Why Our Universities Have Failed


ButterMilk Man
Why Our Universities Have Failed
Something went wrong with the rapidly expanding university in the 1960s, and the new 21st century, high-tech, globalized campus has made the mess it inherited dangerous.

By Victor Davis Hanson

Progressive Boot Camps
The implicit directive of undergraduate education is so often deductively to enhance progressive values that center on a common but unquestioned core: radical restructuring of the economy to fight “climate change,” the shift from free-market capitalism to state redistributionism, equality defined not as parity in opportunity but in result, the view that the Constitution is fossilized and an impediment to the moral arc of history, the surety that values are mostly race, class, and gender constructs and do not reflect eternal truths of unchanging human nature, identity politics above all, abortion on demand, and real doubt that the American project, now and in the past, has been a force for good.

This is the unquestioned creed of the university, its faculty advocacies, its students’ acquiescence, and the subtext of its themes in internal communiques. If anyone doubts, try the thought experiment of entering a university and throughout those four years suggesting that a heating planet may be primarily a result of age-old and cyclical natural phenomena, or that capitalism has brought far more out of poverty than statism, or praise the Second Amendment, or the melting pot over the salad bowl. Support a ban on partial or late-term abortion, and express faith that America has been good without having to be perfect. At each juncture, a student would not only be questioned but likely would find himself at a disadvantage academically and socially ostracized.

Something went wrong with the rapidly expanding university in the 1960s during the affluence and leisure of the postwar boom. And the new 21st century, high-tech, globalized campus has now made that mess it inherited dangerous.

Great piece except Victor and I disagree about the original sin....I say that it was the GI Bill....that the Universities set out to suck up all that money especially after the Korean conflict then standards and competence of university leadership tanked, then the student rebellions really crushed the place as the universities capitulated in mass just as Allan Bloom said in "The Closing of the American Mind". We do agree that the Universities expanding too fast was the problem though. They were overly stretched, then they crashed, and now we are really fucked.
Perhaps the best sentence:
Nothing historically has proven more dangerous to a society than millions of half-educated college students and graduates, indebted, either idle, underemployed, or poorly remunerated, full of pride in their largely suspect majors, and bitter that the supposedly less educated and not as sophisticated cohorts are deservedly making more than they

Though claiming that current grads are even half educated is quite optimistic. What they get is the opposite of education, they get Victim Culture Cult brainwashings.
The GI Bill and the Universities reminds me a lot of Covid and the New York State nursing homes....the new plan sounds like a good idea and yes the Universities and the nursing homes will be stretched but surely they will figure it out.

Except they did not.
actually, the last election shows how wrong you are, all by itself, and how going to college is a good thing not just for the students, but for the country....

have someone who did go to college read this and then try to 'splain to ya-

NBC News Exit Poll: College grads and older voters swing ...www.nbcnews.com › politics › live-blog › ncrd1246470
Nov 4, 2020 — President Trump won the votes of seniors and white college graduates in Michigan four years ago, but Joe Biden was able to swing both groups ... It will take at least 270 electoral votes to win the 2020 presidential election.

How exit polls shifted in 2016 and 2020 - CNN.comwww.cnn.com › election-analysis-exit-polls-2016-2020
Nov 4, 2020 — America has chosen Joe Biden as its 46th president. ... CNN Exit Polls are a combination of in-person interviews with Election Day voters ... Trump's most fervent base of support is among White men without college degrees.
I think it depends on what you take to a fair degree. The business, engineering, and science portions of universities aren't particularly overrun with crazy Leftist professors spewing political correctness. That's in the Liberal Arts. These other degree fields require that students actually know something that can be turned into a tangible and measurable result. They're going to leave college and get jobs where results count.

What we don't need are more Liberal Arts majors with useless degrees that amount to little more than having actually gotten what used to pass as a high school education.

We could also use far more people willing to go into the trades and technical jobs that don't require a diploma. Many of these pay better than a college degree in some useless Liberal Art but are neglected by our ill-educated teaching staff at K-12 schools where they push a narrative that you must go to college to get ahead.
The problem with that is it pushes a false narrative. For those simply too stupid to go to college or get a skilled trade, they are going to make lousy money simply because no one will pay someone more to do little--except Leftists who demand a "living wage" or "$15 an hour minimum wage." Those that choose a trade or technical skill can make as much or more as college grads do. They also have the dual advantages of getting paid for their labor immediately and not having a huge debt to pay off like college students do.
actually, the last election shows how wrong you are, all by itself, and how going to college is a good thing not just for the students, but for the country....

have someone who did go to college read this and then try to 'splain to ya-

NBC News Exit Poll: College grads and older voters swing ...www.nbcnews.com › politics › live-blog › ncrd1246470
Nov 4, 2020 — President Trump won the votes of seniors and white college graduates in Michigan four years ago, but Joe Biden was able to swing both groups ... It will take at least 270 electoral votes to win the 2020 presidential election.

