Why Sarah Palin Won't Go Away!

Damo, during this campaign, Palin was drawing crowds that rivaled Obama. Her acceptance speech at the RNC was the most widely watched VP acceptance speech of all time. Same with the VP debate. She appeared on SNL and it was the highest rated episode since the show debuted. So, she clearly has a following of people who support her and will eagerly vote for her.

Where her "perception" has taken a hit, is in the liberal-controlled mainstream media, from the left-wing liberal blogoshphere and propaganda machine, and from a certain contingent of Republican beltway loyalists who all fear her. McCain, unfortunately, is a member in good standing, of this beltway crowd, and throughout the course of the campaign, kept her effectively silenced against the onslaught of attacks from her adversaries. She was successfully stigmatized the same way they stigmatized Bush, the difference is, Bush was too verbally incompetent to combat it, and Sarah Palin had her hands tied and was gagged by John McCain.

Now is not the time for Palin to start campaigning for 2012, and it does her no good to attempt to combat this 'perception' issue at this time. She will undoubtedly have opportunities between now and then, to be seen and heard, to formulate a game plan, and to make some inroads with mainstream Americans. But you need to be realistic enough to understand, the left is never going to be giddy over her, they are never going to relent from the attacks, and they will continue to foster this 'perception' you perceive, because they control the media. They are going to keep on dragging up every little tid-bit of gossip and rumor they can gin up, and this will not stop. They are going to be myopic and focus on every detail of minutia to criticize her, ridicule her, and find fault with her, in everything she does. Get used to that!

What conservatives will have to do, is tune this mess out, and not pay attention to "the perception" from the media. We can't allow the liberals and bluebloods to define the party and the candidate anymore. I think that is precisely how we ended up nominating McCain, we wanted to 'appease' the lefties with someone they could find palatable, but look what happened! It was a disaster, we're not going to find a candidate the mainstream media likes, who is a true hard core conservative. Forget it!

I am sick and tired of some (R) in a stiff suit, standing up there with the liberal, promising me the same shit as the liberal, only with a "tax cut!" That is NOT Conservatism, and it's time for us to get back to the basics and stop pandering to the left and 'moderates!' It is time to stop worrying about what the media and talking heads have to say, or what the "perceptions" are, and back the person who speaks from principled conviction, about core conservative philosophies we believe in as conservatives!
Yes, but even among Rs her numbers dropped precipitously in polling. Just drawing crowds will not win her an election in a Primary.
Her republican opponents would bring up every bit of negative info that we are now seeing. I think that would shoot down her chances at the nomination.

If she managed, by some freak chance, to get the nomination, the dems would have a field day.

Even if its all just baseless innuendo, it still works. You have only to look at the "Obama is a muslim" myth that stayed with us to see that.
Her republican opponents would bring up every bit of negative info that we are now seeing. I think that would shoot down her chances at the nomination.

If she managed, by some freak chance, to get the nomination, the dems would have a field day.

Even if its all just baseless innuendo, it still works. You have only to look at the "Obama is a muslim" myth that stayed with us to see that.
Yes, but "They bought her some clothes!" seems to echo further and have better legs.
Yes, but even among Rs her numbers dropped precipitously in polling. Just drawing crowds will not win her an election in a Primary.

Her numbers dropped precipitously because a helluva lot of R's are STUPID, and buy in to the liberal mainstream "perception" specifically propagated to drive her numbers down! Don't you get that??? We've got a bunch of people in our party who actually LIKE Chuck Hagel and John McCain, and think they make sense! We have a significant contingent who think the road to success runs through the blue states! That we can somehow 'tone down' our conservatism enough to draw left-wing liberals to the party! These people are INSANE! They fucking LOST this election for the Republicans!

"Just drawing crowds will not win her an election in a Primary."

This sounds like something Lummox or usidiot would say! WTF, Damo? What does that even mean? Yes, I understand 'drawing crowds' isn't going to win an election in a primary, but winning a primary isn't going to win an election either! The FACT she draws huge crowds, is a testament to the support for her! Generally speaking, and I am sure there is some study to back this up, the candidate who is drawing the largest crowds to campaign speeches, is usually who will win! That's just common sense, isn't it?

Let's be perfectly clear about this, Sarah Palin has not spent one single solitary day on the campaign trail running for President. She has not made one single solitary speech as a presidential candidate for the Republican nomination. She had a 'brief' period in the spotlight, as Senator John McCain's running mate, where she was obligated to speak for and endorse the McCain platform, and McCain's ideas. It's a little early to make up your mind she can't win the Republican nomination for President in 2012.
I actually think she CAN win the nomination. The party apparatus will be against her, but they were against Obama, too, in the beginning. I think primary voters are her biggest fans, without a doubt; the GOP base loves her.

Good luck in the general, if it goes that way...
Her republican opponents would bring up every bit of negative info that we are now seeing. I think that would shoot down her chances at the nomination.

