Why Sarah Palin Won't Go Away!

Because he was such a great unifier? Well, I guess since he has the lowest rating in the history of rating presidents, he did unify some people.

The number of people who dislike the way he did his job?

Apparently, you are still stuck on Bush, my comment was directed at Obama, who does not know how to pronounce "divisive." And, technically speaking, Bush's pronunciation of "nuclear" is presented in the dictionary as an alternate (but often frowned upon) way to say the word.... while "divisive" only has ONE way to properly pronounce it.

...Obama doesn't know how!
1, That being in a Fraternity will get ya thru college.
2, That plenty of republicans were stupit enough to vote for him.
And several Dems too.
This is a bit short-sighted. Remember that Kerry joined the same "elite" Fraternity.
Kerry also had the benefit of being a member of the Skulls, who apparently induct pretty much every C student that later may go into politics.

Wow! I am surprised that Bush went after him. Isn't there a code of actions towards your fellow Boneheads?
Wow! I am surprised that Bush went after him. Isn't there a code of actions towards your fellow Boneheads?
Well, considering that Kerry didn't hold back much that seems a bit one-sided of you. If such a "code" existed I am sure it doesn't stop them from competing against each other.
Competition, yes, but smear tactics, I don't know about that!

Just so you know, I am also a member of the secret Skull and Bones Society, and I ran your complaint by them. They said you may have had a legitimate point if Dan Rather hadn't forged documents to make it appear unethical as to how Bush got into the Air National Guard. That made them look bad, and so it nullified any potential complaint you may have otherwise had. Oooo... so close too!! Sorry froggie, maybe next time!! :)
Egg on your face is a nice mask! Makes the skin tight!

I corrected it in the next post, didn't catch it in time! My humble apologies!

What successes?

You could have just edited it after you posted. The point of course was that you insulted someone elses intelligence while not holding yourself to a higher standard. That's awfully arrogant and a bit hypocritical.

Bush's aid to Africa
Tax cuts
No terrorist attacks since 9/11
Successful democratic vote in Iraq
The Iraq surge
Hello Boneheads. Bush destroyed the country. He wins the stupid contest.

You may now return to making boneheaded commentary.
Sarah is gonna take the money and run......I hope. She is just dumb and incompetent enough for conservatives to vote for her. Maybe she'll take the book deal money and go away peacefully.

Actually though, I'd like to see her in the (R) primary. She would get destroyed. It would be epic lulz.
Sarah is gonna take the money and run......I hope. She is just dumb and incompetent enough for conservatives to vote for her. Maybe she'll take the book deal money and go away peacefully.

Actually though, I'd like to see her in the (R) primary. She would get destroyed. It would be epic lulz.
That is my prediction. People will push her into it, like Tom, but she'll find that sometimes personal popularity won't get you over the hurdles.
It's been more than a week since the election concluded, and the dismal results for the losing party would have been enough to relegate the VP pick to the dust heap of history, in most cases. But for some strange and bizarre reason, liberal pinheads continue to post threads directed at trying to 'destroy' Sarah Palin. Now, you have to ask yourself, why would they bother? If Palin were as benign and politically harmless as they've made her out to be, what would be the purpose of continuing to pile on, AFTER they have defeated her?

Oh the pinheads will claim, it's because so many ignorant redneck right-wing conservatives love her, and they have to try and 'educate' the masses here! I do agree, she does have a strong following and support from the conservative core. Wye, just the other day on Salon.com, this is what some right wing wacko named "Camille Paglia" had to say about her....

Conservative though she may be, I felt that Palin represented an explosion of a brand new style of muscular American feminism. At her startling debut on that day, she was combining male and female qualities in ways that I have never seen before. And she was somehow able to seem simultaneously reassuringly traditional and gung-ho futurist. In terms of redefining the persona for female authority and leadership, Palin has made the biggest step forward in feminism since Madonna channeled the dominatrix persona of high-glam Marlene Dietrich and rammed pro-sex, pro-beauty feminism down the throats of the prissy, victim-mongering, philistine feminist establishment.

In the U.S., the ultimate glass ceiling has been fiendishly complicated for women by the unique peculiarity that our president must also serve as commander in chief of the armed forces. Women have risen to the top in other countries by securing the leadership of their parties and then being routinely promoted to prime minister when that party won at the polls. But a woman candidate for president of the U.S. must show a potential capacity for military affairs and decision-making. Our president also symbolically represents the entire history of the nation -- a half-mystical role often filled elsewhere by a revered if politically powerless monarch.

