Why Sarah Palin Won't Go Away!

"You are quoting hearsay from sources inside the campaign who wanted to smear her, and intentionally put this garbage out to do so. Palin herself (who was accused) debunked them. If you have sworn testimony or recorded evidence, now would be the time to present that. Otherwise, people are innocent until proven guilty in America. She explained what happened, what was said, and the context it was said in, and these people with an axe to grind, were debunked soundly."

This from the man who continually ranted about the Ayers connection, Obama being a muslim, and other nonsense.

Well lets see if it applies. Yes, you quoted heresay that Ayers & Obama were close friends. The accusations were made by people who wanted to smear him. You had no sworn testimony or recorded evidence of anything but a passing aquaintance on a community board. And you completely ignored the "people are innocent until proven guilty in America" part that you want for Palin. Obama explained it and the people trying to make something of it were soundly debunked. But you have been spouting this since January or February.

You quoted heresay and outdated info about Obama's religious beliefs. The accusations were made by people who wanted to smear him. You have no sworn testimony or recorded evidence that Obama is a muslim. And, again, you completely ignored the "people are innocent until proven guilty in America" part that you want for Palin. Obama, his family, and his minister debunked it. But you never slowed down.

Wow, if we apply the same standards to your accusations about Obama that you want us to apply about Palin, you have been spewing garbage for quite a while.

In fact, you might look at another of your lines as it fits you.

"I think it proves how ignorant you can make yourself be, to accept and believe lies and misconceptions of the most bizarre nature."
Palin sucks, her shtick is old, and she is damaged goods. Republicans would be absolutely retarded to nominate her in 2012.
"You are quoting hearsay from sources inside the campaign who wanted to smear her, and intentionally put this garbage out to do so. Palin herself (who was accused) debunked them. If you have sworn testimony or recorded evidence, now would be the time to present that. Otherwise, people are innocent until proven guilty in America. She explained what happened, what was said, and the context it was said in, and these people with an axe to grind, were debunked soundly."

This from the man who continually ranted about the Ayers connection, Obama being a muslim, and other nonsense.

Well lets see if it applies. Yes, you quoted heresay that Ayers & Obama were close friends. The accusations were made by people who wanted to smear him. You had no sworn testimony or recorded evidence of anything but a passing aquaintance on a community board. And you completely ignored the "people are innocent until proven guilty in America" part that you want for Palin. Obama explained it and the people trying to make something of it were soundly debunked. But you have been spouting this since January or February.

You quoted heresay and outdated info about Obama's religious beliefs. The accusations were made by people who wanted to smear him. You have no sworn testimony or recorded evidence that Obama is a muslim. And, again, you completely ignored the "people are innocent until proven guilty in America" part that you want for Palin. Obama, his family, and his minister debunked it. But you never slowed down.

Wow, if we apply the same standards to your accusations about Obama that you want us to apply about Palin, you have been spewing garbage for quite a while.

In fact, you might look at another of your lines as it fits you.

"I think it proves how ignorant you can make yourself be, to accept and believe lies and misconceptions of the most bizarre nature."

When you hold your very first political fundraiser in someone's living room, it is substantially more than 'hearsay' that you have a close association. I challenge you to post where I have EVER said Obama was Muslim! That is an example of an outright slanderous lie you are telling about me. So, no... the same standards do not apply here, you just have a good ability to lie and distort.

Palin sucks, her shtick is old, and she is damaged goods. Republicans would be absolutely retarded to nominate her in 2012.

Grind, I suggest you and Damo start working on a third party, so you guys will have someone to vote for in 2012, if this is what you believe. Palin has overwhelming support from the core conservatives in the party, she doesn't have the support of beltway establishment insiders or 'old guard' republicans, and I think that is to her advantage, given where they have taken the party.
It's been more than a week since the election concluded, and the dismal results for the losing party would have been enough to relegate the VP pick to the dust heap of history, in most cases. But for some strange and bizarre reason, liberal pinheads continue to post threads directed at trying to 'destroy' Sarah Palin. Now, you have to ask yourself, why would they bother? If Palin were as benign and politically harmless as they've made her out to be, what would be the purpose of continuing to pile on, AFTER they have defeated her?

Oh the pinheads will claim, it's because so many ignorant redneck right-wing conservatives love her, and they have to try and 'educate' the masses here! I do agree, she does have a strong following and support from the conservative core. Wye, just the other day on Salon.com, this is what some right wing wacko named "Camille Paglia" had to say about her....

