Why should American voters vote Democratic this Fall?

I disagree; the Presidents agenda and policies most certainly drive economic activity. During Obamaunism's malaise we kept hearing that we need to get used to 1.7% GDP and a lack of good paying jobs.

Now we are hearing Make America Great again and have a President reducing taxes, ending regulatory overkill, opening up territory to more drilling, eliminating unnecessary environmental restirictions and reducing Government payrolls.

I am sorry, but you are dead wrong thinking that a President cannot have a significant impact through his political saand policies.

Sean Hannity couldn't have put it any better, he would have especially liked working the "make America great" into it
Tell us just how its done this year- 2018. The market is lower today than it was in mid January. Its not about yesterday but today. It has been a failure

Why do you morons on the left only want to count a small part of the Trump Presidency so far? It is dishonest and actually very stupid.

Trump inauguration = 19,827.25
Current Dow = 26,246.96

That's a gain of 6,419.71 asshat.
You are a self labeled "progressive" who is going to vote for a conservative ticket because you think the progressive party is under the control of a facist who wants to control the country, do I have that correct? You are aware that you mixed and crossed no less than four separate ideologies there, and then wrap it up with the mythological demigod of the hard core conservative?

Nothing personal, but your either not honest, or, confused

The DNC is not the progressive party. I support the Green Party when I can. They have nobody on my ballot. The DNC can be far more regressive than the GOP on economics, so they are the greater evil.
Stock market right now is at 26,259.19 That is at record highs you low information twat. Absolutely wrong again!

Anything over 26 is a record high you ignorant fucktard. Tell us again how Trump has hurt the economy. It is a laughable piece of moronic bullshit you morons on the left love to trot out.

So tell us again you asshole; why would Americans vote for Democrats this fall. Give us the list of wonderful things the Democrats are going to do and stop littering the thread with your whiny stupid bullshit.
Why do you morons on the left only want to count a small part of the Trump Presidency so far? It is dishonest and actually very stupid.

Trump inauguration = 19,827.25
Current Dow = 26,246.96

That's a gain of 6,419.71 asshat.

Thats yesterday honey bun, old news. What has he done for us lately, zero. The stock market is lower today than 8 months ago. President Obama produced every single year.
Facts are that in the 3rd week of January the market reached 16,606. Since that time almost 8 months its lower now than at that time. Middle class workers are earning less today than when trump took office, the tax cut has meant nothing to this group of people.

16,606? Fucking moron can't even get his own talking point straight. FACT; the market is ip by over 6,000 points since Trump was inaugurated you ignorant piece of human garbage.
The President doesn't play a direct role, however his policies can influence, Obama's actions as the stimulus and aiding the auto industry put needed currency into circulation to curb the rise of recession or possibly sliding into a depression.

It being just the economy cycle isn't accurate, without Obama's actions and more so the work of the Fed the US would have fell into a depression or would still be stagnant today

And switching Obama with Bush and getting the same results is hypothetical, seems as if a Democrat Administration wouldn't have completely turned its' back on needed regulation to curtail Wall Street gambling

A depression would be a picnic if what is being predicted actually occurs. Personally, and IMO, a depression would actually be a benefit to the country. Would be fine entertainment to see the elite jumping off roofs.
The President doesn't play a direct role, however his policies can influence, Obama's actions as the stimulus and aiding the auto industry put needed currency into circulation to curb the rise of recession or possibly sliding into a depression.

It being just the economy cycle isn't accurate, without Obama's actions and more so the work of the Fed the US would have fell into a depression or would still be stagnant today

And switching Obama with Bush and getting the same results is hypothetical, seems as if a Democrat Administration wouldn't have completely turned its' back on needed regulation to curtail Wall Street gambling

The only thing Obama's policies did was to extend the malaise in the slowest recovery in our history, make Wall Street Fat cats richer and conduct a foreign policy that was embarrassing and a massive failure.

Well, he also had extremely high food stamp participation, the highest debt accumulation of any President in our history and may keep that record for ever and very LOW labor participation rates and GDP.

Only low IQ morons like you and your leftist pals here can hail Obamunism. Facts are not your forte' snowflake.

So give it a whirl; why should we vote for Democrats this November? Give us the list of wonderful things they are going to do.
Your question was painfully stupid. The answer clearly is NO moron. They were significantly higher from when Obamunism ended. But you have no brain so you are incapable of intelligent debate or comprehending the OBVIOUS.

So let's see if you can deal with real content, if the answer is "no," what were those numbers at when Trump took over, what are they today, and how do they compare to when Obama took office?

I'll even run your favorite thru for you, the Market was at 6,547 on 3/09, 19,827 on 1/20/17, and 26,249 today. Now tell me you don't see a trending bull market beginning in Obama's first year which Trump inherited? Particularly amazing considering Obama began in a historical recession and Trump in a bull market

Sean Hannity couldn't have put it any better, he would have especially liked working the "make America great" into it

Don't run away yet snowflake; you haven't given us the list of reasons we should vote Democratic this November! Do it now.
Patriotism, and love of country. The hate is reserved for the likes of you as is consistently demonstrated by your inability to criticize the lying coward, yet find numerous ways to continue to denigrate Obama.

So give us this list of patriotic great things the Democrats offer the American voter in November should they win. You can do it!!
The DNC is not the progressive party. I support the Green Party when I can. They have nobody on my ballot. The DNC can be far more regressive than the GOP on economics, so they are the greater evil.

^Gets it. Not to mention the DNC is far more regressive on businesses, liberty and choice.
Anything over 26 is a record high you ignorant fucktard. Tell us again how Trump has hurt the economy. It is a laughable piece of moronic bullshit you morons on the left love to trot out.

So tell us again you asshole; why would Americans vote for Democrats this fall. Give us the list of wonderful things the Democrats are going to do and stop littering the thread with your whiny stupid bullshit.

If the economy is so great, why are trump approval numbers in the toilet?
Thats yesterday honey bun, old news. What has he done for us lately, zero. The stock market is lower today than 8 months ago. President Obama produced every single year.

I guess you missed all the lists from earlier in the thread; ignoring facts is what you do best snowflake.

So here is your chance; give us the list of BETTER things the Democrats are offering voters in November.
A depression would be a picnic if what is being predicted actually occurs. Personally, and IMO, a depression would actually be a benefit to the country. Would be fine entertainment to see the elite jumping off roofs.

You really are a nasty old cunt aren't you? Who the fuck wishes that on a nation other than angry nasty old slime balls full of hate. No wonder you vote Democratic; you're and angry old moron.
Don't run away yet snowflake; you haven't given us the list of reasons we should vote Democratic this November! Do it now.

Already did, Americans don't like Trump, they don't like his lack of honesty, integrity, or ethics, Democrats can, actually are, running against Trump, and successively
I guess you missed all the lists from earlier in the thread; ignoring facts is what you do best snowflake.

So here is your chance; give us the list of BETTER things the Democrats are offering voters in November.

1. Oversight
2. Oversight
3. Oversight

Just a part of what they are paid to do
If the economy is so great, why are trump approval numbers in the toilet?

Already told them a number of times, and they just can't accept it, Americans think the economy happened in spite of Trump and not because of Trump. And the proof is that the economy as an a issue isn't a big campaign topic for the GOP in the midterms