Why no one takes the TEA Party seriously.

Hating government just for the sake of hating it is fucking dumb assed shit

Dear forums asshat; claiming that people hate Government for the sake of hating Government is fucking dumb. It is also a strawman; but then, you're too stupid to even comprehend that little.

Asshat can now be dismissed before she again drags the thread down to her lowlife level with her ignorant rants.
I do not dismiss the tea party. It is, after all, a racist, know nothing, proto-fascist movement. That is to say you can't seperate culture from politics. Their fundamentally un-American rhetoric is irrational and has no credibility. First it's obvious that most tea partiers are people who lack critical thinking skills and who serve their GOP masters. Go to any Teabagger candidates website and on virtually all of them you will see the same thing. $4 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy and $18 billion in spending cuts to programs that mainly help racial minorities and the poor to fix the debt. Ask a teabagger how they plan on doing that and you'll quickly find out that they have no plans, just gimmicks, but no real plans. The fact are that the tea party is a media creation funded by corporations and billionaires with the goal of decreasing taxes and oversight for corporations and billionaires.

Ultimately that is why the tea party isn't taken seriously.

Tea Parties, after all, were meant for little girls.
The Left's negativity has sure gotten old.
How entertaining to watch a kool aid swilling empty headed leftist tell is what our founders wanted.

The founders believed in a small LIMITED Government and deliberately designed it so that it would be difficult to pass legislation and have one party power by separating those powers.

Clueless empty headed hyper partisan leftist ingrates like you still don't get it. Your much better at uttering ignorant vulgar insults than you ate at trying to have a rational thought. Now run along and let the adults have a debate without you trying to drag the thread IQ down to your low life level.


fuck off childman.

you want to discuss with the adults then you take the adult language.

Why do you hate the government the founders left us?

why do you LIE about history to kill this country like your god grover commands you to
Dear forums asshat; claiming that people hate Government for the sake of hating Government is fucking dumb. It is also a strawman; but then, you're too stupid to even comprehend that little.

Asshat can now be dismissed before she again drags the thread down to her lowlife level with her ignorant rants.

Oh really then tell me why your party members sign the pledges of a man who has =said in public more than once that he wants to kill the US government?

then you refuse to do the people work while in congress and try to starve the country of funds every chance you get?

then you put WARS on the credit card and fucking cut more funds.

your an idiot if you can not see that your partys actions are hated by the people.
Dear clueless moron; please grow a brain and stop spamming the bread with your buffoonery desperately trying to remove all doubt what an incredible moron you are.

Please provide some historic data where tax cuts caused revenue to decrease.

Carry on asshat.

your claim

You prove tax cuts ALWAYS create surpluses ass lick
fuck off childman.

you want to discuss with the adults then you take the adult language.

Why do you hate the government the founders left us?

why do you LIE about history to kill this country like your god grover commands you to
You mean our constitution was founded on things like gay marriage & legalized abortion? Who killed our founding fathers' liberal agenda?
oh you want to make blacks slaves again too while your at it fuckhead?

how about stripping the right of women to vote?
You mean our constitution was founded on things like gay marriage & legalized abortion? Who killed our founding fathers' liberal agenda?

heres a fucking clue.

they wanted future generations to alter the constitution as needed.

That is why they made it possible.

That was their agenda you propaganda led jackass
fuck off childman.

you want to discuss with the adults then you take the adult language.

Why do you hate the government the founders left us?

why do you LIE about history to kill this country like your god grover commands you to

Dear forum asshat; I don't hate Government. But thank you again for playing who can fabricate the biggest strawman.

Oh really then tell me why your party members sign the pledges of a man who has =said in public more than once that he wants to kill the US government?

then you refuse to do the people work while in congress and try to starve the country of funds every chance you get?

then you put WARS on the credit card and fucking cut more funds.

your an idiot if you can not see that your partys actions are hated by the people.

Dear forum asshat; your incident does not support your confused emotional hysterics or your strawman arguments. It does prove why you're an idiot.
your claim

You prove tax cuts ALWAYS create surpluses ass lick

Dear forum asshat; it is not my job to support your moronic claims or educate you. I'm just illustrating why you are an ignorant clueless dullard who cannot back up your emotional hysterics with facts.
even Lauffer would be laughing at how stupid you are

Dear forum asshat; if you think Lauffer thinks your moronic claims and arguments are based on sound economic theory, you're an idiot. But then, you do spend a great deal of time on this forum desperately removing any doubt as to what a comp,ete dullard and asshat you are.

Now run along and parrot some more brain dead DNC talking points.
You mean our constitution was founded on things like gay marriage & legalized abortion? Who killed our founding fathers' liberal agenda?

Equality was the agenda; you're right, it's very liberal, very progressive. Even if at the time the founders though only white men who owned property deserved equality, it was a very enlightened principle.

And bit by bit, we're making their dreams come true in ways they never could imagine.

Yes, marriage equality is true in spirit to our founding documents.

In terms of abortion - being able to control one's body is a pretty fundamental freedom. Of course, in 1776 women weren't considered full citizens, so founders had no trouble controlling their bodies; again, bit by bit we are making our country be more true to its ideals. But as it turned out, abortions were allowed

"From the 1660's through 1776, the colonies, following English common law, permitted abortions everywhere (Rosenblatt 8). So, why did the movement to make abortions illegal really take hold? Strangely enough, one major cause was the falling birthrate among middle-class whites. More than that, it was the beginning of a crusade of medical doctors who felt that some of their practices (including abortions) were now being taken over by non-physician practitioners, including midwives, even pharmacists and homeopaths. "No group of physicians was more insecure than the gynecology/obstetrics specialists" (Flanders 176). Even worse, doctors and other anti-abortionists, brought race and "patriotism" into the argument, as the Great Plains were opening up. "The leading mid-century antiabortion campaigner demanded: 'Shall they be filled with our children or by those of aliens?'" (Flanders 178).

