Why no one takes the TEA Party seriously.

heres a fucking clue.

they wanted future generations to alter the constitution as needed.
Where are your links? Don't you understand that your comments are just opinions until you make them valid? You certainly better understand that no one cares about your opinions.
Where are your links? Don't you understand that your comments are just opinions until you make them valid? You certainly better understand that no one cares about your opinions.

You have to understand that she is dimwitted and thinks her uninformed opinions and strawman claims trump reality, truth or the historic facts.

You cannot reason or argue with asshats; just laugh at them and point out their ignorance.
By the way, the proper response when you get your history wrong is to say "oops, sorry" not to say that what you said didn't matter.

Oh I'm so sorry I don't fit into your your elitist rules here chick... so much for the party of 'inclusion'.
Why take a movement seriously that sweeps a new party into control of the Congress and removes the President's filibuster-proof majority in the Senate?

The Tea Party is clearly a flash-in-the-pan. Like those Beatles. They'll never catch on.
Why take a movement seriously that sweeps a new party into control of the Congress and removes the President's filibuster-proof majority in the Senate?

The Tea Party is clearly a flash-in-the-pan. Like those Beatles. They'll never catch on.
Other than most are dumb as a bag of bricks
No, Mott the clueless, the tea party mentioned above was named after the on held in Boston harbor by citizens opposed to paying unfair taxes... which might be part of that $18 billion you seem needs to go to 'racial minorities' (BTW, can you list those, or is it really one?). Whose footing that bill? I'm never opposed to helping the poor, but assigning my taxes to a specific race is racist in itself... and continues that 300 yr disenfranchised policy you need to sleep at night.
Bullshit. They're free loaders who are unpatriotic. If that was true how comes all the spending cuts they endorse just happen to be ones that hurt working people and minorities and all the tax cuts they advocate only benefit the very wealthy? Hmmm care to explain that little item to me? Why do you think their astro-turf movement is funded almost exclusively by right wing leaning corporations and billionaire?
not everyone shares your worldview, some are principled, and would prefer not to receive handouts. You cannot tell them what is against their own interests. They have certain things they care about more than what you would assume on their behalf.
Principled bigots? Wow! Grind you just invented a new oxymoron. Congratulations! :)
Right here Mott...

Those two options are polar opposites Mott. You cannot be promoting fascism at the same time as promoting a smaller government (unless of course, the current government is already fascist).
LOL Exactly like I said.....nice false equivalency. You seem to have a thing for logical fallacies today. It also proves exactly what I said. Teabaggers don't have a true plan. Just gimmicks, glittering generalities and logical fallacies. I mean that's really funny that you think that supporting your country, your community and rolling you're eyes at the "small government" people who advocates policies that only benefit them and no one else makes one a "fascist". LOL That my friend is a false equivalency.
Tea party then against tyranny
Tea party now against big government.
That's all you need to know. So stop with the history test and useless semantics to prove otherwise.
No Tea partiers are bigots that believe that policies that help anyone but the billionares who's assholes they are licking is tyranny. Particularly if those policies help minorities, working people and the poor. I haven't seen a tea parties yet articulate a workable plan for how they would end corporate welfare. Not that first one. The first one that does and the Koch brothers and their ilk would withdraw their funding and their astro-turf movement would end right then and there.
Equality was the agenda; you're right, it's very liberal, very progressive. Even if at the time the founders though only white men who owned property deserved equality, it was a very enlightened principle.

And bit by bit, we're making their dreams come true in ways they never could imagine.

Yes, marriage equality is true in spirit to our founding documents.

In terms of abortion - being able to control one's body is a pretty fundamental freedom. Of course, in 1776 women weren't considered full citizens, so founders had no trouble controlling their bodies; again, bit by bit we are making our country be more true to its ideals. But as it turned out, abortions were allowed




Learned something here today, thanks.
Principled bigots? Wow! Grind you just invented a new oxymoron. Congratulations! :)

my post had nothing to do with addressing whether or not they are bigoted, just the often repeated arrogant worldview that everyone must have the exact same priorities.

that said, being bigoted and being principled aren't mutually exclusive, in any case. So your post is kind of dumb.