Conservative though she may be, I felt that Palin represented an explosion of a brand new style of muscular American feminism. At her startling debut on that day, she was combining male and female qualities in ways that I have never seen before. And she was somehow able to seem simultaneously reassuringly traditional and gung-ho futurist. In terms of redefining the persona for female authority and leadership, Palin has made the biggest step forward in feminism since Madonna channeled the dominatrix persona of high-glam Marlene Dietrich and rammed pro-sex, pro-beauty feminism down the throats of the prissy, victim-mongering, philistine feminist establishment.

In the U.S., the ultimate glass ceiling has been fiendishly complicated for women by the unique peculiarity that our president must also serve as commander in chief of the armed forces. Women have risen to the top in other countries by securing the leadership of their parties and then being routinely promoted to prime minister when that party won at the polls. But a woman candidate for president of the U.S. must show a potential capacity for military affairs and decision-making. Our president also symbolically represents the entire history of the nation -- a half-mystical role often filled elsewhere by a revered if politically powerless monarch.

As a dissident feminist, I have been arguing since my arrival on the scene nearly 20 years ago that young American women aspiring to political power should be studying military history rather than taking women's studies courses, with their rote agenda of never-ending grievances. I have repeatedly said that the politician who came closest in my view to the persona of the first woman president was Sen. Dianne Feinstein, whose steady nerves in crisis were demonstrated when she came to national attention after the mayor and a gay supervisor were murdered in their City Hall offices in San Francisco. Hillary Clinton, with her schizophrenic alteration of personae, has never seemed presidential to me -- and certainly not in her bland and overpraised farewell speech at the Democratic convention (which skittered from slow, pompous condescension to trademark stridency to unseemly haste).

Feinstein, with her deep knowledge of military matters, has true gravitas and knows how to shrewdly thrust and parry with pesky TV interviewers. But her style is reserved, discreet, mandarin. The gun-toting Sarah Palin is like Annie Oakley, a brash ambassador from America's pioneer past. She immediately reminded me of the frontier women of the Western states, which first granted women the right to vote after the Civil War -- long before the federal amendment guaranteeing universal woman suffrage was passed in 1919. Frontier women faced the same harsh challenges and had to tackle the same chores as men did -- which is why men could regard them as equals, unlike the genteel, corseted ladies of the Eastern seaboard, which fought granting women the vote right to the bitter end.

Over the Labor Day weekend, with most of the big enchiladas of the major media on vacation, the vacuum was filled with a hallucinatory hurricane in the leftist blogosphere, which unleashed a grotesquely lurid series of allegations, fantasies, half-truths and outright lies about Palin. What a tacky low in American politics -- which has already caused a backlash that could damage Obama's campaign. When liberals come off as childish, raving loonies, the right wing gains. I am still waiting for substantive evidence that Sarah Palin is a dangerous extremist. I am perfectly willing to be convinced, but right now, she seems to be merely an optimistic pragmatist like Ronald Reagan, someone who pays lip service to religious piety without being in the least wedded to it. I don't see her arrival as portending the end of civil liberties or life as we know it.

One reason I live in the leafy suburbs of Philadelphia and have never moved to New York or Washington is that, as a cultural analyst, I want to remain in touch with the mainstream of American life. I frequent fast-food restaurants, shop at the mall, and periodically visit Wal-Mart (its bird-seed section is nonpareil). Like Los Angeles and San Francisco, Manhattan and Washington occupy their own mental zones -- nice to visit but not a place to stay if you value independent thought these days. Ambitious professionals in those cities, if they want to preserve their social networks, are very vulnerable to received opinion. At receptions and parties (which I hate), they're sitting ducks. They have to go along to get along -- poor dears!

It is certainly premature to predict how the Palin saga will go. I may not agree a jot with her about basic principles, but I have immensely enjoyed Palin's boffo performances at her debut and at the Republican convention, where she astonishingly dealt with multiple technical malfunctions without missing a beat. A feminism that cannot admire the bravura under high pressure of the first woman governor of a frontier state isn't worth a warm bucket of spit.


So Liberal Pinheads... KEEP HARPING ABOUT PALIN! It's working wonders for her reputation and public relations! It's very comforting for me to know you don't fear her running in 2012, and are so welcome to that idea! Perhaps when she kicks your asses, it won't be so hard for you to take?