How exit polls shifted in 2016 and 2020 - CNN.comwww.cnn.com › election-analysis-exit-polls-2016-2020
Nov 4, 2020 — America has chosen Joe Biden as its 46th president. ... CNN Exit Polls are a combination of in-person interviews with Election Day voters ... Trump's most fervent base of support is among White men without college degrees.

yeah. trump really is a populist, putting american workers ahead of ccp based investment portfolios.
Why Our Universities Have Failed
Something went wrong with the rapidly expanding university in the 1960s, and the new 21st century, high-tech, globalized campus has made the mess it inherited dangerous.

By Victor Davis Hanson


Great piece except Victor and I disagree about the original sin....I say that it was the GI Bill....that the Universities set out to suck up all that money especially after the Korean conflict then standards and competence of university leadership tanked, then the student rebellions really crushed the place as the universities capitulated in mass just as Allan Bloom said in "The Closing of the American Mind". We do agree that the Universities expanding too fast was the problem though. They were overly stretched, then they crashed, and now we are really fucked.

That guy is an idiot. Pure garbage
I think it depends on what you take to a fair degree. The business, engineering, and science portions of universities aren't particularly overrun with crazy Leftist professors spewing political correctness. That's in the Liberal Arts. These other degree fields require that students actually know something that can be turned into a tangible and measurable result. They're going to leave college and get jobs where results count.

What we don't need are more Liberal Arts majors with useless degrees that amount to little more than having actually gotten what used to pass as a high school education.

We could also use far more people willing to go into the trades and technical jobs that don't require a diploma. Many of these pay better than a college degree in some useless Liberal Art but are neglected by our ill-educated teaching staff at K-12 schools where they push a narrative that you must go to college to get ahead.
The problem with that is it pushes a false narrative. For those simply too stupid to go to college or get a skilled trade, they are going to make lousy money simply because no one will pay someone more to do little--except Leftists who demand a "living wage" or "$15 an hour minimum wage." Those that choose a trade or technical skill can make as much or more as college grads do. They also have the dual advantages of getting paid for their labor immediately and not having a huge debt to pay off like college students do.

You do realize that English is a liberal art. Do you want high schools to stop teaching English?
Betsy DeVos’s assault on public education has provided a chance for policy renewal

In response to Ms. DeVos’s polarizing influence, moderate Democrats including President-elect Joe Biden recommitted to teachers unions and adopted more skeptical positions on school choice that were out of the question just a few years ago.

Mr. Biden has pledged to exclude for-profit charter schools from federal funding, and he has proposed making larger investments in public education by using Title I statutes to double federal support for schools serving low-income students.

This thread is a good example of how the right wing's attack on education will be met with Biden rebuilding our education system.

Education is supposed to be non-profit. And, yes, we all profit from that.
You do realize that English is a liberal art. Do you want high schools to stop teaching English?

No, but as a major English has little application. English is something you take a couple of courses in to ensure you can make complete sentences--something I think our politicians need a remedial course in--not something you study for four years. In k -12 it's taught for the same reason: To be coherent in speech and writing, not to be able to diagram sentences and other nonsense.
Given the level of stupidity many of our so-called teachers in K-12 exhibit, I'd say we need to seriously reform or abolish colleges of education because they aren't turning out a quality product.
No, but as a major English has little application. English is something you take a couple of courses in to ensure you can make complete sentences--something I think our politicians need a remedial course in--not something you study for four years. In k -12 it's taught for the same reason: To be coherent in speech and writing, not to be able to diagram sentences and other nonsense.
Given the level of stupidity many of our so-called teachers in K-12 exhibit, I'd say we need to seriously reform or abolish colleges of education because they aren't turning out a quality product.

Okay. Where do high school English teachers go to get their education? Hint: Universities.
This thread is a good example of how the right wing's attack on education will be met with Biden rebuilding our education system.

Education is supposed to be non-profit. And, yes, we all profit from that.

How will Biden do that exactly? Abolish teacher's unions who protect the criminal and incompetent in their ranks? Raise standards? Maybe require annual competency testing for all teachers?

Education is supposed to educate you. Whether it's for profit or non-profit, the final product is supposed to be useful and right now much of our education system turns out rubbish. Compared to other industrial, first tier nations the US level of education is mediocre. Our per pupil spending however is one of the highest on the planet. We're not getting our money's worth.