Good, you keep working against us, because Conservatism needs to prevail in our party. We don't need your input, advice, or support. Keep the fuck away from the Republican party, and stay in your liberal socialist Atheistic corner of politics.
It's a shame you don't understand the role social conservatism plays in fiscal conservative principles and conservative values in general. It's a shame you've allowed yourself to be brainwashed by Atheists into thinking those with strong faith-based beliefs are stupid 'knuckledraggers' without a point or place in our government. A government founded on the principle that all men are created equal and endowed their rights by that creator. It's a shame you don't understand that is the fundamental cornerstone of our democracy, and without it, we crumble and fall as a society.
No, its a shame that you think some higher power is the reason we created what we created. Its a shame that you think some mystical power gives us our freedom, our rights and our nation.
God didn't march in Valley Forge, starving and freezing, to fight a well equipped and well fed army, men did.
God didn't stand in defiance of tyranny, men did.
God didn't face the fire hoses and dogs in the streets of Birmingham, or march from Selma to Montgomery.
God didn't split and then reunite a nation.
God didn't march to gain the vote for women.
God didn't die drowning or burning in Pearl Harbor.
God didn't stand up to the US Government saying we will not tolerate a war.
Everything this nation is, has been and will be is in the hands of its citizens. If those citizens gain strength from their faith, I applaud that. But don't sit there and try to tell me it came from god.
Otherwise, please explain why he waited 4,000 years to tell people that we are all created equal?
I have not been brainwashed by ANYONE. I stand and think for myself. I stand firmly behind the US Constitution. I know that the 2nd amendment means we all have the right to be armed, to defend ourselves against our own government. I stand firmly in favor of THE PEOPLE. I don't favor any political party. I favor the people. Remember them? Not neocons, socialists, christians, muslims, jews or gays. But ALL of the people.
Perhaps the phrase "of the people, by the people and for the people" ring any bells?
I believe that those of us who can make our voices heard have a RESPONSIBILITY and a DUTY to speak for those who cannot find their voice, or who's voices have been denigrated and pushed away.
You want to demean everyone who believes differently than you. I will demean those who wish to rule over other by their faith, their money or their politics.
If you cannot see a profound difference, you have nothing left to offer.
You think you get the say for conservatives, and tell me to stay away from it. Dixie, I will fight whatever battles I see as right and just. YOUR party doesn't concern me at all. But I will continue to speak for conservative values that I hold dear. They have nothing to do with religious views, wanting control over others, or with protecting the wealthy at the expense of those who are not. They have everything to do with independence, self-reliance, smaller government (that means not discriminating), lower taxes, and following the US Constitution.
So you can dismiss me as a socialist. That is labelling me by a handful of my personal views. But I am as conservative in many ways as anyone is.
And I will make sure that true conservatism keeps going, and does not get swept out with the trash of ignorance of social conservatism.