If she managed, by some freak chance, to get the nomination, the dems would have a field day.

Even if its all just baseless innuendo, it still works. You have only to look at the "Obama is a muslim" myth that stayed with us to see that.

This is part of my point! Republicans are going to have to stop worrying about what people are saying, what the mainstream media thinks, what kind of bullshit her detractors are throwing out there! As long as we allow this shit to influence who we select as a candidate, we will continue to lose elections, because we aren't going to EVER find someone the other side likes, who can win! That's precisely the trap we fell into with McCain... he's a 'moderate' a 'maverick' ...someone the other side likes... he doesn't always agree with Bush and Repubs... he can appeal to the independent voters... he can be bipartisan.... blah blah blah! He ran his whole campaign, trying to pander to the left-wing ideologues... made emotive reactionary decisions to suspend his campaign for the good of the country... if he were physically able to do handstands, he would have done that too! IT DIDN'T FUCKING WORK!!!!!
This is part of my point! Republicans are going to have to stop worrying about what people are saying, what the mainstream media thinks, what kind of bullshit her detractors are throwing out there! As long as we allow this shit to influence who we select as a candidate, we will continue to lose elections, because we aren't going to EVER find someone the other side likes, who can win! That's precisely the trap we fell into with McCain... he's a 'moderate' a 'maverick' ...someone the other side likes... he doesn't always agree with Bush and Repubs... he can appeal to the independent voters... he can be bipartisan.... blah blah blah! He ran his whole campaign, trying to pander to the left-wing ideologues... made emotive reactionary decisions to suspend his campaign for the good of the country... if he were physically able to do handstands, he would have done that too! IT DIDN'T FUCKING WORK!!!!!

Its not just the other side that will listen to the negatives about Palin. Its thos within her own party too.

When they break out the "She didn't know africa was a continent", "she didn't know who was in NAFTA", " she asked what the duties of the VP were", "she stole clothes that should was supposed to return", "she created extra taxes on the oil companies and distributed it to people who didn't earn it", and the rest of the stuff, she will be down the tube.

This idea that your version of the republican party is the only one that will work is ridiculous. No matter who the GOP had running, they were doomed. It wasn't the candidate as much as it was the buffoons that have had power for 8 years.

You think the people calling for a "toned down" party lost it for you? The people they are asking to tone it down certainly didn't vote for Obama. Who did the people who don't like Hagel vote for Obama? Don't be ridiculous.

There are not enough of the kind of republicans you want left to win an election.
Its not just the other side that will listen to the negatives about Palin. Its thos within her own party too.

Yet another part of my point. It doesn't matter what the other side thinks or believes, they will not support Palin anyway, so it makes absolutely no difference what they think. If it didn't effect those within her own party, it would all dry up and blow away, like the questions of Ronald Reagan's age. The fact that some people in the Republican party will listen to this and look at "perception" is a problem we have to deal with here.

You think the people calling for a "toned down" party lost it for you? The people they are asking to tone it down certainly didn't vote for Obama. Who did the people who don't like Hagel vote for Obama? Don't be ridiculous.

Is there some law that says they had to vote?

John McCain, for all intents and purposes, could have run on the Democratic ticket! He was actually ASKED by John Kerry, to he his VP running mate! That was only 4 years ago! Maybe you've forgotten that, but many ultra-conservatives haven't. They still have McCain-Feingold and McCain-Kennedy stuck in their craw as well. So tell me, what would possibly compel them to vote for McCain? Sure... some of them gave deference to his 'war hero' status, some were voting against Obama, and some liked his VP selection, but the ultra-conservatives were never 'on fire' for John McCain.

There are not enough of the kind of republicans you want left to win an election.

This is where I believe you are dead wrong. I don't blame you for saying it, I don't fault you for trying to get republicans to believe they must shift further to the left to win elections, but I think you are completely full of shit. We need to stop listening to people like Chuck Hagel and John McCain, and start listening to people like Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich. We need to return our party to the core conservative principles which brought us success under Reagan. There is nothing 'antiquated' about conservative philosophy, and there are growing numbers of young republicans, looking for leadership based on principled conviction and core conservative values.
"there are growing numbers of young republicans"

That's funny.

2/3 of the youth vote went Obama. New Republican registration has paled in comparison to the Dems.
Is there some law that said they had to vote? Nope, there is not.

But I tell ya what, if they didn't vote then fuck'em. The world is run by those who take the time to actually show up and cast their vote.

You want to talk like these people are the best of what the republicans have, and then suggest they didn't even vote? Can't have it both ways. If you don't vote you aren't wroth shit.

And you (and countless other hardcore republicans) kept harping on and on about how dangerous Obama was. You said he would turn this into a socialist nation. You whined about how dangerous it would be to have him dealing with the terrorists. And you moaned about it ruining the US.

And now you suggest that these prized "true" republicans couldn't even be bothered to vote AGAINST Obama?

