cannot treat the other badly.
Yes I am forced to deal with problems created by others with no personal responsibility for their pets.
Many view pets as a disposable entertainment source. Kinda like a DVD or something. Just dump them if it becomes inconvenient.

I view pets as a member of my family. I have made a commitment to them.
I love my little furry buddies and they love me.
They do of course rank lower than humans (except cons). For instance if my pet became a threat to a human (ie child) then the pet would die.
Now if the child is causing the problem I would just take a switch to both of them so to speak.
To let them both know they cannot treat the other badly.

So profits are more important to you than animals.
So profits are more important to you than animals.

Where did he mention profits at all? Obviously his pets are not profitable.

You just like to make up shit and try to make it sound as though people actually said it, don't you?
So profits are more important to you than animals.

Yes in the case of feral and stray animals killing or injuring my stock or pets.
I look at is as protecting my property not profit. Although in the case of calves profit is involved.
I am not a public service entity.
Animal shelters are.

Does that satisfy your narrow minded fixation?

btw we do have a leash law in my county.

One curious thing. I am alolowed to kill about any critter destroying my porperty except a Turkey? Go figure.
Or of course Raptors.
Yes in the case of feral and stray animals killing or injuring my stock or pets.
I look at is as protecting my property not profit. Although in the case of calves profit is involved.
I am not a public service entity.
Animal shelters are.

Does that satisfy your narrow minded fixation?

btw we do have a leash law in my county.

One curious thing. I am alolowed to kill about any critter destroying my porperty except a Turkey? Go figure.
Or of course Raptors.

You whine about profits being the reason why you have animal control problems in your county and yet profits are your motivating reason for killing the animals.

So do you sell your calves to veal farmers or do you keep them chained to the ground and malnourished yourself, for profit?
You whine about profits being the reason why you have animal control problems in your county and yet profits are your motivating reason for killing the animals.

So do you sell your calves to veal farmers or do you keep them chained to the ground and malnourished yourself, for profit?

He protects his own property from damage by feral animals. That is not motivated by profit. That is defense of his property.
You whine about profits being the reason why you have animal control problems in your county and yet profits are your motivating reason for killing the animals.

So do you sell your calves to veal farmers or do you keep them chained to the ground and malnourished yourself, for profit?

You are just reverting to full republican assholism now dude.
The Southern Man is curious as to why Winterborn feels the need to speak for everyone on this board that The Southern Man is having a discussion with.
The Southern Man is curious as to why Winterborn feels the need to speak for everyone on this board that The Southern Man is having a discussion with.

Agreement with your opponent?
Kinda simple, I am suprised that even you did not figure that out.
The Southern Man is curious as to why Winterborn feels the need to speak for everyone on this board that The Southern Man is having a discussion with.

Because anyone who refers to himself in the third person is an idiot, and should be confronted at every possible point.

Why do you feel intimidated by my showing up in threads???
And you are cowering from your self-incriminating answer. :pke:

Do you eat the veal that you torture for profit?

You are trying to be a troll and failing miserably.

The man uses his contitutionally guaranteed right to arms to protect his property from abuse and destruction by feral animals.

And you want to make it sound as though HE is the one doing something wrong? What about the people who did not spay their animals? What about the people who dropped unwanted pets off by the side of the road?

USC is doing nothing wrong and you know it. In fact, I would wager you would have taken his side in the argument if any of your JPP buddies had posted something similar.
I sell no calves as veal. They are all grassfed in pastures and well cared for before I sell them usually to individuals to breed or slaughter. I generally sell no cattle before they are at least 400 lbs. Generally around 600 poounds or more.

Ohh and I castrate the males too :shock: