And not to mention our ships and subs that have a near perfect record
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Nice try, but you overlook a few details: Had those flood waters had gone just a few feet higher, the feed water supply to the cooling system, the auxiliary water supply and main switchgear room would have been screwed. THOSE are crucial regarding maintaining of fuel temperature and such. So regardless of the "refueling" status the shit would have hit the fan, as the back up generators were of the same design as in Fukishima. The NRC put the kibosh on that plant eventually because of those reasons.
I brought this and the other point to put a stop to yet another tired attempt by pro nuke plant wonks to paint a rosy picture that all was well and "nothing to worry about" with out nuke plant history. So like it or not, you can't BS past ALL the facts.
As for 3 Mile Island, seems your study habits lack a broad scope...thus leading to false conclusions. Please note:
Here's some things from your link:
As Gar Smith notes in his 2012 book Nuclear Roulette, public officials issued one false statement after another for days, like: there were no radiation releases; radiation releases were “controlled”; radiation releases were “insignificant”...
Gar Smith's bio. I'm sure his high school diploma qualifies him as an expert...
David Lochbaum of the Union of Concern Scientists estimates between 40 million curies and 100 million curies escaped during the accident.
He gives no credible, well any, evidence of where he got that number...
Then you have another anti-nuclear activist with no credentials giving his two cents:
Activist Eric Epstein, who chairs the nuclear energy watchdog group Three Mile Island Alert Inc.
Even the listed notes are all from radical Leftist anti-nuclear groups and sources.
Your study habits lead to false conclusions.
Do you want the plant in your backyard?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Insipid stubbornness on your part. I put refer to current facts and information that you blithely ignore. Then you make an irrational claim on top of that...a claim that "assumes" all nuke plant problems will eventually be solved (waste, plant safety and security) in the near future, and all deaths, contaminations, failures and near misses are just trivial.
Sorry, but just because it's not happening to me doesn't mean I wish it upon others so that I may be comfortable. You do, but I don't.
There is no such thing as risk free energy production so you look at which systems are the safest and that is nuclear by far
That looks like a damn good industry record to me. Take coal plants, oil and gas production, or for that matter, even wind and solar. They all have issues and safety violations. Here in Arizona the Solana solar array got hit with the biggest environmental fine in Arizona history--a solar array.
On the whole, the nuclear industry is very tightly regulated and has an excellent safety record. Is it perfect? No. But it's a damn sight better than many other industries have.
Of course, you are as usual, lying badly. The list of "accidents" at nuke plants is long and we have gotten lucky a few times. The luck will run out. Fukushima was a result of the corporation building and running it, to overpower the regulators and build it for a smaller earthquake and tidal wave than was needed. Japan has had a higher level of earthquakes off shore than they built for. They fought the government and the people lost.
It doesn’t add to climate change, it would massively reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, it would clog up the environment with windmills and solar panels and it’s extremely cheap
So why are you folks on the left against this power supply?
Then why isn’t the left pushing for nuclear power if they care so much about climate change?
Because they want to rely and government subsidized and mandated wind and solar systems, even though they are the most expensive method or producing electric power, and because they do not understand you have to have generating capacity you can rely on and quickly start up and shut down as loads change.
Once they get set on what they consider 'the solution', they refuse to budge.
Climate, of course, cannot change. There is no value associated with climate. It has no temperature, no wind speed or direction, no rain measurement, etc.
Climate is a subjective description. A marine climate will always be a marine climate. A desert climate will always be a desert climate.
The Church of Global Warming stems directly from the Church of Green. Both deny and discard science and engineering as well as mathematics.
No gas or vapor is capable of warming the Earth. Not CO2, not methane, not water vapor; NOTHING.
How many people dies on oil rigs or in coal mines last year?
Since they provide so little power, you have to commit huge plots of real estate to come even close to what a single natural gas power plant can generate, so they are a blight on the landscape.Explain how windmills and solar panels "clog up" the environment?
Okay. Let's talk about disposal and storage related to various types of energy:And of course, you have all the answers on how safe and reliable disposal/storage of all that radioactive waste produced?
How many people and animals have died due to climate change?
Which do you think is worse?
Well, unlike you, I wouldn’t want a reactor near me. I would want to be outside of the 50 mile range in case of mishap and evacuation. I would also want to know what types of cancer and disease are associated with living near a facility.
3 mile island
[FONT="]Here's what we know. This July 24, 2008 photo shows the Monticello nuclear power plant in Monticello, MN. [COLOR=#040C28]In November 2022, the plant confirmed a 400,000 gallon leak of water containing tritium[/COLOR] and reported it to officials.[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#70757A][FONT="]Mar 19, 2023
https://www.npr.org › 2023/03/19
[h=3]A nuclear power plant leaked contaminated water in Minnesota. Here's what we know - NPR[/h]
Where do you get it's low cost???? BTW I am not oppose to nuclear energy; I myself have worked in commercial nuclear plants during shut downs.
Hmm.... Never happened? There has never been a major radiation leak in the US but just this year...