Why Sarah Palin Won't Go Away!

Shitcan, you are aware you are linking blog posts from the liberal NY Times, right? Is that now supposed to be your idea of 'fair and balanced' reporting?

LMAO, Dixie, you are aware those are Palin's words? If that is your idea of the caliber and intelligence of a VP candidate you should, in good faith, ban yourself from voting as you would obviously vote for any old or young fool. More fools in office we don't need, W proved that too well.
LMAO, Dixie, you are aware those are Palin's words? If that is your idea of the caliber and intelligence of a VP candidate you should, in good faith, ban yourself from voting as you would obviously vote for any old or young fool. More fools in office we don't need, W proved that too well.

Dubya was a graduate of Harvard AND Yale, with a higher GPA than Kerry, and was the first president in history with an MBA. I think the fact that a transcript of a Palin interview, doesn't meet the literary standards of college level English Composition, is not important. In fact...........

I... uhm.... believe.... and by believe, I mean, I firmly feel... that if we were to take a typical interview of a certain president-elect... and uhm... dissect it... and by dissecting it, I mean, to take it all apart and micro-analyze it... I think we could all.... safely conclude... and by this, I mean, with reasonable sound judgment.... uhm... that... uhm... well that people.... and by people, I mean, all people, from both parties... could conclude... and probably would conclude.... although I am not certain they would, there would probably be some who disagree with me.... but I think most of them would conclude as I have.... that you can't really examine the transcript of an interview, as you would the... the... the literary works... of someone writing a book, or something to be read.
"Dubya was a graduate of Harvard AND Yale, with a higher GPA than Kerry, and was the first president in history with an MBA. I think the fact that a transcript of a Palin interview, doesn't meet the literary standards of college level English Composition, is not important. In fact..........."

Dubya was retarded.

The age of anti-intellectualism is OVAH
"Dubya was a graduate of Harvard AND Yale, with a higher GPA than Kerry, and was the first president in history with an MBA. I think the fact that a transcript of a Palin interview, doesn't meet the literary standards of college level English Composition, is not important. In fact..........."

Dubya was retarded.

The age of anti-intellectualism is OVAH

Yes, he was a "retarded" graduate of Harvard and Yale, with a higher GPA than Kerry, and the first "retarded" president to hold an MBA.... Which proves???
Yes, he was a "retarded" graduate of Harvard and Yale, with a higher GPA than Kerry, and the first "retarded" president to hold an MBA.... Which proves???

1, That being in a Fraternity will get ya thru college.
2, That plenty of republicans were stupit enough to vote for him.
And several Dems too.
Yet he still had a better GPA than Kerry. Amazing.

There's a process that involves going easier on the children of alumni, especially contributing alumni. I forget the exact term used for this but it could well explain Dubya's apparent performance on exams.
There's a process that involves going easier on the children of alumni, especially contributing alumni. I forget the exact term used for this but it could well explain Dubya's apparent performance on exams.

And sports types too Thorn. Remember Bush was a cheerleader.

Damn strange Damo being a Bush apologist though.
I guess times are hard on Republicans though.,
Dubya was a graduate of Harvard AND Yale, with a higher GPA than Kerry, and was the first president in history with an MBA. I think the fact that a transcript of a Palin interview, doesn't meet the literary standards of college level English Composition, is not important. In fact...........

I... uhm.... believe.... and by believe, I mean, I firmly feel... that if we were to take a typical interview of a certain president-elect... and uhm... dissect it... and by dissecting it, I mean, to take it all apart and micro-analyze it... I think we could all.... safely conclude... and by this, I mean, with reasonable sound judgment.... uhm... that... uhm... well that people.... and by people, I mean, all people, from both parties... could conclude... and probably would conclude.... although I am not certain they would, there would probably be some who disagree with me.... but I think most of them would conclude as I have.... that you can't really examine the transcript of an interview, as you would the... the... the literary works... of someone writing a book, or something to be read.

Not amazing, miraculous, I wonder how many term papers her paid for?

You should never make fun of someone elses intelligence if you can't even proof check your own writing. It makes for egg on the face. Obviously both men are intelligent. Bush's failures as a president cannot be denied. The problem for him of course is that his success's will be denied him due to his failures.
You should never make fun of someone elses intelligence if you can't even proof check your own writing. It makes for egg on the face. Obviously both men are intelligent. Bush's failures as a president cannot be denied. The problem for him of course is that his success's will be denied him due to his failures.

Egg on your face is a nice mask! Makes the skin tight!

I corrected it in the next post, didn't catch it in time! My humble apologies!

What successes?
Lets not forget that Bush also failed in his business ventures unless they were made pretty much foolproof for him.
Yeah, but it's too bad he has no idea how to pronounce "divisive!"

Because he was such a great unifier? Well, I guess since he has the lowest rating in the history of rating presidents, he did unify some people.

The number of people who dislike the way he did his job?