Why Our Universities Have Failed
Something went wrong with the rapidly expanding university in the 1960s, and the new 21st century, high-tech, globalized campus has made the mess it inherited dangerous.
By Victor Davis Hanson
Great piece except Victor and I disagree about the original sin....I say that it was the GI Bill....that the Universities set out to suck up all that money especially after the Korean conflict then standards and competence of university leadership tanked, then the student rebellions really crushed the place as the universities capitulated in mass just as Allan Bloom said in "The Closing of the American Mind". We do agree that the Universities expanding too fast was the problem though. They were overly stretched, then they crashed, and now we are really fucked.
Something went wrong with the rapidly expanding university in the 1960s, and the new 21st century, high-tech, globalized campus has made the mess it inherited dangerous.
By Victor Davis Hanson
https://amgreatness.com/2020/11/29/why-our-universities-have-failed/Progressive Boot Camps
The implicit directive of undergraduate education is so often deductively to enhance progressive values that center on a common but unquestioned core: radical restructuring of the economy to fight “climate change,” the shift from free-market capitalism to state redistributionism, equality defined not as parity in opportunity but in result, the view that the Constitution is fossilized and an impediment to the moral arc of history, the surety that values are mostly race, class, and gender constructs and do not reflect eternal truths of unchanging human nature, identity politics above all, abortion on demand, and real doubt that the American project, now and in the past, has been a force for good.
This is the unquestioned creed of the university, its faculty advocacies, its students’ acquiescence, and the subtext of its themes in internal communiques. If anyone doubts, try the thought experiment of entering a university and throughout those four years suggesting that a heating planet may be primarily a result of age-old and cyclical natural phenomena, or that capitalism has brought far more out of poverty than statism, or praise the Second Amendment, or the melting pot over the salad bowl. Support a ban on partial or late-term abortion, and express faith that America has been good without having to be perfect. At each juncture, a student would not only be questioned but likely would find himself at a disadvantage academically and socially ostracized.
Something went wrong with the rapidly expanding university in the 1960s during the affluence and leisure of the postwar boom. And the new 21st century, high-tech, globalized campus has now made that mess it inherited dangerous.
Great piece except Victor and I disagree about the original sin....I say that it was the GI Bill....that the Universities set out to suck up all that money especially after the Korean conflict then standards and competence of university leadership tanked, then the student rebellions really crushed the place as the universities capitulated in mass just as Allan Bloom said in "The Closing of the American Mind". We do agree that the Universities expanding too fast was the problem though. They were overly stretched, then they crashed, and now we are really fucked.