No Dixie, those republicans you want either don't exist or they sat home pouting. Either way they are worth the same.
Is there some law that said they had to vote? Nope, there is not.

But I tell ya what, if they didn't vote then fuck'em. The world is run by those who take the time to actually show up and cast their vote.

LMAO... Well, it's nice of you to throw our potential voters under the bus for us and tell us to "fuck them!" I'll keep that advice in mind! :) I think the vast majority of them were not going to compromise principles, which is something I personally admire about conservatives. In 1976, they said... we are not going to elect Gerald Ford, just because he defaulted into the presidency, and Jimmy Carter was elected.... in 1992, they said... we are not going to re-elect HW Bush because he lied about raising our taxes, and Clinton was elected... in 1996, they said... we are not going to vote for Dole because he believes he is 'entitled' to be the president, and we got Clinton again.

You want to talk like these people are the best of what the republicans have, and then suggest they didn't even vote? Can't have it both ways. If you don't vote you aren't wroth shit.

Well, there is also not a law that says they can't vote next time. So, while they may not be worth a shit this time, it may not always be the case. I think that is a fundamental pinhead mistake in these elections, assuming that the support we had this election, is all the support we will ever have for the history of America! Dynamics are always changing.

And you (and countless other hardcore republicans) kept harping on and on about how dangerous Obama was. You said he would turn this into a socialist nation. You whined about how dangerous it would be to have him dealing with the terrorists. And you moaned about it ruining the US.

Well, he hasn't even taken the oath of office yet, I think it's a little premature to be claiming we were wrong, don't you? And I would like to correct you, I am not a "hard core republican" at all, I am a "hard core conservative" and there is a distinctive difference.

And now you suggest that these prized "true" republicans couldn't even be bothered to vote AGAINST Obama?

People of strong principle are often that way, I gave examples of elections past, where that was clearly the case. Let the right candidate come along and deliver principled convictions on core conservative values, and we will see who comes out of the woodworks to support them.

No Dixie, those republicans you want either don't exist or they sat home pouting. Either way they are worth the same.

As far as Election 2008, you are absolutely right... they are worth nothing. But we are talking about 2012 now, and how to rebuild the party. I appreciate your 'unbiased' input on the subject, but I think it would be a terrible mistake for us to continue trying to appease 'moderates' and make the left happy. I think we must return to what has worked so magnificently in the past for our party, and that has never been a compromise of core conservative principles.
Hey Lummox, let me "defilter" that for you...

I didn't say McCain had a majority of the youth votes.

You said "there are a growing # of young Republicans." What is your backup for that? Is that just a hunch on your part?

You should check voter registration trends during the Bush years.
You said "there are a growing # of young Republicans." What is your backup for that? Is that just a hunch on your part?

You should check voter registration trends during the Bush years.

Well Lummox, it means just what it says. People have babies, they grow into teenagers, and eventually reach the age of 18, and can vote. Assuming Republicans haven't stopped having babies, I would think the number of young republicans would be growing. I didn't make some statistical analytical statement of fact about voter registration or trends, which appears to be what you want to pin me into. I made a fairly innocuous statement of basic common sense and pragmatism. That's MY backup, I'm not a pinhead who has to have a statistic or graph posted on a website, to form my opinions for me.
Well Lummox, it means just what it says. People have babies, they grow into teenagers, and eventually reach the age of 18, and can vote. Assuming Republicans haven't stopped having babies, I would think the number of young republicans would be growing. I didn't make some statistical analytical statement of fact about voter registration or trends, which appears to be what you want to pin me into. I made a fairly innocuous statement of basic common sense and pragmatism. That's MY backup, I'm not a pinhead who has to have a statistic or graph posted on a website, to form my opinions for me.

But you are making a big assumption that the children of republicans will grow up to be republicans.

That is often not the case.
"That's MY backup, I'm not a pinhead who has to have a statistic or graph posted on a website, to form my opinions for me. "

Yeah, those facts can be pretty pesky things. Much better to just go w/ your gut...
But you are making a big assumption that the children of republicans will grow up to be republicans.

That is often not the case.

I make no assumption except that Republicans have a growing number of young conservative minded potential voters. The statement I made, was in response to your absurd assertion that "there aren't enough of those kind of republicans left to win elections!" Now, Lummox comes along and tries to twist my statement into something he can bash and refute, but I didn't make the statement he wants to attribute to me. Just as I am not making the assumption you now want to attribute to me.

For the record, two of my children voted for McCain and one for Obama.
"That's MY backup, I'm not a pinhead who has to have a statistic or graph posted on a website, to form my opinions for me. "

Yeah, those facts can be pretty pesky things. Much better to just go w/ your gut...

I'll go with my common sense and ability to think for myself. Statistical "facts" can be made to show virtually any result you seek to find, if you look hard enough. A wise man once said; "Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see."