Why no one takes the TEA Party seriously.

And anyone who read that argument should know immediately that it's a phony one. As if! Teabagger lowlifes who are proven racist actually not wanting other people's money? Can't you make it a little more convincing than that kind of bullshit?

Priorities? People without a pot to piss in not wanting money divided a little more equitably amongst Americans? Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

not everyone shares your worldview, some are principled, and would prefer not to receive handouts. You cannot tell them what is against their own interests. They have certain things they care about more than what you would assume on their behalf.
oh gawd, another newbie - another fake one, I assume. Who are you really?

But in case you're just clueless (You, SJBBF, not Mott)- the colonists who dumped tea over the side didn't mind being taxed; they just wanted to have representation in determining the taxes. The tea party wasn't about high taxes. The TEA party people in this country HAVE representation for taxes. (AND they are celebrating the destruction of property - wonder how Koch Brothers feel about that?)

The Tea act actually lowered the cost of tea for the colonies in order to undercut the smugglers; and it basically gave the E. India company a monopoly.


Bolding mine.

Tell m again how the problem wasn't the government? I agree that it was about 'representation,' at least for most, bit don't forget the Whiskey Rebellion that Washington faced pretty early. Yes, he handled it, but for some reason there's always mixed messages and motives on all sides.
don't forget the Whiskey Rebellion that Washington faced pretty early

you have to admit, if you're gonna have a rebellion, a Whiskey Rebellion is the way to go.....
With 13,000 militia provided by the governors of Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, Washington rode at the head of an army to suppress the insurgency. The rebels all went home before the arrival of the army

The whiskey tax was repealed after Thomas Jefferson's Republican Party, which opposed the Federalist Party of Hamilton and Washington, came to power in 1800.
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The Right Wing "Tea Party" tries to scream the national debt is because of the Left after cutting taxes for years and years below the spending rate. This is NOT Conservative but only pushes the spending to our children. The Left Wing GENERALLY tries to pay for the spending.

The Tea Party Right generally tries to BUY VOTES with less taxation even when it's less than actual spending. Tea Party "relief" is the general term for selling your car title for money.

The Left openly and with proof tries to pay for the spending that BOTH parties approve.

Fake Conservatives only recently learned they were the problem and created a new party to ensure they weren't the ones responsible for these debts, and this will make them born again "Conservatives".

Today's problem is everyone wants something for nothing.......Basic slavery all over again, little pay for hard work.
The Left openly and with proof tries to pay for the spending that BOTH parties approve.

lol......for both parties to "approve" there has to be a vote on it BEFORE its spent.......you do realize why we don't have a budget after five straight years, right?......because Obama doesn't dare have a budget that BOTH parties approved......
No, Mott the clueless, the tea party mentioned above was named after the on held in Boston harbor by citizens opposed to paying unfair taxes... which might be part of that $18 billion you seem needs to go to 'racial minorities' (BTW, can you list those, or is it really one?). Whose footing that bill? I'm never opposed to helping the poor, but assigning my taxes to a specific race is racist in itself... and continues that 300 yr disenfranchised policy you need to sleep at night.

see how they dupe these fools.

they don't even know the most basic history correctly.

"No Taxation without representation"

they just swallow whatever the right wing masters say and deny all history and proven facts to do it.

Glen Beck to them is a better source than our own history.

stupid is as stupid does
lol......for both parties to "approve" there has to be a vote on it BEFORE its spent.......you do realize why we don't have a budget after five straight years, right?......because Obama doesn't dare have a budget that BOTH parties approved......

No they don't you insane asshole.

Boner could pass something in the house without the majority of republicans by reaching acrossed the isle.

soon you party will be a minority because they have done nothing to help this country and are trying to kill it out right like Grover ordered them to do.
see how they dupe these fools.

they don't even know the most basic history correctly.

"No Taxation without representation"

they just swallow whatever the right wing masters say and deny all history and proven facts to do it.

