Why is Trump hiding and refusing to do interviews? Dementia?

You did when you brought up the numbers from September. Then you completely ignored the majority of October from the time of your post.
September is relevant to provide a bigger picture. I didn't ignore October.
I see you are running away from your lie now
I'm not running away from anything, nor did I lie about anything.
by saying Trump is only keeping up with them.
Is there a prerequisite to always ignore any and all context in order to be a Demonkkkrat? It sure as hell seems like it.........

The "keeping up with them" comment was made within the context of assuming that your source's numbers were true/accurate, and without ironing out what constitutes an "event".

Then I noted that, even IF that data were to be accepted, then Trump (as one "old" "senile" man) is keeping up with TWO ("younger" "sane") people. I'd give kudos to Trump for that.
Yeah. And the tally of events shows that Trump is NOT even close to having more events than Harris/Walz.
Blatant lie. Under the numbers that YOU posted, Trump had more "events" in September than Harris/Walz combined, and is now still single-handedly keeping up with BOTH of them COMBINED in October.
Harris/Walz had more events in September than you claimed. Your numbers for events aren't even close to accurate based on what each campaign lists as their events.
Apparently my source defined "event" differently than your source did. Meh. My point still stands. It takes TWO Demonkkkrats to do what Trump is single-handedly doing... and Vance ain't no slouch on the trail either.
When I said events/rallies why did you think I mean they are the same thing?
Because you keep saying "events/rallies" when you need only say 'events' (since rallies are a subset of events).
Do you think Walz is Harris when anyone says Harris/Walz
No. They are two separate people. They are each a subset of the 'DNC Presidential ticket'. Rallies are a subset of "events".
or are you able to understand they are 2 separate people?
See above. Are YOU able to understand what a subset is?
Bottom line. You lied. You know you lied and now you are just throwing shit in the air to try to hide that you lied.
There was no "lie" from me... only lies from you because you purposely ignore any and all context because that's apparently a requirement in order to be a Demonkkkrat.
In Sept Harris and Walz did 40 different campaign events which included speeches, rallies and town halls.
In Sept Trump did 23 different campaign events
Again, your source must be defining the term "event" a lot differently than my source did. It seems a lot more lenient since it is coming up with a much higher number of "events" (for Democrats, anyway).
As of Oct 14th Harris and Walz had done 20 events in October and Trump had done 16.

That means since Sept 1 Harris and Walz (Harris/Waz) have done 60 event and Trump has done 39. Your statement here is a lie.

Do you have dementia because you think 39 is more than 60? Or are you just an habitual liar and can't help yourself because your nature is that you have to tell lies?
False dichotomy. Your source apparently very loosely defines the term "event" (for Demonkkkrats, anyway).

Politico seems to think she isn't keeping up with Trump... https://www.politico.com/news/2024/10/05/harris-30-days-00182592
Never. I give credit when I quote others. I don't plagiarize like Demonkkkrats do.
I have never seen you plagiarize me, even though you use some of my acronyms from time to time.
I guess to a Democrat idiot now, any reference or Holy Link they use is now 'plagiarism'. Perhaps you should consider adding it to your Lefty Buzzword list?
False dichotomy. Your source apparently very loosely defines the term "event" (for Demonkkkrats, anyway).
An incorrect call. He committed Argument from randU fallacies and a goalpost fallacy. There is no false dichotomy involved here, though I can understand why you missed that one.

The numbers he is quoting are made up by the Democrat party as part of their overall goalpost fallacy. He's just mindlessly chanting it.

In the end, it really doesn't matter what the numbers are. It's about content, not about the number of events. Attack on content, not numbers. Remember that Trump's campaign platform is published by Trump. Kamala has never published one, but her campaign is either plagiarizing someone else, or occasionally reveals her past (and current) views. Kamala hasn't magickally changed from what she has always been...a radical socialist.
Bulverism fallacy.
Fallacy fallacy -

The fallacy fallacy occurs when a poster, almost always Into the Night, claims a fallacy without explaining why it is a fallacy. This is done as a diversionary tactic to avoid discussing the topic because the poster, almost always Into the Night, is unable to make a valid argument. Into the Night does this to try to make himself appear smarter than he actually is.
Fallacy fallacy -

The fallacy fallacy occurs when a poster, almost always Into the Night, claims a fallacy without explaining why it is a fallacy. This is done as a diversionary tactic to avoid discussing the topic because the poster, almost always Into the Night, is unable to make a valid argument. Into the Night does this to try to make himself appear smarter than he actually is.
Redefinition fallacy. Denial of logic. Mantra 1a. Lame.
September is relevant to provide a bigger picture. I didn't ignore October.

I'm not running away from anything, nor did I lie about anything.

Is there a prerequisite to always ignore any and all context in order to be a Demonkkkrat? It sure as hell seems like it.........

The "keeping up with them" comment was made within the context of assuming that your source's numbers were true/accurate, and without ironing out what constitutes an "event".

