Why should American voters vote Democratic this Fall?

How much has it lost in the last 8 months???

Didn't some one point out that no policies of the incoming president are in effect the first year? So, would not reality tell a person that any changes in the stock market, etc. were the result of policies of Obama until 2018?

Considering who you are "debating" reality, and facts, mean nothing.
So let's see if you can deal with real content, if the answer is "no," what were those numbers at when Trump took over, what are they today, and how do they compare to when Obama took office?

Once again; Trumps Inauguration = 19,827.25. Close today = 26,246.96. Gain = 6,419.71

Most Presidents don't see that kind of gain in their 8 years of service.

I'll even run your favorite thru for you, the Market was at 6,547 on 3/09, 19,827 on 1/20/17, and 26,249 today. Now tell me you don't see a trending bull market beginning in Obama's first year which Trump inherited? Particularly amazing considering Obama began in a historical recession and Trump in a bull market

Only a moron on steroids tries to pretend that we don't start counting where the DOW was before the collapse. On October 9, 2007, the Dow closed at 14,164.43. That is your starting point snowflake. That is the point the market has to get back to before we start claiming recovery. The market did very well under Obamunism, but it came at a very high cost using Quantitative easing and burying this nation in $10 trillion in debt. That is hardly something to brag about dumbass.

I do wish you had a brain.
Didn't some one point out that no policies of the incoming president are in effect the first year? So, would not reality tell a person that any changes in the stock market, etc. were the result of policies of Obama until 2018?

Considering who you are "debating" reality, and facts, mean nothing.

The currently held belief is that the economy boomed from the day Trump was elected
If the economy is so great, why are trump approval numbers in the toilet?

Americans are being fooled by a media that lies to them daily. But liars cannot maintain the lies indefinitely and eventually the truth gets out, sinks in and Americans figure out they've been lied to by a dishonest media doing anything it can to divide and destroy a President and this nation.

So tell us again you asshole; why would Americans vote for Democrats this fall. Give us the list of wonderful things the Democrats are going to do and stop littering the thread with your whiny stupid bullshit.
Does it matter? The market is up by over 6,400 points snowflake. That's a good thing. I know in moron land where you wallow it is bad. Because you are a willful idiot on steroids.

Spoken by the resident genius who doesnt know the difference between a share and a stock and who also believes the current market is at an all time high.
You aint being paid to understand the stock market, honey, go bake some cookies.
Americans are being fooled by a media that lies to them daily. But liars cannot maintain the lies indefinitely and eventually the truth gets out, sinks in and Americans figure out they've been lied to by a dishonest media doing anything it can to divide and destroy a President and this nation.

So tell us again you asshole; why would Americans vote for Democrats this fall. Give us the list of wonderful things the Democrats are going to do and stop littering the thread with your whiny stupid bullshit.


Tell us just what trump has done for the middle class.................
Already did, Americans don't like Trump, they don't like his lack of honesty, integrity, or ethics, Democrats can, actually are, running against Trump, and successively

So the ONLY thing Democrats have is that they are running against Trump? Awesome! And Americans will look at this and throw away the tax benefits, the job benefits, the bonuses, record DOW and higher pay for that?

Already told them a number of times, and they just can't accept it, Americans think the economy happened in spite of Trump and not because of Trump. And the proof is that the economy as an a issue isn't a big campaign topic for the GOP in the midterms

:lolup:Willful idiot thinks all Americans are as stupid as he is. :rofl2:
Didn't some one point out that no policies of the incoming president are in effect the first year? So, would not reality tell a person that any changes in the stock market, etc. were the result of policies of Obama until 2018?

Considering who you are "debating" reality, and facts, mean nothing.

:lolup:Willful dumbfuck thinks this is Trump's first year. :rofl2:
Spoken by the resident genius who doesnt know the difference between a share and a stock and who also believes the current market is at an all time high.
You aint being paid to understand the stock market, honey, go bake some cookies.

Ironic coming from an uneducated moron like you.
That is not oversight they are offering; it is obstructionism and a do-nothing Congress. I doubt Americans want that.

You currently have a do nothing Congress, other than licking trumps balls every day. Once the Democrats take over there will be real oversight, and real investigations. Thats what America wants... a Congress that will do its job for once.