Glen Beck to them is a better source than our own history.

stupid is as stupid does

Tea party then against tyranny
Tea party now against big government.
That's all you need to know. So stop with the history test and useless semantics to prove otherwise.
dear idiot,

thank you for admitting the tea party wants our government dead like grover does.

heres a clue the founders didn't want our government dead
Tea party then against tyranny
Tea party now against big government.
That's all you need to know. So stop with the history test and useless semantics to prove otherwise.

Against big govt? are they against our large military? I don't think so. Are they against the large prison system? I don't think so.

They are against having rich people accountable to the govt. And they are against helping anyone but themselves (i.e they are NOT against social security and medicare, since so many of them collect it)
Tea party then against tyranny
Tea party now against big government.
That's all you need to know. So stop with the history test and useless semantics to prove otherwise.

By the way, the proper response when you get your history wrong is to say "oops, sorry" not to say that what you said didn't matter.
The Right Wing "Tea Party" tries to scream the national debt is because of the Left after cutting taxes for years and years below the spending rate. This is NOT Conservative but only pushes the spending to our children. The Left Wing GENERALLY tries to pay for the spending.

The Tea Party Right generally tries to BUY VOTES with less taxation even when it's less than actual spending. Tea Party "relief" is the general term for selling your car title for money.

The Left openly and with proof tries to pay for the spending that BOTH parties approve.

Fake Conservatives only recently learned they were the problem and created a new party to ensure they weren't the ones responsible for these debts, and this will make them born again "Conservatives".

Today's problem is everyone wants something for nothing.......Basic slavery all over again, little pay for hard work.

Another brain dead argument from Anti-Thinker; tax cuts never caused a deficit you moron. Spending MORE than you take in causes deficits.

I am amused by the Anti-Thinking leftist sheeple who voted for an inept, inexperienced, c,ueless community organizer and almost five years later find a new image to blame for the malaise caused by this President and his Administration, it has moved from "it's all Bush's fault" to the new moronic camor against the "tea party."

If you think raising taxes is the panacea to massive Big Government, you just might be an idiot, if you think letting people keep more of what they earn is a really bad idea, you just might be a moron.

Brain dead sheeple think that Republicans are the problem because they have the intelligence of a lemming; the only thing that has kept the economy from going over the cliff has been the Republicans you dumbasses. If not for them, we would be in an additional $550 billion in debt and seeing even more layoffs in the public and private sector.

We don't need Government to do more; that is why we are in the mess we are in. We need it to do LESS and get the "F" out of the way. But alas, brain dead sheeple would rather follow the pied Obama over the fiscal cliff like good little non-thinking little lemmings and rant about them bad Tea Partiers.

What a bunch of empty headed buffoons.
dear fucking idiot,

when you have already spent the money you cant pretend you can cut the taxes you claimed would pay for it when you passed the bill.

You are a brick brained asshole who wants to kill this country to please Grover
dear idiot,

thank you for admitting the tea party wants our government dead like grover does.

heres a clue the founders didn't want our government dead

How entertaining to watch a kool aid swilling empty headed leftist tell is what our founders wanted.

The founders believed in a small LIMITED Government and deliberately designed it so that it would be difficult to pass legislation and have one party power by separating those powers.

Clueless empty headed hyper partisan leftist ingrates like you still don't get it. Your much better at uttering ignorant vulgar insults than you ate at trying to have a rational thought. Now run along and let the adults have a debate without you trying to drag the thread IQ down to your low life level.

dear fucking idiot,

when you have already spent the money you cant pretend you can cut the taxes you claimed would pay for it when you passed the bill.

You are a brick brained asshole who wants to kill this country to please Grover

Dear clueless moron; please grow a brain and stop spamming the bread with your buffoonery desperately trying to remove all doubt what an incredible moron you are.

Please provide some historic data where tax cuts caused revenue to decrease.

Carry on asshat.