Dixie, the Repub party needs someone who can articulate and do so with a comfort level for both rural areas AND suburbs. John Sununu would be a great choice for 2008 and his record is one of a solid Conservative-Libertarian intellectual fighter.
Let Palin go, she is the embodiment of a middle finger salute to educated America, neither of us want to see the Repubs become the party of protest.
Well Dano, maybe you need to join Grind and Damo and form a third party, because Republicans who believe in the principles and ideals of Reagan conservatism, want someone like Sarah Palin to deliver that message. I've actually spent a great deal of time listening to her speak on a variety of issues, and I have avoided the media "opinion" of Palin, you've obviously bought in, and that is sad. She is a smart articulate conservative, who is just getting started. You can't allow Katie and Charlie to pick the Republican candidate... you end up with John McCain!

You "intellectual" Republicans, can sit here slapping your liberal buddies on the back, yucking it up over how much of a moron Sarah Palin is, but you don't get to decide what the rest of us think, or who we will ultimately choose in 2012. If you want to be a Libertarian, go suck Ron Paul's ass and be a Libertarian! If you want to be a Liberal, you've got your administration and congressional control... have at it! But Republicans are going to return to core conservative REAGAN principles, and we are going to nominate a bright, intelligent, articulate and charismatic person to carry that message to the people... and you half-ass-republicans, can get the fuck out of our way!
Well Dano, maybe you need to join Grind and Damo and form a third party, because Republicans who believe in the principles and ideals of Reagan conservatism, want someone like Sarah Palin to deliver that message. I've actually spent a great deal of time listening to her speak on a variety of issues, and I have avoided the media "opinion" of Palin, you've obviously bought in, and that is sad. She is a smart articulate conservative, who is just getting started. You can't allow Katie and Charlie to pick the Republican candidate... you end up with John McCain!

You "intellectual" Republicans, can sit here slapping your liberal buddies on the back, yucking it up over how much of a moron Sarah Palin is, but you don't get to decide what the rest of us think, or who we will ultimately choose in 2012. If you want to be a Libertarian, go suck Ron Paul's ass and be a Libertarian! If you want to be a Liberal, you've got your administration and congressional control... have at it! But Republicans are going to return to core conservative REAGAN principles, and we are going to nominate a bright, intelligent, articulate and charismatic person to carry that message to the people... and you half-ass-republicans, can get the fuck out of our way!

Republicans led the way to abolish slavery 1861, led the fight in congress for women to have the right to vote 1896 , and saw the first woman, a republican, seated in congress 1917. As has been said lately; "we don't want liberal light." We need a smaller government conservative who respects traditional values. The trouble with Bush and his congressional republican's is that they have spent like liberal's while cutting taxes like a republican's. The homosexual marriage bans have shown that the majority in the US still hold to traditional values on both sides of the spectrum. Reforming ourselves as traditional conservatives will be the best thing to do to offer voters a real choice.
Republicans led the way to abolish slavery 1861, led the fight in congress for women to have the right to vote 1896 , and saw the first woman, a republican, seated in congress 1917. As has been said lately; "we don't want liberal light." We need a smaller government conservative who respects traditional values. The trouble with Bush and his congressional republican's is that they have spent like liberal's while cutting taxes like a republican's. The homosexual marriage bans have shown that the majority in the US still hold to traditional values on both sides of the spectrum. Reforming ourselves as traditional conservatives will be the best thing to do to offer voters a real choice.

Indeed, and social conservatives are not going to allow the 'libertarian' wing to brow beat us into submission again. If they want to jump on the Palin Bashing Bandwagon with the Liberals, they better back their ears and get ready for the fight. She's going to be back in 2012, she will probably win the nomination handily, and she will deliver a strong social and fiscal conservative message, and if people like Grind, Dano, and Damo, want to turn their nose up at her, that's fine. My guess is, millions of Americans won't, and we will have our first woman president.

I am fucking sick and tired of people who claim to be conservatives, constantly taking this 'anti-religious' attitude toward social conservatism. It's not about "religion" it's about our foundational principles, and you people better get your god-hating heads out of your asses and realize that. Yeah, it sucks to be called names by the Liberals, so fucking what? Is it better to be called names, or redefine your party into something with no core principles, which is really no different than the opposition?

