Why Sarah Palin Won't Go Away!

And also, while you are answer the question of whether you believe it is God that makes the USA great, would you mind answering another question?

If all our rights, freedoms, and equalities come from God, WHICH God is it that bestows these gift on us?


Because most of the religions claim that their God is the only God or the most powerful God.

The God in which you believe in.
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

These words came many years before the Constitution. In fact, these are the very first words articulated in the concept of our independent nation and it's founding principle. Without these words, the Constitution is meaningless. Yes, the Constitution does indicate THE PEOPLE ordain and establish the Constitution, because they are endowed by our Creator to do so!

I bet if our Founding Fathers could return today and see this silly and ridiculous argument from the Atheist Eurotrash SCUM who want to destroy America by removing any semblance of faith in a higher power from our foundation, they would certainly regret not putting it clearly and boldly into the very first paragraph of the Constitution! I think they assumed people were smart enough to understand the principles of foundation which lead to the writing of the Constitution and made all of it possible!

I think you are very wrong about that, Dixie. The men who wrote the US Constitution were careful not to mention any deity. They had built the beginnings of a nation by the sacrifices and blood of brave men.

They fought and gained our rights, freedoms and future. Show me in the US Constitution where it says our rights were endowed by the creator?

The declaration of independence is a fine document. But the US Constitution is what our nation is based on, guided by, and held together with.
Dixie, you never asnwered my questions.

Do you believe that God made our nation great?

"You have little or no understanding as to how and why America is great, and why we enjoy the freedom and prosperity of this great nation."

Tell me how and why America is great?

Tell me why we enoy the freedom and prosperity of this great nation?
Dixie, you never asnwered my questions.

Do you believe that God made our nation great?

"You have little or no understanding as to how and why America is great, and why we enjoy the freedom and prosperity of this great nation."

Tell me how and why America is great?

Tell me why we enoy the freedom and prosperity of this great nation?

Well Solitary, I didn't feel compelled to answer you because I feel we hold these truths to be self-evident. Those self-evident truths being, that all men are created equally, and they are endowed by this creator, certain unalienable rights, among them, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. I believe the laws of nature and natures god entitle them to this, and that is also self-evident truth. I believe this not only makes America great, but it makes America exceptional. Never in the course of human endeavor has such a nation been conceived, and that truth is also very self-evident. So, forgive me for not indulging you in what I believe to be self-evident.

Now, if you choose not to believe the self-evident truth, that is up to you. We have established a provision in the Bill of Rights to protect your sentiments and believe whatever your heart desires. But this is the basis and foundation for what makes America great, and nothing you can say or do will ever change that self-evident truth.
The men who wrote the US Constitution were careful not to mention any deity.

And for good reason! The Constitution, which was based on the foundational principle in the Declaration of Independence, is an instrument of law to establish the rules and boundaries of power ordained by man. They were careful not to mention a deity because they did not wish to establish a theocratic form of government. As I said, had they thought for one moment, that a day would come when people were so utterly ignorant of the foundational principles which enabled the Constitution, they would have certainly reiterated it in the opening preamble. As it were, they didn't see a need to mention it in the rules and guidelines of the "powers endowed by our Creator." The analogy I have given before is still valid... The Roman Catholic Church has a doctrine devoted to the procedures for selecting a Pope, it goes over all the 'dos and don'ts' and how it is to be done, but it doesn't include even a single sentence about the religious dogma of Catholicism. This doesn't mean the Pope is not the head of the Catholic Church, or that Catholic is not a religion. There is just simply no reason or purpose for reiterating those principles in the rules to select a Pope. The same is true with our Constitution, why would it need to include any mention of a God? That was established in the founding of the country, many years earlier. It was already understood, or at least the Founding Fathers assumed it was.
And for good reason! The Constitution, which was based on the foundational principle in the Declaration of Independence, is an instrument of law to establish the rules and boundaries of power ordained by man. They were careful not to mention a deity because they did not wish to establish a theocratic form of government. As I said, had they thought for one moment, that a day would come when people were so utterly ignorant of the foundational principles which enabled the Constitution, they would have certainly reiterated it in the opening preamble. As it were, they didn't see a need to mention it in the rules and guidelines of the "powers endowed by our Creator." The analogy I have given before is still valid... The Roman Catholic Church has a doctrine devoted to the procedures for selecting a Pope, it goes over all the 'dos and don'ts' and how it is to be done, but it doesn't include even a single sentence about the religious dogma of Catholicism. This doesn't mean the Pope is not the head of the Catholic Church, or that Catholic is not a religion. There is just simply no reason or purpose for reiterating those principles in the rules to select a Pope. The same is true with our Constitution, why would it need to include any mention of a God? That was established in the founding of the country, many years earlier. It was already understood, or at least the Founding Fathers assumed it was.

I disagree. The comparison is not a good one.

The framers of the constitution were very careful to outline our rights and freedoms. They did not assume much anything in that document.

The US Constitution is not the equivilent of the instructions for selecting a pope. The Constitution is more equivilent of the Bible. It is the basis for this entire nation.

The declaration of independence is a great historical document. But it has no bearing or authority in the fundamental operation of our nation.