Then I noted that, even IF that data were to be accepted, then Trump (as one "old" "senile" man) is keeping up with TWO ("younger" "sane") people. I'd give kudos to Trump for that.

Blatant lie. Under the numbers that YOU posted, Trump had more "events" in September than Harris/Walz combined, and is now still single-handedly keeping up with BOTH of them COMBINED in October.

Apparently my source defined "event" differently than your source did. Meh. My point still stands. It takes TWO Demonkkkrats to do what Trump is single-handedly doing... and Vance ain't no slouch on the trail either.

Because you keep saying "events/rallies" when you need only say 'events' (since rallies are a subset of events).

No. They are two separate people. They are each a subset of the 'DNC Presidential ticket'. Rallies are a subset of "events".

See above. Are YOU able to understand what a subset is?

There was no "lie" from me... only lies from you because you purposely ignore any and all context because that's apparently a requirement in order to be a Demonkkkrat.

Again, your source must be defining the term "event" a lot differently than my source did. It seems a lot more lenient since it is coming up with a much higher number of "events" (for Democrats, anyway).

False dichotomy. Your source apparently very loosely defines the term "event" (for Demonkkkrats, anyway).

Politico seems to think she isn't keeping up with Trump... https://www.politico.com/news/2024/10/05/harris-30-days-00182592
Cite your source. I will be happy to look at the events listed and count them.

I already gave you my source which lists events. Here it is again

Your actual statement was Trump was doing MORE. Do you admit your statement was wrong? Or are you just going to keep lying? My source shows more events than you claimed. Are you now claiming that speeches or public appearances aren't events? I am unclear why you think Trump had so few events in September compared to the totals I found at my source.
Redefinition fallacy. Denial of logic. Mantra 1a. Lame.
Fallacy fallacy -

The fallacy fallacy occurs when a poster, almost always Into the Night, claims a fallacy without explaining why it is a fallacy. This is done as a diversionary tactic to avoid discussing the topic because the poster, almost always Into the Night, is unable to make a valid argument. Into the Night does this to try to make himself appear smarter than he actually is.

He will spend several posts in a row claiming fallacies because he is unable to make cogent arguments.
Fallacy fallacy -

The fallacy fallacy occurs when a poster, almost always Into the Night, claims a fallacy without explaining why it is a fallacy. This is done as a diversionary tactic to avoid discussing the topic because the poster, almost always Into the Night, is unable to make a valid argument. Into the Night does this to try to make himself appear smarter than he actually is.

He will spend several posts in a row claiming fallacies because he is unable to make cogent arguments.
ITN = gfm = IBDa

Notice how Sybil attacks everyone but his own socks?
I have never seen you plagiarize me, even though you use some of my acronyms from time to time.
I guess to a Democrat idiot now, any reference or Holy Link they use is now 'plagiarism'. Perhaps you should consider adding it to your Lefty Buzzword list?
Good suggestion. It's now been added.
An incorrect call. He committed Argument from randU fallacies and a goalpost fallacy. There is no false dichotomy involved here, though I can understand why you missed that one.
Thanks for the correction.
The numbers he is quoting are made up by the Democrat party as part of their overall goalpost fallacy. He's just mindlessly chanting it.
He's very good at mindlessly chanting, especially about inconsequential stuff.
Fallacy fallacy -

The fallacy fallacy occurs when a poster, almost always Into the Night, claims a fallacy without explaining why it is a fallacy. This is done as a diversionary tactic to avoid discussing the topic because the poster, almost always Into the Night, is unable to make a valid argument. Into the Night does this to try to make himself appear smarter than he actually is.
You're STILL mindlessly chanting this?
I have never seen you plagiarize me, even though you use some of my acronyms from time to time.
I guess to a Democrat idiot now, any reference or Holy Link they use is now 'plagiarism'. Perhaps you should consider adding it to your Lefty Buzzword list?
Good suggestion. It's now been added.
Mantra 48 Psychotic Buffoonery
Mantra 50 Public Masturbation

QED on Sybil being nice to his socks and no one else. :rofl2:
Oh... Look.. A plagiarist is upset about other people committing plagiarism.

How often have you plagiarized Into the Night without giving him credit?
One can't plagiarize themselves. Jus' sayin'.
Cite your source. I will be happy to look at the events listed and count them.

I already gave you my source which lists events. Here it is again

Your actual statement was Trump was doing MORE. Do you admit your statement was wrong? Or are you just going to keep lying? My source shows more events than you claimed. Are you now claiming that speeches or public appearances aren't events? I am unclear why you think Trump had so few events in September compared to the totals I found at my source.
Fallacy fallacy -

The fallacy fallacy occurs when a poster, almost always Into the Night, claims a fallacy without explaining why it is a fallacy. This is done as a diversionary tactic to avoid discussing the topic because the poster, almost always Into the Night, is unable to make a valid argument. Into the Night does this to try to make himself appear smarter than he actually is.

He will spend several posts in a row claiming fallacies because he is unable to make cogent arguments.

:blah: :blah: :blah:

You never stop, do you?