No, we're not going to be "moderates" anymore, it doesn't work! We are not going to allow Chuck Hagel to define the party, and we are not going to adopt some godless libertarian concept to replace social conservatism! If that is what you people are looking for, go nominate a goddamn Libertarian and support him! It's time for Republicans to return to core conservative principles, both socially and fiscally, and those who want "moderation" need to find another home.
My dearest hope is that the religious reactionaries on this thread represent the wing that wrests control of the Republican party. They will ensure the death of that party, and most likely a new opposition party will rise out of that, which I believe would be good for the country.

This is such short-sighted and willfully blind thinking. With abortion bans being voted down even in such "conservative" states as S. Dakota, with exit polling showing that the youth vote went against Prop 8 by large numbers...the future is here.

But...sadly, I don't believe they're going to win. I believe that the intellectuals, or I should say, the so-called intellectuals, in the Republican party, are going to beat them down, into the ground, and then pour holy water over it so that they may never rise again.

I'll tell ya what though? No matter how it turns out...it's one hell of a show. So, thanks guys!
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I think I have figured out why Dixie is enamored of Sarah, she talks like he writes. You go girl!

"My concern has been the atrocities there in Darfur and the relevance to me with that issue as we spoke about Africa and some of the countries there that were kind of the people succumbing to the dictators and the corruption of some collapsed governments on the continent, the relevance was Alaska’s investment in Darfur with some of our permanent fund dollars." Sarah

My dearest hope is that the religious reactionaries on this thread represent the wing that wrests control of the Republican party. They will ensure the death of that party, and most likely a new opposition party will rise out of that, which I believe would be good for the country.

This is such short-sighted and willfully blind thinking. With abortion bans being voted down even in such "conservative" states as S. Dakota, with exit polling showing that the youth vote went against Prop 8 by large numbers...the future is here.

But...sadly, I don't believe they're going to win. I believe that the intellectuals, or I should say, the so-called intellectuals, in the Republican party, are going to beat them down, into the ground, and then pour holy water over it so that they may never rise again.

I'll tell ya what though? No matter how it turns out...it's one hell of a show. So, thanks guys!

Thanks Duhla, for sharing your deepest concerns that 'intellectual' republicans rebuke us Bible-toting rednecks. The fact that you think we should be buried and holy water poured on us, should be their first clue of how important it is for them to stand up for conservative principles and values.

George W. Bush won election twice, by essentially being a social conservative with liberal fiscal tendencies. I can assure you, it was not his liberal fiscal tendencies which won him so much favor from the conservative base. The problem with Bush, was not his social conservatism, it was his liberal fiscal policies. Still, his social conservatism prevailed, and he won twice. McCain was a fiscal and social moderate, and he lost.

The 'intellectuals' should take note of the level of attacks on Palin and the "Bible-toting, gun-loving, rednecks" by people like Duhla, and they should realize (if they are truly intellectual) why these attacks persist, weeks after the election. It's certainly not because we need to abandon social conservative principles and become liberals, although, nothing would please the Duhla's of the world more.
awhhh, I love you too.

Wow, that was an unexpected response!

You DO know that movie, don't you?


"Since the invention of the kiss there have been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind."

But alas, we are both married and honorable, so we have to let it go at a kiss.
I think I have figured out why Dixie is enamored of Sarah, she talks like he writes. You go girl!

"My concern has been the atrocities there in Darfur and the relevance to me with that issue as we spoke about Africa and some of the countries there that were kind of the people succumbing to the dictators and the corruption of some collapsed governments on the continent, the relevance was Alaska’s investment in Darfur with some of our permanent fund dollars." Sarah


LMAO... More evidence of what the Liberals began this thread trying to claim was not happening. Oncie: "I only see 2 threads on Palin on the 2 main political pages of this site - one from Beefy, and 1 from "liberal pinhead" Damo."

Shitcan, you are aware you are linking blog posts from the liberal NY Times, right? Is that now supposed to be your idea of 'fair and balanced' reporting? It's a mouth-foaming rant from a liberal who chortles and snorts a little better than you, that's about all. But thanks for posting clear evidence that Palin certainly knew Africa was a continent. I wonder if Howard Stern went to Harlem and asked Obama supporters where Darfur was, would even know it's on the African continent?
LMAO... More evidence of what the Liberals began this thread trying to claim was not happening. Oncie: "I only see 2 threads on Palin on the 2 main political pages of this site - one from Beefy, and 1 from "liberal pinhead" Damo."

