Why is the left afraid of nuclear energy?

That doesn't explain how nuclear power is more economical.

Watt for watt, nuclear power is much cheaper. A single plant can produce far more power than whole counties and even States filled with windmills. It is also capable of quick adjustments of generation to match load. Cheaper power is more attractive to grid operators to purchase power from.
And Three Mile Island, don't forget that one.
Okay. I won't. That accident released no radioactive material. No one was killed. It was equipment damage only.
It's likely that, in the future, we will have to return to building new nuke plants.
Nuthin' wrong with that!
Let's hope that the sci guys can figure out better ways to deal with the extremely long-lasting byproducts of this source of energy.
Already done. You put the waste fuel from one of these reactors into another type of reactor. The waste from THAT reactor can easily be disposed of as normal solid waste.
"The Three Mile Island accident was a partial meltdown of the Three Mile Island, Unit 2 (TMI-2) reactor on the Susquehanna River in Londonderry Township, Pennsylvania, near the Pennsylvania capital of Harrisburg. It began at 4 a.m.[2][3] on March 28, 1979, and released radioactive gases and radioactive iodine into the environment. It is the worst accident in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant history.[4] On the seven-point International Nuclear Event Scale, it is rated Level 5 – Accident with Wider Consequences.[5][6]"

Yet another #EpicTrollFail. :hand:

No radioactive material was released by the accident. No one was killed. There was only equipment damage.
Incorrect. The plants cost BILLIONS to build and millions to safely maintain. Do you really think the utility company is going to eat that? Nope. YOU get to pay for it. Anecdotally, we Ameren Electric customers saw our bills jump when the Calloway plant near Fulton MO came on line in the mid-1980s. I recall my summer electric bill being nearly as high as our rent.

Nuclear power is pretty cheap, watt for watt...much cheaper than solar or wind.
It doesn’t add to climate change, it would massively reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, it would clog up the environment with windmills and solar panels and it’s extremely cheap

So why are you folks on the left against this power supply?

Shortages are the foundation of power.

Cheap, effective, and plentiful energy is what the left fears most. It would be a serious blow to their plans for totalitarian dictatorship.

This is why Newsom is trying to shut off the water supply to California - it will give the Reich absolute power over life and death for 80 million people.
Who's afraid? Ruskies?

I suppose - 99% of your life you WERE a supporter of Russia, after all.

So, Xi's man Biden has created an alliance between your masters the CCP, and Russia. Doesn't that mean you fascist democrats are allies of Russia, since you are the vassal of Communist China?
Sorry, you can't switch the focus of topic because you won't concede a point. The two examples I gave clearly refer to incidences within a decent time frame that demonstrates how NOT safe nuke plants are.

As for deaths due to increasing climate change; please go to the library and look at the reports by reputable newspapers & magazines regarding deaths due to "unprecedented" weather extremes in the last 5 years.

This is not a game of numbers...this is about PREVENTING the need to play such gruesome comparative games.

It actually IS a game of numbers.
Nuclear power is far cheaper than wind or solar.

Climate cannot change. There are no deaths caused by a buzzword (but Church of Global Warming members HAVE killed people!).

There are no 'unprecedented weather extremes'. Snow is normal. Tornadoes are normal and occur in every State. Rain is normal. Hurricanes are normal. Thunderstorms are normal.
The National Hurricane Center dataset does not show any marked increase in the number and frequency of hurricanes and tropical storms.

You are literally making up numbers. That's a fallacy, dude.

Watt for watt, nuclear power is far cheaper than solar or wind. It's also capable of quick adjustments to loads on electrical grids. Neither wind nor solar have that capability.

Who are you to dictate energy markets??
Not quite, when the flood happened the plant was in cold shutdown mode, NOT totally "defueled". That means "the coolant system is typically lowered to pump water at atmospheric pressure, and the reactor vessel remains below 93 °C (200 °F), and water passing through it will not boil."

Still radioactive, son. Still in danger of critical problems had the aforementioned systems were compromised should the water had risen just a few more feet.

In other words, by the Grace of God a bullet was dodged.

Got that?

Pretty funny coming from someone that doesn't believe in God! :rofl2:
Shortages are the foundation of power.

Cheap, effective, and plentiful energy is what the left fears most. It would be a serious blow to their plans for totalitarian dictatorship.

This is why Newsom is trying to shut off the water supply to California - it will give the Reich absolute power over life and death for 80 million people.

A solid argument. Well said.