As a dissident feminist, I have been arguing since my arrival on the scene nearly 20 years ago that young American women aspiring to political power should be studying military history rather than taking women's studies courses, with their rote agenda of never-ending grievances. I have repeatedly said that the politician who came closest in my view to the persona of the first woman president was Sen. Dianne Feinstein, whose steady nerves in crisis were demonstrated when she came to national attention after the mayor and a gay supervisor were murdered in their City Hall offices in San Francisco. Hillary Clinton, with her schizophrenic alteration of personae, has never seemed presidential to me -- and certainly not in her bland and overpraised farewell speech at the Democratic convention (which skittered from slow, pompous condescension to trademark stridency to unseemly haste).

Feinstein, with her deep knowledge of military matters, has true gravitas and knows how to shrewdly thrust and parry with pesky TV interviewers. But her style is reserved, discreet, mandarin. The gun-toting Sarah Palin is like Annie Oakley, a brash ambassador from America's pioneer past. She immediately reminded me of the frontier women of the Western states, which first granted women the right to vote after the Civil War -- long before the federal amendment guaranteeing universal woman suffrage was passed in 1919. Frontier women faced the same harsh challenges and had to tackle the same chores as men did -- which is why men could regard them as equals, unlike the genteel, corseted ladies of the Eastern seaboard, which fought granting women the vote right to the bitter end.

Over the Labor Day weekend, with most of the big enchiladas of the major media on vacation, the vacuum was filled with a hallucinatory hurricane in the leftist blogosphere, which unleashed a grotesquely lurid series of allegations, fantasies, half-truths and outright lies about Palin. What a tacky low in American politics -- which has already caused a backlash that could damage Obama's campaign. When liberals come off as childish, raving loonies, the right wing gains. I am still waiting for substantive evidence that Sarah Palin is a dangerous extremist. I am perfectly willing to be convinced, but right now, she seems to be merely an optimistic pragmatist like Ronald Reagan, someone who pays lip service to religious piety without being in the least wedded to it. I don't see her arrival as portending the end of civil liberties or life as we know it.

One reason I live in the leafy suburbs of Philadelphia and have never moved to New York or Washington is that, as a cultural analyst, I want to remain in touch with the mainstream of American life. I frequent fast-food restaurants, shop at the mall, and periodically visit Wal-Mart (its bird-seed section is nonpareil). Like Los Angeles and San Francisco, Manhattan and Washington occupy their own mental zones -- nice to visit but not a place to stay if you value independent thought these days. Ambitious professionals in those cities, if they want to preserve their social networks, are very vulnerable to received opinion. At receptions and parties (which I hate), they're sitting ducks. They have to go along to get along -- poor dears!

It is certainly premature to predict how the Palin saga will go. I may not agree a jot with her about basic principles, but I have immensely enjoyed Palin's boffo performances at her debut and at the Republican convention, where she astonishingly dealt with multiple technical malfunctions without missing a beat. A feminism that cannot admire the bravura under high pressure of the first woman governor of a frontier state isn't worth a warm bucket of spit.


So Liberal Pinheads... KEEP HARPING ABOUT PALIN! It's working wonders for her reputation and public relations! It's very comforting for me to know you don't fear her running in 2012, and are so welcome to that idea! Perhaps when she kicks your asses, it won't be so hard for you to take?

Sarah who?
That is my prediction. People will push her into it, like Tom, but she'll find that sometimes personal popularity won't get you over the hurdles.

And what exactly are these "hurdles" she needs to get over? Wooing the elite Republican bluebloods in New Hampshire? Swaying the Republican beltway establishment in DC? Having the 'intellectuals' like Bill Kristol ordain her as 'acceptable' to the party?

Damo, with all due respect, Republicans have lost their way following the "old guard" down the path back to the Goldwater era. It is high time for a new voice and a fresh face to emerge on the scene, and articulate an old familiar conservative message. We can't fix the problem with the people who are currently in power, they don't have the answers, and they have proven this to be the case over the past 6 years. If we go to the Senate well for the answer, we will again come up dry.

It is time to throw out 'conventional wisdom' and be bold. Return to the principles which brought us the prosperity of the Reagan years, smaller government, lower taxes, less government intrusion in our lives, and private sector solutions to the many problems we face. Additionally, we need to be more plugged-in to 21st century technology and media outlets, and we need to adapt conservative principles to a message which will address the needs and concerns of the younger generations.

I know your sentiments about 'evangelicals', but I don't think this means we must throw the "religious right" under the bus. There are reasons conservatives remain loyal to strong faith-based principles, and these reasons need to be articulated as well. What the Republicans have lacked over the past 20 years since Reagan, is someone who has the courage and principled conviction to stand and deliver... that person is Sarah Palin.
And what exactly are these "hurdles" she needs to get over? Wooing the elite Republican bluebloods in New Hampshire? Swaying the Republican beltway establishment in DC? Having the 'intellectuals' like Bill Kristol ordain her as 'acceptable' to the party?