Following English law, abortion was legal in the American colonies until the time of “quickening” in the fetus, when the baby started to move, usually around the fourth month of pregnancy. Recipes for herbal potions including pennyroyal, savin and other plants capable of “bringing on the menses” were common in home medical guides of the period.

Our founding fathers actually wrote about the subject. Benjamin Franklin’s views can be inferred from an incident that occurred in 1729 when his former employer, newspaper editor Samuel Keimer of Philadelphia, published an encyclopedia whose very first volume included a detailed article on abortion, including directions for ending an unwanted pregnancy (“immoderate Evacuations, violent Motions, sudden Passions, Frights … violent Purgatives and in the general anything that tends to promote the Menses.”) Hoping to found his own newspaper to compete with Keimer, Franklin responded in print through the satiric voices of two fictional characters, “Celia Shortface” and “Martha Careful” who expressed mock outrage at Keimer for exposing “the secrets of our sex” which ought to be reserved “for the repository of the learned.” One of the aggrieved ladies threatened to grab Keimer’s beard and pull it if she spotted him at the tavern! Neither Franklin nor his prudish protagonists objected to abortion per se, but only to the immodesty of discussing such feminine mysteries in public.

Dr. Benjamin Rush, a well known physician who signed the Declaration of Independence, shared his views of the subject matter-of-factly in his book of Medical Inquiries and Observations (1805). Discussing blood-letting as a possible treatment to prevent miscarriage during the third month of pregnancy, when he believed there was a special tendency to spontaneous abortion, Rush asked the question, “what is an abortion but a haemoptysis (if I may be allowed the expression) from the uterus?” A hemoptysis is the clinical term for the expectoration of blood or bloody sputum from the lungs or larynx. In Rush’s mind, apparently, what we would now call the three-month-old embryo was equivalent medically to what one might cough up when ill with the flu.

Thomas Jefferson put no moral judgment on abortion, either. In his Notes on the State of Virginia, he observed that for Native American women, who accompanied their men in war and hunting parties, “childbearing becomes extremely inconvenient to them. It is said, therefore, that they have learnt the practice of procuring abortion by the use of some vegetable, and that it even extends to prevent conception for some time after.” Jefferson on the whole admired the native people and the Notes were intended in part to counter the views of the French naturalist Buffon, who accused the indigenous inhabitants of the New World of being degenerate and less virile than their European counterparts. In extenuation, Jefferson cites “voluntary abortion” along with the hazards of the wilderness and famine as obstacles nature has placed in the way of increased multiplication among the natives. Indian women married to white traders, he observes, produce abundant children and are excellent mothers. The fact that they practice birth control and when necessary terminate their pregnancies does not lessen his respect for them, but appears to be in his mind simply one of the ingenious ways they have adapted to their challenging environment.

A different window into colonial attitudes toward abortion can be found in Corenlia Hughes Dayton’s “Taking the Trade: Abortion and Gender Relations in an Eighteenth Century New England Village.” In her 1991 monograph which appeared in the William and Mary Quarterly, Dayton examined a case from 1742 that occurred in the village of Pomfret, Connecticut, where 19-year-old Sarah Grosvenor died in a bungled abortion urged on her by her 27-year-old lover Amasa Sessions. Magistrates filed charges against both Sessions and the “doctor of physick” who mangled the operation, but Dayton points out the legal complaints were not for performing the abortion as such (which was legal) but for killing the mother. The whole episode was surrounded with a hush of secrecy, in an era when “fornication” was not only illegal but culturally taboo. Abortion, in the colonial context, carried a stigma of shame not because it ended the life of a fetus but because it was associated with illicit intercourse—helping to explain the outrage of Franklin’s two characters Celia Shortface and Martha Careful when their private remedies for ending a pregnancy receive a public airing.

What can we learn from examining attitudes toward abortion in early America? Perhaps only this, that positions which seem to both the pro-choice and pro-life camps to be eternal and absolute have in fact evolved over time. An historic perspective should teach us humility if nothing else.
Dear forum asshat; if you think Lauffer thinks your moronic claims and arguments are based on sound economic theory, you're an idiot. But then, you do spend a great deal of time on this forum desperately removing any doubt as to what a comp,ete dullard and asshat you are.

Now run along and parrot some more brain dead DNC talking points.

Are you claiming Laffer said that tax cuts always produce more revenue?

heres a fucking clue.

they wanted future generations to alter the constitution as needed.

That is why they made it possible.

That was their agenda you propaganda led jackass

Dear asshat; no they did not. They correctly believed that Government was a necessary evil for civilized society and created a document to ensure that Government could not become too powerful or overbearing and be limited. Unfortunately, you and many other sheeple, have not been properly educated to understand the brilliance contained in this document and how we became the most powerful and prosperous nation in the world and now want to become dependent wards of the State based on the moronic Marxist belief of fair and equal outcomes.

Dismissed dumbass.
Are you claiming Laffer said that tax cuts always produce more revenue?


Dear asshat; no I am not making that claim. I am saying that you are economically clueless, an incredible idiot and wouldn't have the first clue about something as simple as economics 101 and watching you use Lauffer's name in your post is laughably absurd.