The US Constitution is the foundation of our nation. The framers knew this. They didn't assume our freedoms and rights, they detailed them. If they had thought that the source of our freedom was divine, they would have included references to God in it.
Well Solitary, I didn't feel compelled to answer you because I feel we hold these truths to be self-evident. Those self-evident truths being, that all men are created equally, and they are endowed by this creator, certain unalienable rights, among them, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. I believe the laws of nature and natures god entitle them to this, and that is also self-evident truth. I believe this not only makes America great, but it makes America exceptional. Never in the course of human endeavor has such a nation been conceived, and that truth is also very self-evident. So, forgive me for not indulging you in what I believe to be self-evident.

Now, if you choose not to believe the self-evident truth, that is up to you. We have established a provision in the Bill of Rights to protect your sentiments and believe whatever your heart desires. But this is the basis and foundation for what makes America great, and nothing you can say or do will ever change that self-evident truth.

Your answer doesn't surprise me.

First you make the accusation that I do not understand how and why this nation is so great, and that I don't understand why we have our freedoms and our prosperity.

But then you refuse to clearly state what you believe the "how and why" would be.

But from the volumes you have written on this topic, I think it safe to say that you believe our freedoms come from God. It stands to reason then, that you also believe God gives us our prosperity,

So I can only guess that you believe that our freedoms, our prosperity, and the greatness of our nation comes from God on high. That he looks down from heaven and wants America to be great and Americans to be free.
Your answer doesn't surprise me.

First you make the accusation that I do not understand how and why this nation is so great, and that I don't understand why we have our freedoms and our prosperity.

But then you refuse to clearly state what you believe the "how and why" would be.

But from the volumes you have written on this topic, I think it safe to say that you believe our freedoms come from God. It stands to reason then, that you also believe God gives us our prosperity,

So I can only guess that you believe that our freedoms, our prosperity, and the greatness of our nation comes from God on high. That he looks down from heaven and wants America to be great and Americans to be free.

A true american noahide imbecile.
I disagree. The comparison is not a good one.

The framers of the constitution were very careful to outline our rights and freedoms. They did not assume much anything in that document.

The US Constitution is not the equivilent of the instructions for selecting a pope. The Constitution is more equivilent of the Bible. It is the basis for this entire nation.

The declaration of independence is a great historical document. But it has no bearing or authority in the fundamental operation of our nation.

The US Constitution is the foundation of our nation. The framers knew this. They didn't assume our freedoms and rights, they detailed them. If they had thought that the source of our freedom was divine, they would have included references to God in it.

No, they didn't make many assumptions, however, they did assume you would understand how the nation was founded, it is written in the founding document, the Declaration of Independence. There was no reason to reiterate the founding principles in the 'rule book' of the nation. My analogy is completely valid, you just disagree with me. It has a lot to do with why you are a liberal and not a conservative, and why you don't subscribe to social conservative philosophies. You lack the basic fundamental understanding of how and why this nation is exceptional.

The Declaration of Independence was not intended to have bearing in law, that was the purpose of the Constitution. I've already explained how the Founders didn't intend to construct a theocracy, so why would they ordain the DoI a legal bearing document? It seems you keep trying to say, we are not endowed by our Creator, because if we were, the founders would have made us a theocracy. That is a totally absurd argument.

Comparing the Constitution to The Bible is a bit unfair as well. The Bible is a profound collection of books which serve as a comprehensive guide to life for modern man. The Constitution would more suitably be comparable to The 10 Commandments. The concepts of Christianity and Salvation are not articulated in The 10 Commandments, they don't need to be, it is assumed you already understand these concepts. The truths are self-evident.
Your answer doesn't surprise me.

First you make the accusation that I do not understand how and why this nation is so great, and that I don't understand why we have our freedoms and our prosperity.

But then you refuse to clearly state what you believe the "how and why" would be.

But from the volumes you have written on this topic, I think it safe to say that you believe our freedoms come from God. It stands to reason then, that you also believe God gives us our prosperity,

So I can only guess that you believe that our freedoms, our prosperity, and the greatness of our nation comes from God on high. That he looks down from heaven and wants America to be great and Americans to be free.

I think it is clearly stated in the founding document of this nation. I think you "assume" too much. God doesn't "want" anything, He doesn't have to "want!" You are making the typical Atheistic arguments about God, by applying ignorant human standards to His motives and intentions. It's kinda stupid to do that. It shows, not only do you have a lack of understanding as to the founding principles of America, but you also have a fundamental lack of understanding of God. I won't call your spiritual faith into question here, but it appears you have little or none.

There is something important you need to remember here... Social conservatives don't need you to approve what they believe, they don't need to prove what they believe to you. They know and understand what the founding principles of this nation are, and they refuse to accept the Atheist-borne concepts which refute these principles. You can talk until you are blue in the face, social conservatives know what they know.

