Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
As opposed to the US nuke plant in Omaha back in 2011 that just barely escaped the same fate as Fukishima by a few feet? Or all those still births by farm animals after 3 Mile Island in NY?
The Fort Calhoun plant has a secondary containment (the big concrete dome thing). Even if the plant flooded, the reactor wouldn't have been effected. Fukushima failed because it lacked a secondary containment system and the emergency generators on site were situated in a basement so were flooded immediately. It is something of an oddity though using a Combustion Engineering reactor design.
At the time of the flood you cite, the plant was shut down for refueling so flooding would have made zero difference in any case as the reactor was defueled at the time.
The plant was shut down in 2016 in any case so the whole question is moot.
As for the still births, got a citation for that? I studied that incident in great detail and there was no significant release of radiation involved. So, it is likely--almost certainly--that whatever that was wasn't caused by the TMI meltdown.