Damo, with all due respect, Republicans have lost their way following the "old guard" down the path back to the Goldwater era. It is high time for a new voice and a fresh face to emerge on the scene, and articulate an old familiar conservative message. We can't fix the problem with the people who are currently in power, they don't have the answers, and they have proven this to be the case over the past 6 years. If we go to the Senate well for the answer, we will again come up dry.

It is time to throw out 'conventional wisdom' and be bold. Return to the principles which brought us the prosperity of the Reagan years, smaller government, lower taxes, less government intrusion in our lives, and private sector solutions to the many problems we face. Additionally, we need to be more plugged-in to 21st century technology and media outlets, and we need to adapt conservative principles to a message which will address the needs and concerns of the younger generations.

I know your sentiments about 'evangelicals', but I don't think this means we must throw the "religious right" under the bus. There are reasons conservatives remain loyal to strong faith-based principles, and these reasons need to be articulated as well. What the Republicans have lacked over the past 20 years since Reagan, is someone who has the courage and principled conviction to stand and deliver... that person is Sarah Palin.
The hurdles she will need to get past are the people she will need to convince to vote for her. Personally I like her, just as I like Tom. However I realize that in politics perception is everything and that currently the perception of her has taken a hit. I stated earlier in another thread, not in these exact words, that if she can get past this current perception she can be a force to be reckoned with, however her current actions have yet to make a dent in the current perceptions.
The hurdles she will need to get past are the people she will need to convince to vote for her. Personally I like her, just as I like Tom. However I realize that in politics perception is everything and that currently the perception of her has taken a hit. I stated earlier in another thread, not in these exact words, that if she can get past this current perception she can be a force to be reckoned with, however her current actions have yet to make a dent in the current perceptions.

Damo, during this campaign, Palin was drawing crowds that rivaled Obama. Her acceptance speech at the RNC was the most widely watched VP acceptance speech of all time. Same with the VP debate. She appeared on SNL and it was the highest rated episode since the show debuted. So, she clearly has a following of people who support her and will eagerly vote for her.

Where her "perception" has taken a hit, is in the liberal-controlled mainstream media, from the left-wing liberal blogoshphere and propaganda machine, and from a certain contingent of Republican beltway loyalists who all fear her. McCain, unfortunately, is a member in good standing, of this beltway crowd, and throughout the course of the campaign, kept her effectively silenced against the onslaught of attacks from her adversaries. She was successfully stigmatized the same way they stigmatized Bush, the difference is, Bush was too verbally incompetent to combat it, and Sarah Palin had her hands tied and was gagged by John McCain.

Now is not the time for Palin to start campaigning for 2012, and it does her no good to attempt to combat this 'perception' issue at this time. She will undoubtedly have opportunities between now and then, to be seen and heard, to formulate a game plan, and to make some inroads with mainstream Americans. But you need to be realistic enough to understand, the left is never going to be giddy over her, they are never going to relent from the attacks, and they will continue to foster this 'perception' you perceive, because they control the media. They are going to keep on dragging up every little tid-bit of gossip and rumor they can gin up, and this will not stop. They are going to be myopic and focus on every detail of minutia to criticize her, ridicule her, and find fault with her, in everything she does. Get used to that!

What conservatives will have to do, is tune this mess out, and not pay attention to "the perception" from the media. We can't allow the liberals and bluebloods to define the party and the candidate anymore. I think that is precisely how we ended up nominating McCain, we wanted to 'appease' the lefties with someone they could find palatable, but look what happened! It was a disaster, we're not going to find a candidate the mainstream media likes, who is a true hard core conservative. Forget it!

I am sick and tired of some (R) in a stiff suit, standing up there with the liberal, promising me the same shit as the liberal, only with a "tax cut!" That is NOT Conservatism, and it's time for us to get back to the basics and stop pandering to the left and 'moderates!' It is time to stop worrying about what the media and talking heads have to say, or what the "perceptions" are, and back the person who speaks from principled conviction, about core conservative philosophies we believe in as conservatives!
Let me also add... I can see to an extent, what you are saying. If Palin expects to succeed in Presidential politics, the 'Barracuda' is going to have to come out more. I honestly think she has intentionally held back a lot, out of respect for McCain and his campaign, and perhaps also her desire to make a good first impression on the general public. I think, by 2012, you will see a much different Sarah Palin. I want to see her put some people in their place, leave them stammering and stuttering for a response. I want to see her respond like a female Newt Gingrich, to tough questions from the liberal media. I fully believe she is capable of it, she has done so in Alaska, dealing with oil tycoons and state legislators. I think if she can combine this with her charismatic appeal to the people, she is a force to be reckoned with in American politics.