Shitcan, you are aware you are linking blog posts from the liberal NY Times, right? Is that now supposed to be your idea of 'fair and balanced' reporting? It's a mouth-foaming rant from a liberal who chortles and snorts a little better than you, that's about all. But thanks for posting clear evidence that Palin certainly knew Africa was a continent. I wonder if Howard Stern went to Harlem and asked Obama supporters where Darfur was, would even know it's on the African continent?

The average person on the street in Harlem is not the proclaimed savior of the republican party.

You have been wrong so many times it amazes me that you continue to posts here.

And if you want to blast the liberal press as unreliable, you can find plenty of references to what Palin DIDN'T know on Fox News website, and from videos taken from Fox News.

Are they the new "liberal media"?

Palin is a joke. She won't be around for 2012, except as a fringe lunatic.
You have been wrong so many times it amazes me that you continue to posts here.

I was right about Bama beating Georgia, you were wrong. ;)

And if you want to blast the liberal press as unreliable, you can find plenty of references to what Palin DIDN'T know on Fox News website, and from videos taken from Fox News.

I hardly classify a New York Times BLOG as "press" of any kind! And I am sure, videos taken out of context from Fox News, clearly show what Palin doesn't know!

Palin is a joke. She won't be around for 2012, except as a fringe lunatic.

Uh huh... and Georgia was going to beat Bama and play Ohio State for the NC too! LMFAO!
I was right about Bama beating Georgia, you were wrong. ;)

I hardly classify a New York Times BLOG as "press" of any kind! And I am sure, videos taken out of context from Fox News, clearly show what Palin doesn't know!

Uh huh... and Georgia was going to beat Bama and play Ohio State for the NC too! LMFAO!

I also remember Bama could have an ok year, Bama could have a great year, or they could just mess up BCS hopeful's year.

Nothing like specific predictions there Dix.
I also remember Bama could have an ok year, Bama could have a great year, or they could just mess up BCS hopeful's year.

Nothing like specific predictions there Dix.

Ohhhhh... so you want a completely objective evaluation here... okay...

Sarah Palin could be the first woman president, or she could make a very decent showing in the '12 primaries, and she could mess up some 'moderate' hopeful's chances of winning the nomination. I don't have a crystal ball, so I can't predict with certainty what is going to happen, with Palin or Bama. But, just like Bama, those who are writing her off now, and saying she doesn't have a chance in hell, best be okay with the feeling of egg on their faces.
Ohhhhh... so you want a completely objective evaluation here... okay...

Sarah Palin could be the first woman president, or she could make a very decent showing in the '12 primaries, and she could mess up some 'moderate' hopeful's chances of winning the nomination. I don't have a crystal ball, so I can't predict with certainty what is going to happen, with Palin or Bama. But, just like Bama, those who are writing her off now, and saying she doesn't have a chance in hell, best be okay with the feeling of egg on their faces.

If I had said Bama didn't have a chance, that might be a good analogy. But since thats not how it went, this analogy gets filed away with the fecal ice creams ones.

I'll make a stronger prediction. I predict that there will be a small faction that wants Palin as the GOP nominee for the 2012 presidential race. But she will be the republican version of Dennis Kucinich, at best. And will probably not do as well as Kucinich has done.
When you hold your very first political fundraiser in someone's living room, it is substantially more than 'hearsay' that you have a close association. I challenge you to post where I have EVER said Obama was Muslim! That is an example of an outright slanderous lie you are telling about me. So, no... the same standards do not apply here, you just have a good ability to lie and distort.

Grind, I suggest you and Damo start working on a third party, so you guys will have someone to vote for in 2012, if this is what you believe. Palin has overwhelming support from the core conservatives in the party, she doesn't have the support of beltway establishment insiders or 'old guard' republicans, and I think that is to her advantage, given where they have taken the party.

even if i were to stipulate that she is in line with conservatism, she is too stupid to be president. She is not qualified. Republicans HAVE to get out of the mindset that we want someone we would drink a beer with to be president. I don't WANT my buddy that I hang out with to be president. The president is not our buddy, he is the leader of one of the most powerful nations in the world. Conservatives need to stop voting for someone based on how they talk or their swagger. We need smart intellectuals in office. Palin isn't that but a mile