Why Sarah Palin Won't Go Away!

"I won't call your spiritual faith into question here, but it appears you have little or none."

LMAO! Now that is typical Dixie logic. In one sentence you say that you won't call my spiritual faith into question, and then call it into question. Talk out both sides of your mouth much?

Not talking out of both sides of my mouth, I don't claim to know what is in your heart, I merely pointed out how it appears to me. I'm not calling it into question, just making an observation, you can take it for what it's worth.

"To presume we are given our freedoms and liberty by government, it requires you to believe in government as the solution for all our problems."

Again, you try and put words into my mouth after you complain so much that I put words into your mouth.

I do not believe that our freedoms come from the government. Our freedoms come from THE PEOPLE.

And the Government is the embodiment of The People! It's the same thing! What gives us the right as people, to determine our own self-destiny? The Supreme Court? A well-regulated militia? The President and Congress? The Constitution? All of these things can be taken away as easily as they were implemented in the first place. An endowment from our Creator is permanent!

I think you overestimate the number of people who are both social & fiscal conservatives. I am a fiscal conservative. I know many, many other fiscal conservatives. In fact, when people are interviewed about being conservative, the main responses are fiscal. Because fiscal responsibilities are what the government is supposed to be about.

I don't overestimate a damn thing. The single largest voting bloc in America, is the social conservatives. This is why you see people like Bill Clinton, clinging to a Bible on camera during his impeachment hearings! This is why you see John Kerry donning a choir robe in a black church to sing "Hallelujah" during his campaign for president. Even social liberals realize the importance of appealing to social conservatives. Obama is the most socially liberal president we've ever elected, but much of his support came from blacks and Hispanics who are ironically, predominately social conservatives.

Granted, there are a lot of fiscal conservatives who aren't particularly "religious" in their social views, which leads you to conclude they are socially liberal, but I don't believe "social conservative" has to mean "fundamental religious" and I think this is where the republicans need to focus their message. Social conservatism has to be articulated in a way that is not offensive to those who fear the religious right.

You can hardly say you want less government intrusion, and then turn around and say you want the government to police people's sexual habits.

When have I EVER said I want government to do this? I am the one advocating that government NOT establish laws and redefine words on the basis of sexual preferences!

You cannot say that you want smaller government, and then turn around and expect the government to promote "traditional family values" and to legislate morality.

I think a responsible society has a profound obligation to legislate morality! Furthermore, I think this is preferable to judicial activists legislating morality (or lack of) from the bench through judicial fiat!

To claim there is necessarily a link between social and fiscal conservatism is simply a lie. Every socially conservative act that you want has to be paid for somehow. And that is not fiscal conservatism.

What socially conservative acts have I asked for? To protect traditional marriage from people who want to destroy it through judicial fiat? Hell, stop leading the charge to destroy morality and religion, and maybe I won't have to ask for help in protecting it? As it stands, this has to be done to protect the fundamental foundation and principle of our country, something you completely don't get. You are willing to buy in to the Eurotrash Atheist Socialism philosophies that seek to destroy our foundation and crumble our nation from the inside. You stubbornly refuse to see what is happening, because you are so bent out of shape at the religious right, who hasn't done a damn thing to you, except fight your attempts to erode our moral foundation!

I catch a helluva lot of flack here for my viewpoints, and I am called every name in the book for what I believe, but in reality, all I have ever demanded or expected is freedom and liberty of the people to decide for themselves! Put the issues of Abortion and Gay Marriage on a National referendum and let's have a damn vote on it! I'll live with what our society deems best! I don't seek to "force my will" on the rest of society at all! The way I see it, it's the other way around, it is those who promote abortion and gay marriage, who want to force their view onto society through judicial activism instead of allowing the will of the people in society to prevail.
You cannot say that you want smaller government, and then turn around and expect the government to promote "traditional family values" and to legislate morality.

To claim there is necessarily a link between social and fiscal conservatism is simply a lie. Every socially conservative act that you want has to be paid for somehow. And that is not fiscal conservatism.

Social Conservative is a misnomer. A Jeffersonian Conservative would first ask, "Why should government intervene in this at all?" not "When should we pass another law to endorse our own 'values' over others?"

When people use, or attempt to use, the religious conservative 'values' to get somebody elected by adding another measure that is 'anti-gay' on the ballot they are directly and intentionally adding power to the government over the individual for a temporary gain. Somebody extremely intelligent in our past once said something close to, "Those who purchase 'security' (yes, even security from judges 'desecrating marriage') with necessary freedoms deserve neither."