I haven't really touched on the connection between social conservatism and fiscal conservatism, but I will do this now. To presume we are given our freedoms and liberty by government, it requires you to believe in government as the solution for all our problems. To depend on government to fix these problems and find the answers. Social conservatives believe our government is there by the grace of God, to protect our endowment of freedom and blessings of liberty. It need not be large and intrusive, since our power doesn't come from government or man. I realize this may appear quite simplistic in nature, but it is indeed, very fundamental and profound. There is a connection between the beliefs of social conservatism and fiscal conservative policies, and it all goes back to our fundamental belief in the founding principles.
I think it is clearly stated in the founding document of this nation. I think you "assume" too much. God doesn't "want" anything, He doesn't have to "want!" You are making the typical Atheistic arguments about God, by applying ignorant human standards to His motives and intentions. It's kinda stupid to do that. It shows, not only do you have a lack of understanding as to the founding principles of America, but you also have a fundamental lack of understanding of God. I won't call your spiritual faith into question here, but it appears you have little or none.

There is something important you need to remember here... Social conservatives don't need you to approve what they believe, they don't need to prove what they believe to you. They know and understand what the founding principles of this nation are, and they refuse to accept the Atheist-borne concepts which refute these principles. You can talk until you are blue in the face, social conservatives know what they know.

I haven't really touched on the connection between social conservatism and fiscal conservatism, but I will do this now. To presume we are given our freedoms and liberty by government, it requires you to believe in government as the solution for all our problems. To depend on government to fix these problems and find the answers. Social conservatives believe our government is there by the grace of God, to protect our endowment of freedom and blessings of liberty. It need not be large and intrusive, since our power doesn't come from government or man. I realize this may appear quite simplistic in nature, but it is indeed, very fundamental and profound. There is a connection between the beliefs of social conservatism and fiscal conservative policies, and it all goes back to our fundamental belief in the founding principles.

You understand God, then you are the first! Congrats! You will make a fortune. I thought God was beyond human understanding, but that is just leftover Christianity in moi!
Dixie if the truths of the bible are so self evident why do we have so many different Christian religions ?

Well, now we are getting off the topic and into a philosophical religious debate. I am not the member of any organized religious group, I define myself as a 'spiritualist' and I don't subscribe to any particular 'denomination' of Christian religion. That said, I am probably not the best person to answer this question.

My personal view is this... The Bible is divinely inspired by God, and is intentionally meant to be interpreted on a case-by-case basis. In other words, God understood you would read his word and derive a differing meaning than your contemporaries, it was intentional, because God has a plan and purpose for each of us individually. Being that we are stupid men, and not God, we fail to comprehend this profoundness, and assume to "know" what the Bible is saying. Through the ages, these varying interpretations of what man has derived from the word of God, is articulated into specifics which formed dogma, thus denominational diversity.
God has a plan and a purpose for Dixie :shock:

but then I understand why this concept works so well. People do not want to be responsible for themselves as a general rule.
I think it is clearly stated in the founding document of this nation. I think you "assume" too much. God doesn't "want" anything, He doesn't have to "want!" You are making the typical Atheistic arguments about God, by applying ignorant human standards to His motives and intentions. It's kinda stupid to do that. It shows, not only do you have a lack of understanding as to the founding principles of America, but you also have a fundamental lack of understanding of God. I won't call your spiritual faith into question here, but it appears you have little or none.

There is something important you need to remember here... Social conservatives don't need you to approve what they believe, they don't need to prove what they believe to you. They know and understand what the founding principles of this nation are, and they refuse to accept the Atheist-borne concepts which refute these principles. You can talk until you are blue in the face, social conservatives know what they know.

I haven't really touched on the connection between social conservatism and fiscal conservatism, but I will do this now. To presume we are given our freedoms and liberty by government, it requires you to believe in government as the solution for all our problems. To depend on government to fix these problems and find the answers. Social conservatives believe our government is there by the grace of God, to protect our endowment of freedom and blessings of liberty. It need not be large and intrusive, since our power doesn't come from government or man. I realize this may appear quite simplistic in nature, but it is indeed, very fundamental and profound. There is a connection between the beliefs of social conservatism and fiscal conservative policies, and it all goes back to our fundamental belief in the founding principles.

"I won't call your spiritual faith into question here, but it appears you have little or none."

LMAO! Now that is typical Dixie logic. In one sentence you say that you won't call my spiritual faith into question, and then call it into question. Talk out both sides of your mouth much?

"To presume we are given our freedoms and liberty by government, it requires you to believe in government as the solution for all our problems."

Again, you try and put words into my mouth after you complain so much that I put words into your mouth.

I do not believe that our freedoms come from the government. Our freedoms come from THE PEOPLE.

I think you overestimate the number of people who are both social & fiscal conservatives. I am a fiscal conservative. I know many, many other fiscal conservatives. In fact, when people are interviewed about being conservative, the main responses are fiscal. Because fiscal responsibilities are what the government is supposed to be about.

You can hardly say you want less government intrusion, and then turn around and say you want the government to police people's sexual habits.

You cannot say that you want smaller government, and then turn around and expect the government to promote "traditional family values" and to legislate morality.

To claim there is necessarily a link between social and fiscal conservatism is simply a lie. Every socially conservative act that you want has to be paid for somehow. And that is not fiscal conservatism.
Oh, damn, good idea!

I could give one to my sister for Christmas, maybe she would forgive me for Obama!